The lengths that Fox News will goto. God I despise McCain...Look at this garbage..
The lengths that Fox News will goto. God I despise McCain...Look at this garbage..
fvck i hate fox news. bastards
McCain is the anti-christ
as is Fox News
hopefully that isn't the case... but to think a little more open mindedly... it could have just been the wallpaper background of the top stories and how they put their clips together....
McCain is a top story right now... on another clip it could be a pic of some hurricane disaster in the background....what ever is going on at the time. ya never know.
Bah, who cares? At least it wasn't Hillary.
LOL.......guys. Think. Regardless of political affiliation.
The first thing that popped in my mind is, if this guy has editing software to slow down the film, zoom in, draw yellow circles, and add text to the screen, dont you think he is more than capable of adding a 0.5 sec frame of Mccain in there? It's just as easy as the other editing he did.
But let me guess, its too far fetched that a Fox News/ John Mccain hater would sit there and make this video (not on Fox Cable News by the way, but on this Fox channel 5 affiliate) with the 30 minutes it would take him, post it on youtube, and deal a small propaganda blow for his own team. "See!!! Fox News is at it again!". You know the dumb shit people sit around doing on the computer? Politics is highly motivating.
But yeah, **** Fox News. If you have ever used steroids or smoked Marijuana in your entire life, and get in a fender bender, you should be publicly hanged in most of their opinions for risking everyones lives with your drug addictions and demons.
Last edited by Diary of a Mad-man; 05-13-2008 at 01:25 PM.
lol Fox a conservative station? omfg I lawlz!
without picking sides, I guess im just thinking along the lines of EVERYBODY will cheat in the world of politics if it helps the team, so trust no one. It could be fox news, or their enemies.
Bwahahahaha! You should also post the video where the FOX new rep says on camera not to film any Ron Paul supporters.
***No source checks!!!***
i am fairly sure that subliminal messages are illegal and fox would be crucified if this where true.
They're coming to get ya'll, even though Terry McCauligh and Hillary said Fox is the fairest network this election. Hide under the bed, Sean Hannity is the boogy man
Who cares even if they did mean to put that in there. I saw it....and I am not going to vote for McCain.
or this one with wolf blitzer/ ron paul on CNN
Bwahahahaha! I bet you bust out laughing just as hard when CNN flashed the X across Cheney's face that time? Bet you dont remember that.
"The Drudge Report has obtained video footage that proves the superimposition of an X mark over Vice President Cheney during a televised speech Tuesday wasn't just an innocent technical glitch by CNN, as claimed by anchor Daryn Kagan-Limbaugh.
In a story impacting hard across the conservative blogosphere, Matt Drudge reported Tuesday on a "large black 'X' repeatedly flashed over the vice president's face!"
The X, which appeared for two frames displayed over one-fifteenth of a second, turns out to be a small part of a series of extremely hard-to-detect subliminal messages lasting more than 10 minutes during the speech. "
or CNN identifying Obama as Osama during the campaign in favor of hillary.
or the time Lou Dobbs was introducing a story about the Plame-Rove inanity; shortly after his intro, a female voice (a producer?) says on-mike: “That’s bullsh*t.”
or watch this subliminal message from CNN
yeah, like I said, they all do it.
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