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Thread: Putting Together summer cycle...Opinions!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    Putting Together summer cycle...Opinions!

    Hey guys....plan on running a summer cycle...looking to put on lean mass...

    This will be my 5th cycle...

    I have never taken masteron before, and don't know how to use it. I want the cycle to look something like this:

    1-12 Test (either ent or cyp)
    6-12 Masteron

    maybe throw in some winny at the end for a few, my questions are:

    Is mast prop or enanthate better? How long should it be run for? Would it make sense to stack cyp with this, because masteron is a hardening drug and cyp will bloat easily and put on more water than enathate?

    Also, i can get sustanon as well......would it make sense to use sust instead of enth or cyp? help me out guys i want to do this one right...dont worry about a PCT I have it planned out....

    24 yrs old
    230 lbs
    15% BF exactly

  2. #2
    st ent and cyp are both long esters. You can use both man. masteron is practically an anti-estrogen. i use it in my cycles to cut some of the bloat and for a hardener. you wont really need the winny at the end since you are using masteron. save the winny for a later cycle. if i were you though i would go with test e/mast e

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Thanks bigswole...that is what I had in mind....wonder if I could throw in some primo as well? Would that make sense?

  4. #4
    I wouldn't. I used both masteron and primo and they practically do the same exact thing. Masteron is just a hella lot cheaper.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Anyone else? what do you think?

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