Hey everyone,
I am a 20 yr old college athlete i am 6'2 and weigh about 190 .. bf around 9 - 11 % Im trying to gain some wieght and add some strength over the off season. I really am confused on which of these two supplements to take? I no var will get my stength up but really wont give me the extra weight. My worries of dianabol is that i will lose everything once i am done with the cycle. I want to take a 4-8 week cycle (whatever you guys believe is best). And after the cycle i plan on taking a PCT. I am planning on taking Nolvadex. This would be my first cycle only other supplement i have taken are Superdrol a while ago which i had nice results from. I plan on working out 4 - 5 times a week and keeping a good diet!which of these 2 supplements do u think will be most beneficial to methank you!