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Thread: New guy with some questions!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Dallas, Texas

    New guy with some questions!

    Whats up everyone. Just wanted to say what up and happy be part of this forum. A little back ground. I have done two cycles of Test 400. end of back ground! lol I gained a pound a day for 7 days and it slowed down but by the end of my 2nd month I went from 155lbs to 175lbs and was benching 275lbs. I was pumped. But then I slacked off and now I just got some Test E 300mg.

    My question is. To get better results. as in bulking up in size and power, what would you guys recommend me do? Shot wise, work out, ect...

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2003
    United States
    i dont have the time to tell you how to lift and eat but if you check out the diet and workout section of this forum you can find alot of good ideas

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Dallas, Texas
    Thanks for the reply Pietro75. Sorry I didnt mean it like that. I think what im trying to say is, Is there anything extra I could do? I control my eating and I have a few friends I work out with that are personal trainers that have taught me alot. I was just wondering if there was a different or should I say great set that could increase size. For example chest

  4. #4
    Try Carb cycling, do up to 500 carbs for 3 days and then decreasing 100 carbs for the next not going below 200, then do it again and see what happens with weight and gains as far as strenght and size.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by MiniMe View Post
    Thanks for the reply Pietro75. Sorry I didnt mean it like that. I think what im trying to say is, Is there anything extra I could do? I control my eating and I have a few friends I work out with that are personal trainers that have taught me alot. I was just wondering if there was a different or should I say great set that could increase size. For example chest
    YOU never mentioned PCT after your cycles..if you didnt do any, there is your answer, if you need to do alot of reading before wasting Money..i studied this shit like a obsesed Freak before i did it, and i have kept 22 lbs it can be done....

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