I am interested to know what gains ppl have had while taking only oral winny and nuthing else?
please tell doage per day and what it did to ur body.
I am interested to know what gains ppl have had while taking only oral winny and nuthing else?
please tell doage per day and what it did to ur body.
never done oral only winn...its had different effects on different people
winstrol orals vs injectables
do a search on that...they have plenty of good info
u got ne good links cus i would appreciate tht? i hve researched side effects and other things but i would liek to hear from people what gains they have made on using winy alone.
I did a 6 week cycle of wintrol only 50mg ed. Strength gains were decent, benchpress went up 50lbs or so. It will make your muscles really hard, didnt really cut them all that well. It felt more like a bulk cycle even though I was on a strict diet I still gained 5 lbs or so. No water retention so my face never got bloated. The downsides were that it kinda made me tired every day, I needed to nap every day during lunch. I kind of felt like shit most of the time maybe due to the drop in natural test. Sex drive went down pretty bad, stuff that used to drive me crazy suddenly didnt. The worst of all it dried out my joints in my shoulders/chest to the point I couldnt benchpress or do pullups/pushups. I would not do a winny cycle ever again. My next cycle will be a test only cycle most likely 400-600 mgs ew
you have already posted like four threads that ask this same question.....we all told you that this is a very bad idea.....you seriously need to do some more research........Quit asking stupid questions.......DO SOME RESEARCH.........
here u go...read away
read it all
Last edited by Emilio_Rebenga; 04-30-2008 at 04:21 PM.
oops..i forgot i cant add urls here...lol..my bad
did four weeks at 40mg ed and put on 5lbs and lost some fat because of diet also it made my muscles really hard
actually my pm option still isnt activated yet so I might not respond
no the info here is cool and helps me enuf thnks for the help again
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