Testosterone Propionate - What does it do for you?
Testosterone Propionate - What does it do for you?
Test prop is a great short acting test, Your gonna see emediate results from this one granted you follow a strict diet and exercise program. Eat your ass off and run it either (eod) every, other, day,,,,, OR every day like me! I love the shit! It comes cheap and works great! Doesnt stay in your system for too long too incase your worried about detection times as far as testing is concerned. I always reccomend to do your research! KNOLEDGE IS POWER IN THIS GAME AND IT GOES POUND FOR POUND IN MUSCLE!!!!!
read the profile on it.... test is test. propionate just is a faster acting version of cyp or enan
RESEARCH!!!!!!! Come on guys......This isnt AAS 101.....do some research for yourself and you could learn a lot more than originally intended......
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