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Thread: Tren-E midway in cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Tren-E midway in cycle

    Hey guys,

    I`m currently on 400mg/wk Test-C, and I was consdiering tapering off the test to 200mg/wk and adding Tren-E 400mg/wk for weeks 5-10 on a 12 week cycle. Do you think the test will have too much buildup by that time and the sides be a bit much?

  2. #2
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    Last edited by Phate; 04-25-2008 at 08:50 PM. Reason: misread

  3. #3
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  4. #4
    Big's Avatar
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    tren e is a long ester, I wouldn't bother running it for that short of a time.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Big View Post
    tren e is a long ester, I wouldn't bother running it for that short of a time.
    I'm curious - I was thinking of doing a similar thing, but add tren ace and extend my cycle 4-6 weeks...can it be done? Currently running test and deca, at 10 weeks will stop deca and run tren ace making a total of a 16 week cycle.

    What do you think Big? This may be helpful to the dude the posted the original question, considering tren ace is a shorter ester, which is what he needs correct?

  6. #6
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    It could be done, even with tren a I would prefer 8 weeks, so that's stretching it a bit.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Big View Post
    It could be done, even with tren a I would prefer 8 weeks, so that's stretching it a bit.
    Cheers big, so would you consider a 16-18 week cycle I'm planning too long? I mean, I have no sides and usually don't get any on a cycle. I also have an aggressive PCT ready.

  8. #8
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    everyone is different, but personally the longer the cycle runs I see a point of diminishing returns. Even with proper nutrition and training, I make better gains weeks 6-12 than I do weeks 12-18. That's just from personal experimentation, so for that reason I keep cycles around 12-14 weeks now. You may like it though, if everything is in order you won't know till you try.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Big View Post
    everyone is different, but personally the longer the cycle runs I see a point of diminishing returns. Even with proper nutrition and training, I make better gains weeks 6-12 than I do weeks 12-18. That's just from personal experimentation, so for that reason I keep cycles around 12-14 weeks now. You may like it though, if everything is in order you won't know till you try.
    Yeah bro I hear you - from my standpoint I'm assuming that changing to a shorter ester may shock the muscles into growing. Cheers again big, as always some good sound advice.

  10. #10
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    Well, Then I suppose I would do it like this then

    Test-C Week 1 - 800mg
    Test-C Week 2 - 400mg
    Test-C Week 3-12 200mg

    Tren-E Week 3-12 - 400mg

    The problem is, this is my first cycle and i`m already into week two. I just wanted to see how I would react to the test, but since the only major side is a small amount of acne, I wanted to know if tren would be ok to sub in.

    I know most don`t recommend it, but I really don`t know why. Can someone explain?

  11. #11
    Big's Avatar
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    I recommend one compound for a first cycle to see how you respond throughout the duration of the cycle. If you have negative effects with multiple compounds you won't know which compound caused it. That and the fact that with fresh receptors great gains can be made first cycle with test-only.

  12. #12
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    ^^two weeks into test C is not enough to feel the effects. Wait till about week 5-6 and you'll blow up. Don't be impatient and add tren E for your first cycle. That's ridiculously overkill and unnecessary.

  13. #13
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    Damit big. You beat me.

  14. #14
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    I see, good advice. However, if I have fresh receptors, wouldn`t more powerful androgens yeild bigger gains, or does it seem to cap at some point?

  15. #15
    If this is your first cycle, I would leave the tren out, and NOT taper the test. The reason is because you want to see the results of a consistent first cycle and how your body reacts to it so you can tweak your dosages and compounds used in later cycles... If you jerk around with all these different dosages and compounds the first time around, you have no baseline, and you really have no clue how your body is reacting to anything you did..

  16. #16
    Everyone beat me to that one! LOL

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gears View Post
    I see, good advice. However, if I have fresh receptors, wouldn`t more powerful androgens yeild bigger gains, or does it seem to cap at some point?
    Your body can gain only a certain amount of weight on a cycle. With test C as a first cycle you could easily gain 25-30lbs with proper diet. Adding another compund won't yield a lot more gains, but it will make it increasingly harder to recover causing you to loose more gains post cycle if you don't take proper precautions. Just stick to the test C and if you're impatient add some dbols, but nothing else and certainly not Tren E.

  18. #18
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    Thanks for the replys, I think i`ll just stick to the test then. The only reason I was going to taper it off was to reach an HRT dose.

    Now it`ll just be 400mg/wk, 800 for the frontload.

  19. #19
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    Now I gotta stare at these tren vials untill winter.

  20. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by Gears View Post
    Thanks for the replys, I think i`ll just stick to the test then. The only reason I was going to taper it off was to reach an HRT dose.

    Now it`ll just be 400mg/wk, 800 for the frontload.
    Are you going to stay on an HRT dose after the cycle? If not, then you would be right not to taper, but run a proper PCT.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by MasterShake View Post
    Are you going to stay on an HRT dose after the cycle? If not, then you would be right not to taper, but run a proper PCT.
    No, i`m going to run 400mg/wk untill the cycle is up. I also have HCG/Tamox/Clomid/A-Dex for PCT, thought i`m probably going to save the HCG for the tren cycle.

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