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Thread: Sustanon, deca and dbol cycle HELP

  1. #1

    Sustanon, deca and dbol cycle HELP

    A friend of mine has 2 vials of sustanon 250, 2 vials of deca and 4 vials of dianabol. He is wanting to do a tri cycle but has no idea as to how much to use and the cycle itself. he also doesn't know what needles to buy or how much to draw. Is there anyone fully experienced in an all injectable stack of this nature? Is there anything else he would need?


  2. #2
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    On, CANADA

  3. #3
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    houston, tx
    stats? age, height, weight, training exp..etc

  4. #4
    Injectable DBOL!?..havnt heard of that in a long time! are you sure it is real?..anyways..maybe ur buddy needs 2 research himself alot more!as far as pins go he'll need 23 gauge needles etc. {read up on how to inject} and idk about the injectable dbols i think those might be tabs but whatever.

    Cycle should be 20 weeks:
    1-12 Decca 500mg/w {E3D}
    1-14 Sustanon 500mg/w {EOD}
    1-5 Dianabol 30mg/d {if the Dbols is tabs, if its injectable no clue research!}
    16-20 Nolvadex 20mg/d
    16-20 Clomid 150mg/d
    Possibly HCG

    also what are your age ,stats, cycle experience, and goals?

  5. #5
    Big's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bulldog1115 View Post
    Injectable DBOL!?..havnt heard of that in a long time! are you sure it is real?..anyways..maybe ur buddy needs 2 research himself alot more!as far as pins go he'll need 23 gauge needles etc. {read up on how to inject} and idk about the injectable dbols i think those might be tabs but whatever.

    Cycle should be 20 weeks:
    1-12 Decca 500mg/w {E3D}
    1-14 Sustanon 500mg/w {EOD}
    1-5 Dianabol 30mg/d {if the Dbols is tabs, if its injectable no clue research!}
    16-20 Nolvadex 20mg/d
    16-20 Clomid 150mg/d
    Possibly HCG

    also what are your age ,stats, cycle experience, and goals?
    as evidenced by the posts above yours, we want stats before we give cycle advice.

  6. #6
    He is 41 years old. 5'11" and 180 with little body fat. He has ben as big as 215 naturally as little as three years ago and did one cycle of test 7 years ago. He can naturally gain alot of mass and I have een hime gains as much as 24 lbs in just two months. He has started back in the gym with a natural gain of 8 lbs so far.

  7. #7
    He picked up his supply from an American doctor he knows personally now living in Mexico and practicing there. This is in fact real injectable d-bol.

  8. #8
    o ok then, sorry bout giving him a cycle before i knew his stats{very ignorant of me}, idk what i was thinking..but does your friend know anything about dieting etc? i hope he doesnt think these are magic beans and youll grow no matter what!?

  9. #9
    He is well versed in diet. He won second place in the Body for Life contest 8 years ago. He will eat like an animal with the appropriate amount of quality protein versus carbs, get plenty of sleep and drink no alcohol.

  10. #10
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    Is he set on doing this cycle? If he can gain easily naturally why doesn't he do that for a while. I wish I had those kind of genetics.

  11. #11
    He will in fact to ork out naturally and hit a plateau in just 3 months. He started at 176lbs two weeks ago and will probably peak at 195-200lbs in another two months but he wants to hit 225-230lbs.

  12. #12
    See i don't agree with Protein over Carbs, EVen while i am cutting i eat double the carbs then i do protein. Your body can only use 30g protein in one meal {assuming you weigh 185 like me, if you weigh more, your body can consume at most 40g} so let say hes like me and weighs 185, 6 meals a day at 30g per meal is 180g of protein per day give or take a few grams here and there. Your body will respond much better to that then it would 300g of protein per day bcuz you will end up either storing in fat cells or pissing it out! Now carbs, more quality carbs you eat, more energy for workouts etc. your body responds better to carb inatke then it does high protein intake, not to mention good carbs make muscles fuller!...just something to think about!..anyone oppose my option?

  13. #13
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    why bother taking bulking roids? may be just want to try cutting roids

  14. #14
    PLEASE DO NOT USE THE WORD ROIDS!..thats an outsider's word that i hate and cannot stand!..but i do agree with you aliitle!

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Texan Adventure View Post
    He will in fact to ork out naturally and hit a plateau in just 3 months. He started at 176lbs two weeks ago and will probably peak at 195-200lbs in another two months but he wants to hit 225-230lbs.
    I can agree with him cycling at 200lb assuming his bf% is ok. So heres what id do.

    sus 125mg eod wks 1-12or14
    deca 100mg eod wks 1-10or12
    i have no knowledge on injectable dbol (probably 50mg ed but I dont know the half life of that compound so I dont know about injection frequency im guessing you would run it like inject winni once ed but youll have to check further.
    as far as the deca eod you have to shoot the sus eod so you might as well shoot the deca with the sus to make things easier.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bulldog1115 View Post
    See i don't agree with Protein over Carbs, EVen while i am cutting i eat double the carbs then i do protein. Your body can only use 30g protein in one meal {assuming you weigh 185 like me, if you weigh more, your body can consume at most 40g} so let say hes like me and weighs 185, 6 meals a day at 30g per meal is 180g of protein per day give or take a few grams here and there. Your body will respond much better to that then it would 300g of protein per day bcuz you will end up either storing in fat cells or pissing it out! Now carbs, more quality carbs you eat, more energy for workouts etc. your body responds better to carb inatke then it does high protein intake, not to mention good carbs make muscles fuller!...just something to think about!..anyone oppose my option?
    180g protein for a 185lb person is rediculous. your body can absorb around 50g protein every 1.5-2 hrs. yes you need more carbs than protein when bulking but if your taking in over 4000 cals ed you will get more than enough carbs and protein if your eating right. Id say your not eating enough.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bulldog1115 View Post
    PLEASE DO NOT USE THE WORD ROIDS!..thats an outsider's word that i hate and cannot stand!..but i do agree with you aliitle!
    sorry bro JUICE better?

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by ZEUS3 View Post
    sorry bro JUICE better?
    Is that your dog in your avy?

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    not original pic but have dog and bitch of same breed staffordshire bull terrier and dogs names zeus

  20. #20
    No please say like gear or drugs or AAS not roids, but see ive talked 2 3 doctors and many nutrionalist and they say your liver can only handle 30g of protein every few hours, and that any more is just a waste.....any other options!

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