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Thread: Newbie needs advice...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Unhappy Newbie needs advice...


    new to this site and also new to using suplements. have some questions and hope you guys can help out.

    im a 27 yr old male. been working out for about ten years now and have always been natural. was told by various different people that deca is the way to go for bad or aching joints. i have a really messed up shoulder and decided to try it.

    my gear consits of masteron, deca-durabolin, and test propionate. i was told to take 1cc of the test and 1cc masteron e.o.d and 1cc deca every 5 days. so i started the cycle this past sunday at noon taking all 3 in my right glute. felt fine for a few hours than started get real sore by about 6 pm. by 10pm i could barely sit down. i've read that soreness is bound to happen especially on your first cycle. but thats not whats really bothering me. the next morning when i woke up my body was kind of aching. almost cold/flu like aching where your body and skins real sensitive. it didnt get much better through out the day so when evening came around i decided to try and sleep it off. woke up next morning feeling a little better but still knd of aching and sore as hell, especially in the tailbone section. its tuesday now and time for another shot. this time my buddy shoots it in my quad. no pain at all. started getting sore by the evening again but today when i woke up i was really feeling the flu like symptoms. also had head aches, mild dizzy spells and head just felt cloudy at times. also my body felt really warm. took my temp and it was normal 97.9.

    are these symtoms normal? am i doing too much for the 1st cycle? is this combination right for me? any help and advice would be greatly appreciated...thanks!

  2. #2
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    I'm a new user as well.

    The symptoms of which you describe sound very similar to my own. I also had the ache and the low grade flu symptoms. Apparently, your body is treating the test as a foreign substance, which may account for the flu-like symptoms.

  3. #3
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    do you have a PCT lined out? if not, you should check out the PCT forum and work one out asap!

  4. #4
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    from the sounds of it you should have done a bit more research before starting your cycle.

    what are your full stats? age, bf%, height, weight?

    do you know what pct is and how to use ancillaries properly? if not, you are in big trouble.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Amorphic View Post

    from the sounds of it you should have done a bit more research before starting your cycle.

    what are your full stats? age, bf%, height, weight?

    do you know what pct is and how to use ancillaries properly? if not, you are in big trouble.
    im 5"11, not to sure about bf% but i would say im more towards the lean side, and weigh 165. i dont know what ancillaries are or pct for that matter. pleas fill me in. thanks

  6. #6
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    wow, at least he came here to research what hes doin...

    PCT is post cycle therpy, aka keep ur gains after ur done shooting up...
    hows your diet?

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lemonada8 View Post
    do you have a PCT lined out? if not, you should check out the PCT forum and work one out asap!

    This might be a silly question, but why should he worry about PCT when he is currently going through his first cycle? I thought PCT is for when the cycle ends.....that is, the intermission between the end of one cycle and the beginning of another.
    Last edited by tdln; 05-01-2008 at 01:53 AM.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by tdln View Post
    I'm a new user as well.

    The symptoms of which you describe sound very similar to my own. I also had the ache and the low grade flu symptoms. Apparently, your body is treating the test as a foreign substance, which may account for the flu-like symptoms.
    so did you continue with the suppplements, and if so did the symptoms eventually go away?

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Youngster77 View Post
    so did you continue with the suppplements, and if so did the symptoms eventually go away?
    I did experience those symptoms of which I described, but those symptoms disappeared after the third day......

    I am only getting my second shot I hope those symptoms eventually go away or are minimised when I am well into the first cycle.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by tdln View Post
    This might be a silly question, but why should he worry about PCT when he is currently going through his first cycle? I thought PCT is for when the cycle ends.....that is, the intermission between the end of one cycle and the beginning of another.
    pct is what restores your natural testosterone to normal levels after you end a cycle being shut down for 12 weeks or so.

    without pct, your cortisol levels are insanely high and your body is producing no testosterone to keep the new muscle you worked so hard for.

    bottom line, no pct = no gains after your cycle and problems down the road for recovery.

    to the thread poster: you are in over your head. take my advice and STOP the cycle now before you do yourself a good deal of harm.

    learn about pct, get some chems on hand and work on your diet. 165 pounds is not near your genetic potential. you have growing to do naturally still.

  11. #11
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    Could you please explain to me what is so concerning about his first cycle? I am also in my first cycle and I have experienced similar side effects as well? I am not sure I understand the relevance of PCT in this discussion. I understand what PCT is but it is an issue that should be concentrated upon at the end of the cycle rather than the beginning.

    If I am missing something, please clue me in.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by tdln View Post
    Could you please explain to me what is so concerning about his first cycle? I am also in my first cycle and I have experienced similar side effects as well? I am not sure I understand the relevance of PCT in this discussion. I understand what PCT is but it is an issue that should be concentrated upon at the end of the cycle rather than the beginning.

    If I am missing something, please clue me in.
    you DO NOT start ANY cycle without having your pct gear ON HAND AND READY.

    pct is just as important as the cycle itself, if not more important.

    those of you that are ignoring this fact are in for a terrible time when your cycle draws to a close.

    take the time to EDUCATE yourselves about pct, there is an entire forum about it.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Amorphic View Post
    you DO NOT start ANY cycle without having your pct gear ON HAND AND READY.

    pct is just as important as the cycle itself, if not more important.

    those of you that are ignoring this fact are in for a terrible time when your cycle draws to a close.

    take the time to EDUCATE yourselves about pct, there is an entire forum about it.
    My cycle is going to end in 10 weeks....I think I have plenty of time to get PCT gear when the time comes.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by tdln View Post
    My cycle is going to end in 10 weeks....I think I have plenty of time to get PCT gear when the time comes.
    and what if you encounter a problem in your cycle and you are forced to stop early? what will you do then?

    and if im not mistaken, you dont even have a source for your pct chems yet, so what makes you so confident you will get them in time?

    I hope this comment by you is universally rejected as it sets a TERRIBLE train of thought into motion that other noobs may embrace.

    i have nothing else to say. PCT should be ready before a cycle starts, and any other view on this is illogical and irrelevant.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Amorphic View Post
    and what if you encounter a problem in your cycle and you are forced to stop early? what will you do then?

    and if im not mistaken, you dont even have a source for your pct chems yet, so what makes you so confident you will get them in time?

    I hope this comment by you is universally rejected as it sets a TERRIBLE train of thought into motion that other noobs may embrace.

    i have nothing else to say. PCT should be ready before a cycle starts, and any other view on this is illogical and irrelevant.
    appreciate the info on pct and will definitely put in my order asap..but my main concern was the side effects that i was expierencing. jsut wanted to see if this was normal and if its something i need to worry about. thanks for your reply tdln.

  16. #16
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    you asked if ur cycle was to much for a first time.... that showed that you didnt do much research before you started, which is fine people do it all the time,... you were 'told' to take it... you must have some extreme trust... that why I first asked about a PCT because like amorphic said... its just as important as the cycle itself... and i havent started my cycle because i am waiting for my pct stuff, and its been 2 weeks... good thing i ordered before i start my cycle... AAS is something that you should plan out and prepare for...... there is a real good thread about this:

    and heres one for PCT:

    what are your goals? i'm guessing u want to bulk... becasue of ur weight....

  17. #17
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    another question is... is your gear legit? are you feeling gains? w/ test p, you should feel something... but ur symptoms are fine....

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Amorphic View Post

    from the sounds of it you should have done a bit more research before starting your cycle.

    what are your full stats? age, bf%, height, weight?

    do you know what pct is and how to use ancillaries properly? if not, you are in big trouble.
    You know that sounds all well and good but I'm sure sometimes its frustrating because like me I have read a LOT but when I ask questions 90% of the time I dont get but only one reply or two and it's usually another question, not an answer and then the thread gets buried.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    You know that sounds all well and good but I'm sure sometimes its frustrating because like me I have read a LOT but when I ask questions 90% of the time I dont get but only one reply or two and it's usually another question, not an answer and then the thread gets buried.
    well the basics are covered in the stickies... what to run for a first cycle, what to think about, diet, workouts, and a pct...

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lemonada8 View Post
    well the basics are covered in the stickies... what to run for a first cycle, what to think about, diet, workouts, and a pct...
    Yes plenty to read, been doing it for weeks. Still questions, Diet, workout inline, cycle and pct questions going unanswered. I'm bumping a few other threads similar to mine or what I'm looking for hoping I may get some answers along with other people.
    Last edited by lovbyts; 05-01-2008 at 01:06 PM.

  21. #21
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    Red face

    Quote Originally Posted by Lemonada8 View Post
    another question is... is your gear legit? are you feeling gains? w/ test p, you should feel something... but ur symptoms are fine....
    im pretyy sure the gear is good. i know of a few people that purcahse form him and physically, they look amazing. honestly i dont really feel much besides shitty after each shot. i just did my 3rd shot today (1cc masteron and 1cc test/prop. 1cc deca tomorrow.

    i have 2 other buddies that are pretty much on the same cycle as me. one of them has syptoms alomost identical to mine (it's his first time as well) and the other is loving it, although he has been juicing on and off for nearly 10 years. hope for the best i guess...

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