well iam 23 yrs old guy from pakistan and have been on this webpage for a long time i decided to use roids but didnt have nay clue so here what i wana do
week1-10 sustanon 750mg a week
week1-10 durabolin(not deca its the faster virgin of deca) 375mg a week
i might consider using proviron and nolvadex with it after fourth week
i just had my first shot on 20th of dec and today on 23dec i did another and believe me i am up by 2.2lbs em eating 250mg of protien every day and about after every 3 hours i have meal all natural no supplements
here are my stats bro
on 20th dec before my shot
wasit 30.2''
biceps 14.2''
weight 136.4
just before the second shot on 23rd
waist 30.2'
weight 138.6
my height is 5''3 and em ripped till now some time ago i did some coffe to reduce my fat and it worked ...once agian these are high doses and since this stuff in pakistan is over the counter so i dont have problems in getting the roids or the anit-e dont copy this cycle plzee
i will keep u up dated on my cycle thank u very much all....