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Thread: NEW .What do I take !

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Where you ride horses!

    NEW .What do I take !

    Hello all i'm new to this and have been wanting to persue the gear to help with gains . I have been working out naturally for over 10 combined years and i'm in pretty good shape . I have allways been stocky and musculer but not big .
    i have allways had a hard time with bulding my chest . I am 33 years old and find it hard to get any gains. i eat right and stay healthy . i like to pump iron it relaxes me and helps me sleep . I have tried supliments like legal gear .com MASTERDOL AND SOME OTHER SUPLIMENTS . They have worked but i think It was mostly water retention.those items have been banned and i tried there new stuff and it doesnt seem to work at all and it upset my stoumach lining .
    I weigh 172 lbs and Im not sure about my body fat but i dont have much i'm pretty lean , 5'8" tall .i was looking at the deca durabolin Because it has the least amount of side effects but I have never done this before so I'm seeking help. I also dont know how to get gear so I guess you can say I'm ahead of myself! If you guys can let me know ahts safe and what would be a good start I would appreaciate it !

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    My Guy's poophole
    Quote Originally Posted by moonroof View Post
    Hello all i'm new to this and have been wanting to persue the gear to help with gains . I have been working out naturally for over 10 combined years and i'm in pretty good shape . I have allways been stocky and musculer but not big .
    i have allways had a hard time with bulding my chest . I am 33 years old and find it hard to get any gains. i eat right and stay healthy . i like to pump iron it relaxes me and helps me sleep . I have tried supliments like legal gear .com MASTERDOL AND SOME OTHER SUPLIMENTS . They have worked but i think It was mostly water retention.those items have been banned and i tried there new stuff and it doesnt seem to work at all and it upset my stoumach lining .
    I weigh 172 lbs and Im not sure about my body fat but i dont have much i'm pretty lean , 5'8" tall .i was looking at the deca durabolin Because it has the least amount of side effects but I have never done this before so I'm seeking help. I also dont know how to get gear so I guess you can say I'm ahead of myself! If you guys can let me know ahts safe and what would be a good start I would appreaciate it !
    Absolutely wrong, it is a 19nor compound, it IS in fact a dangerous compound, if messed up.
    Start from the STICKIES!!!
    Why nobody try to search and do this???

    Start here:

    You still have lot to learn and to EAT before doing roids.

    Last edited by ChuckLee; 04-30-2008 at 08:59 AM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    + 1 for chucks advice

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Read my blog
    A) welcome!
    B) i'd edit out the last part where u say u dotn know how to get gear, this isnt a source board and you will open ur self up to scammers
    C) so your 5'8" adn 172, and you dont know bf% but prettly lean correct? and 33y/o?
    D) you say ur diet is good, like what macros and such because thats the big part of the gains on AAS
    E) many will say for a first cycle, do plain test e at 500 mg/week split into 2 shots
    F) what are your opinions on injections? are you fine w/ ED, EOD, E3D, 2X week? this will limit what u take also because of the active life of the test...
    G) check out the PCT forum because to keep your gains after your cycle, you need to do a good PCT
    H) and if you have questions on your diet and diet for your goals (mass, cut) check out the diet forum, esp the stickies

    and again welcome!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    No Steroids for you..NEXT
    Hey man welcome. Their are some very knowledgable guys here so take some time and start reading and using the search engine. I took gear a while back with no know how and it messed me up bad so please learn before you do anything. Anyway good luck

  6. #6
    inky-e's Avatar
    inky-e is offline AR's ORIGINAL ANABOLIC OUTLAW~ [RIP-8/20/11]
    Join Date
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    the three oh!
    Steroids are bad.jk Research the hell out of it before you jump in!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    UK - A Backward Part
    +2 for chucks post.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Where you ride horses!
    Thanks guys I hate to start because I dont know . Kinda scarry too!!

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