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Thread: H-Drol M-Drol ??

  1. #1
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    H-Drol M-Drol ??

    I have been around for a while. i have mostly used real gear in the past. I have tried to stay away from that stuff for the last couple years. i have been trying to use basic supplements for a while. about six months ago i have used mass tabs and also had promagnon 50. great pumps from both of them.
    For the last couple of months i have been dieting hard for pretty much the first time ever as i am trying to work on my core and get my abs to show again. I have started reading on these two products and trying to find out which will give me a better shot of adding the leaner muscle. it seems like the mdrol is more popular on this site but again im not trying to gain much weight i would rather harden up. any help would be appreciated. thanks

  2. #2
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    mdrol will bloat you up more than hdrol will, so if you're looking to have a lean look I'd go with the hdrol.

  3. #3
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    ok. did a bit of research over the last hour or two. looks like i am going to order h-drol and run it with 11-oxo.

    btw i am 5'7 188lbs lifting for 8 years.

  4. #4
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    actually because of price reasons and possibly being better im chosing 3ad over the 11-oxo

  5. #5
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    why have you decided to stop using steroids? you're going to be disappointed, PH's work but steroids are far superior as far as gains go.

  6. #6
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    well im getting a little bit older (26) and i know that injections are actually safer in most cases but i dont want to deal anymore with the illegal stuff. once all the busts went down i know everything got risky for everyone. I am starting a family and dont want to jepordize what i have.
    i did the mass tabs and promagnon 25 so i know what to expect from ph's

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by AaronJM1984 View Post
    mdrol will bloat you up more than hdrol will, so if you're looking to have a lean look I'd go with the hdrol.
    BS..I'm on my second week, and absolutely no bloating. Actually not having any sides either. Ofcourse I'm religiously taking my support supps, and eating right. Getting curious to see how it does at the end. No real crazy about having to do a PCT though. Look into Epistane. I have heard some good things about it.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by AaronJM1984 View Post
    why have you decided to stop using steroids? you're going to be disappointed, PH's work but steroids are far superior as far as gains go.
    They are really hard to get here...and expensive to boot. It's why I went the M-drol route. So I feel him on that one.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by anaBROLIC View Post
    ok. did a bit of research over the last hour or two. looks like i am going to order h-drol and run it with 11-oxo.

    btw i am 5'7 188lbs lifting for 8 years.
    haha, thats what im doing right now. Check out my summer cutter log bro. But im lucky enough to use halodrol-50, the original of what h-drol is a clone of and using andro extreme, an 11-oxo clone with double the dosage and half the price. Unless you got money to blow, id go with andro extreme instead of 11-oxo cus 11-oxo will cost you bucks for a decent dose for 30 days bro.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by SoonerEye View Post
    BS..I'm on my second week, and absolutely no bloating. Actually not having any sides either. Ofcourse I'm religiously taking my support supps, and eating right. Getting curious to see how it does at the end. No real crazy about having to do a PCT though. Look into Epistane. I have heard some good things about it.
    Exactly! I dont know where this guy got the idea of m-drol (superdrol clone) make you bloat? m-drol as well as h-drol doesn't aromatize into estrogen or create any extra estrogen in your body while on cycle. Both will give you lean gains or lean mass gains, what determines that my friend is not the ph but your DIET! If your already pretty lean (under 12% bf) id recommend h-drol since you'll see the results more than if you have more bf. If you have more bf than 12% or so then id say go for m-drol and diet and cardio my friend. Above all, make sure you have your full pct on hand before you start so theres no problems down the road.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by SoonerEye View Post
    They are really hard to get here...and expensive to boot. It's why I went the M-drol route. So I feel him on that one.
    But where theres a bb who does shows theres steroids, not too hard to find a local source if you look hard enough. If they do bb shows than thats a pretty good indication their gear and source is legit.

  12. #12
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    thanks for the input wuk. actually a couple of your threads on the subject is what convinced me. you post about the 3-ad over the 11-oxo. that is what got me to research it. if i didnt see that i woulda spent too much money on the oxo. what gains have u made from this cycle

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by wukillabee View Post
    But where theres a bb who does shows theres steroids, not too hard to find a local source if you look hard enough. If they do bb shows than thats a pretty good indication their gear and source is legit.
    I'm sure they are around, but I don't have any personal contacts anymore. I took a long break, and lost contact with people. You know as well as I do you can't just roll up to someone and ask.....

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by SoonerEye View Post
    I'm sure they are around, but I don't have any personal contacts anymore. I took a long break, and lost contact with people. You know as well as I do you can't just roll up to someone and ask.....

    I know, its so tempting though sometimes. Just makes u look like a nark though goin up to a stranger that u know uses and ask for gear.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by anaBROLIC View Post
    thanks for the input wuk. actually a couple of your threads on the subject is what convinced me. you post about the 3-ad over the 11-oxo. that is what got me to research it. if i didnt see that i woulda spent too much money on the oxo. what gains have u made from this cycle
    Not sure what i said bout 3-ad since ive never used it, maybe u got confused with 1,4ad? Im only on day 6 now of my cycle and feeling pretty good. I was sayin to take andro extreme instead of 11-oxo. Its the same exact compound as 11-oxo, just double the dose and half the price so u can do a decent cycle without blowin too much money.

  16. #16
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    ohh my bad. i was confused by what you were talking about. i bought 3-ad by anabolic extreme. it is also known to be similar to 11-oxo with the same compound Adrenosterone at 150mgs per pill vs 11 oxos 75mg.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by anaBROLIC View Post
    ohh my bad. i was confused by what you were talking about. i bought 3-ad by anabolic extreme. it is also known to be similar to 11-oxo with the same compound Adrenosterone at 150mgs per pill vs 11 oxos 75mg.
    oh, ok. You sure its the same? I know originally that anabolix extreme was gonna copy 11-oxo and come out with the same exact compound and of course call it their own like they always do but the government realized what it was so they told ax to change their product. Ergopharm only got away with it cus they labeled it as a cortisol blocker, like the government knows what that is, haha. I then heard that ax was gonna change their 3-ad but maybe they didn't, in either case, should be good if its the same as 11-oxo or andro extreme. Just make sure your diet is on track and do plenty of cardio during the week and find your prime heart rate percentage for fat burning so you know on the tread mills or whatever to get best results. Good luck bro and post a log if you like and maybe we can compare logs since im still early only on day 6 today.

  18. #18
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    i will post a log. i will be starting in about a week from monday. im just debating now if i should run a fat burner with it. i really want to be lean and ripped. my diet will be okay but i dont have the time to have it extremly clean.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by anaBROLIC View Post
    i will post a log. i will be starting in about a week from monday. im just debating now if i should run a fat burner with it. i really want to be lean and ripped. my diet will be okay but i dont have the time to have it extremly clean.
    Oh for sure, i wanted to run an ephedra based fat burner i got but that would be too much stress on my body with the ph's and all. Ive heard good things about USP Labs new Recreate fat burner. Its not the typical fat burner like hydroxcut hardcore, atro-phex, jet fuel, the list goes on of all the different companies producing the same exact fat burner and even the same exact dosages but calling it their own fat burner. Ive checked out Recreate and it does look different and my bro in the supp business has said very good things about it and it won't raise your blood pressure like most stimulant based fat burners like the ones mentioned above so its cool to take it on/off cycle. He said it doesn't give you the stimulant feel that the others give you but it gives you results that the others don't. Sounds true since most fat burners are just hard stimulants so you think your burning fat cus you feel all cracked out but really its just the stimulants making you feel like that and your really not burning fat via the stimulant fat burner. Trust me, ive tried all the ones mentioned above and then some and they're all the same, just stimulants and hardly any if at all any fat burning properties in them.

  20. #20
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    so it looks like i am going to take the lipoflame with my h-drol 3-ad stack. i am going to run the lipoflame at a smaller dosage then recommended.

  21. #21
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    do some research guys, I never said m-drol (superdrol) was horrible as far as bloating goes, it's a fact that halodrol produces leaner gains...and the whole "it's hard to find gear here" is BS, I live in the states and have no problem getting gear, try being resourceful.

  22. #22
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    maybe i should have been more detailed. i can get gear any time. i am choosing not to do it anymore. plus i used to get everything for less then 30 bucks a bottle in most cases. thats changed a bit for me.

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