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Thread: The Arimidex Sweet Spot?

  1. #1

    The Arimidex Sweet Spot?

    I am currently on a 600 Test Ent EW/ 400 EQ EW cycle. I have been running approximetely 0.5mg-.75mg of Arimidex ED and I think it has been really slowing my gains. I have slight gyno from a previous cycle and I think I may be over compensating in order to prevent it from getting any worse. I do know that my joints ache and I am not making the gains I made when I used Nolvadex alone. Should I bump it down to .25ED? Will that be enough to combat the any esterogen related side effects.

    Also, the gyno I have is not at the nipple, its more of a fat deposit throughout the breast tissue. Its really not that bad but I want to definately make sure it doesnt get any worse. What is everyone else's thoughts on adex dosage with test and EQ.

    I guess what I am really trying to do is find that Adex "sweet spot" that doesnt slow my gains too much but wont allow bitch tits to get worse. Thanks fellas, I know everyone is different with dosing but Id like to hear some thought on the matter. Oh. This is my fifth cycle, I am 6ft, 222lbs, and have around 16% bf. Thanks.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    UK - A Backward Part
    I would have dealt with the gyno b4 starting this cycle.

    0.25mg ED is an amount a lot of guys use with success.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    why not go get an Estradiol blood test now and see where its at. You can decide accurately what to do then

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Kale View Post
    why not go get an Estradiol blood test now and see where its at. You can decide accurately what to do then
    Agree^^ .25 is all i ever run but givn ur situation id def see where ur at....

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