Hello all i'm new to this and have been wanting to persue the gear to help with gains . I have been working out naturally for over 10 combined years and i'm in pretty good shape . I have allways been stocky and musculer but not big .
i have allways had a hard time with bulding my chest . I am 33 years old and find it hard to get any gains. i eat right and stay healthy . i like to pump iron it relaxes me and helps me sleep . I have tried supliments like legal gear .com MASTERDOL AND SOME OTHER SUPLIMENTS . They have worked but i think It was mostly water retention.those items have been banned and i tried there new stuff and it doesnt seem to work at all and it upset my stoumach lining .
I weigh 172 lbs and Im not sure about my body fat but i dont have much i'm pretty lean , 5'8" tall .i was looking at the deca durabolin Because it has the least amount of side effects but I have never done this before so I'm seeking help. I also dont know how to get gear so I guess you can say I'm ahead of myself! If you guys can let me know ahts safe and what would be a good start I would appreaciate it!