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Thread: started clen cycle yesterday and im freezing...WTF?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2008

    started clen cycle yesterday and im freezing...WTF?

    Ok, so i decided to do a clen cutting cycle for about 6 weeks before doing a tbol cycle, my bf is just to high and i want to see that shit working, not just more hulking. Anyway, i figured since im a big dude, i could throw caution to the wind and start off with highish dose...80mcg. Felt jittery but nothing too crazy, heart wasn't pounding or anything like that. Did 80 today figuring since it has a long half life, it takes time to build up. Same thing, jittery, a little shakey and cold. Normally, since im a big fat dude, i am hot, but since ive been taking this, i feel cold. So i went out and bought a digital thermometer and all be damned if the HIGHEST i can get is 98.3. WTF?

    Buy the way i did 46mn of light cardio this morning, had breakfast an hour later, bought the thing at wally, then tested. Still same thing and i still feel cold. Didn't seem to sweat as much during cardio as well.

    So whats up with that? Is this normal? Anybody?

    P.S. Like a tard i didn't get a baseline reading on my body temp
    Last edited by Bjohnson; 04-25-2008 at 05:37 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2008


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Bjohnson View Post
    Ok, so i decided to do a clen cutting cycle for about 6 weeks before doing a tbol cycle, my bf is just to high and i want to see that shit working, not just more hulking. Anyway, i figured since im a big dude, i could throw caution to the wind and start off with highish dose...80mcg. Felt jittery but nothing too crazy, heart wasn't pounding or anything like that. Did 80 today figuring since it has a long half life, it takes time to build up. Same thing, jittery, a little shakey and cold. Normally, since im a big fat dude, i am hot, but since ive been taking this, i feel cold. So i went out and bought a digital thermometer and all be damned if the HIGHEST i can get is 98.3. WTF?

    Buy the way i did 46mn of light cardio this morning, had breakfast an hour later, bought the thing at wally, then tested. Still same thing and i still feel cold. Didn't seem to sweat as much during cardio as well.

    So whats up with that? Is this normal? Anybody?

    P.S. Like a tard i didn't get a baseline reading on my body temp
    Dude, 80 mcg is way to high to begin with clen, I started at 20 first day and slowly increased by 20 over a 7 day period, stopping at 120. The general rule is when you get the shake decrease the dose slightly and stick with that. You could also read the profile of clen on the homepage

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Also, you should measure your temp before you begin clen and then again during - note the slight increase in body temp, when that drops back down to your normal temp (usually about after 2 weeks for me) stop taking it for a few week and then begin again

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    i know it was too high. I took 40 and didn't feel anything so 4 hours later i took like 40 more. Its not making me uncomfortable really, just a little shakey but the cold thing is weird. Mind you i im 6'4" 250 so i figured a little bigger starting dose would be in order. im going to go 80 a couple more days unless things get weird but im trippin on this cold thing. Nobody else has experienced this?

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