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Thread: Liquid Branch aminos (who's repsonded well to them)

  1. #1

    Liquid Beef aminos (who's repsonded well to them)

    Curious as to who's been seeing great gains from liquid beef aminos.

    I hear from various different sites that they're a hot supplement.

    But at the same time, why don't you see the MAGZ pushing the shit out these things?
    Last edited by Sacdeez; 05-26-2008 at 08:01 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    La Califonia
    there expensive plus taste really gross try the pills i take like 30 a day

  3. #3
    Anybody else have any experience with Liquid beef aminos?

    I just want some real world feedback before I purchase these.

  4. #4

  5. #5
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    They get a lot of attention at professional as Phil Hernon endorses and sells them. I cant really see how their better than BCAA's, but there are a lot of good bodybuilders on that site and say there far better. Many also use LBA's asd there only protein source every day. I'll be trying them soon.

    There also meant to taste good from what I've seen reported.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mbuffguy View Post
    there expensive plus taste really gross try the pills i take like 30 a day
    Does not come in pills, bro.

    Quote Originally Posted by Swifto View Post
    They get a lot of attention at professional as Phil Hernon endorses and sells them. I cant really see how their better than BCAA's, but there are a lot of good bodybuilders on that site and say there far better. Many also use LBA's asd there only protein source every day. I'll be trying them soon.

    There also meant to taste good from what I've seen reported.
    They are superior to BCAAs because LBAs are complete proteins/aminos. They also have a few other "ingredients" that create a much better product. In addition, they are available instantly into your bloodstream. No digestion required.

    The most important aspect of LBAs in my opinion is that they are the purest form of protein. Unlike the crap commonly know as whey. LOL. Because you retain 100% of the protein ingested from the LBAs, you do not need to rely on other protein sources such as meat as much if at all. You do not need to eat as much protein. In other words, eating 300+ grams of protein from food and powder sources is a waste of $$$.

    What you save in food costs, makes LBA's even more attractive. No more whey or bs supps, less meat, etc.

    I use them and Ive used them for some time now and I will never go another day without them. My total protein intake is around 100g/ed including what I get from whole foods.

    I really increased my use of LBA's when I started cutting 6 weeks ago from my comp. I have not lost a pound on the scale, however, my body fat % has dropped from 12% to around 9%. I also have dropped 2" from my waist. In the last month leading up to my comp, I will use LBAs for 100% of my protein source. In addition, I am eating under 2000 calories everyday and my strength is fantastic. Ive made gains across the board.

    The only people that I have heard "hating" on LBAs or calling it just another BCAA has NEVER tried LBAs and has no clue what they're talking about.

    Trust those who have used this stuff. You wont get any complaints. Ive had better gains on this cycle than I have ever had and Im on a test only CUTTER!! I gladly pay $200+ a month for my LBAs. Its no joke.

    However, you try them and tell me what you think. PM me if you need anything.
    Last edited by Johny-too-small; 05-27-2008 at 05:31 PM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    i just read so much stuff about lbas. im deffinetly giving them a try.

  8. #8
    Well with all this good feedback I wonder why these LBA's are not being pushed heavily from companies such as Muscle Tech, Gaspari, BSN, etc.

    I look at it like from a standpoint from where I see everybody alway's clearing out shelves for cell-tech but cell-tech does work.

    Now if LBA's are really that good than would you think all the BIG supp companys would be pushing this stuff through the roof?

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sacdeez View Post
    Well with all this good feedback I wonder why these LBA's are not being pushed heavily from companies such as Muscle Tech, Gaspari, BSN, etc.

    I look at it like from a standpoint from where I see everybody alway's clearing out shelves for cell-tech but cell-tech does work.

    Now if LBA's are really that good than would you think all the BIG supp companys would be pushing this stuff through the roof?

    First of all, Cell-Tech is crap. They market the hell out of their products using Pros that wouldn’t touch the stuff if they had to. Its one of the worst supps out there.

    True LBAs are only manufactured by ONE company. They have many patents that protect their product from being copied by all the GNC name brands that you listed. In addition, LBAs have been around since the early 80s. LBAs are extremely hard to manufacture and the supply is limited. Its not like throwing sugar in with some creatine = cell tech.

    Id say that easily 80+% of Pros use LBAs on a daily basis. Who do you think buys all the supps that you would find at GNC? Newbies and teenagers and peeps who dont know better. Companies like GNC sells products that they can make a huge profit on. Since LBAs are already $15-25 bottle (lasts 5-7 days) you think a newb is going to buy a case of this?

    LBAs are for the educated and experienced bodybuilder. Just like anabolics, if your diet and training isnt in check, your results will not be what you want. It takes time and hard cant just use 1 bottle and make a judgment.

    If you try it or not, I dont really care. Its not like Im being paid to push this LOL...Like I said b4, try it yourself…then ask questions.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Johny-too-small View Post
    Does not come in pills, bro.

    They are superior to BCAAs because LBAs are complete proteins/aminos. They also have a few other "ingredients" that create a much better product. In addition, they are available instantly into your bloodstream. No digestion required.

    The most important aspect of LBAs in my opinion is that they are the purest form of protein. Unlike the crap commonly know as whey. LOL. Because you retain 100% of the protein ingested from the LBAs, you do not need to rely on other protein sources such as meat as much if at all. You do not need to eat as much protein. In other words, eating 300+ grams of protein from food and powder sources is a waste of $$$.

    What you save in food costs, makes LBA's even more attractive. No more whey or bs supps, less meat, etc.

    I use them and Ive used them for some time now and I will never go another day without them. My total protein intake is around 100g/ed including what I get from whole foods.

    I really increased my use of LBA's when I started cutting 6 weeks ago from my comp. I have not lost a pound on the scale, however, my body fat % has dropped from 12% to around 9%. I also have dropped 2" from my waist. In the last month leading up to my comp, I will use LBAs for 100% of my protein source. In addition, I am eating under 2000 calories everyday and my strength is fantastic. Ive made gains across the board.

    The only people that I have heard "hating" on LBAs or calling it just another BCAA has NEVER tried LBAs and has no clue what they're talking about.

    Trust those who have used this stuff. You wont get any complaints. Ive had better gains on this cycle than I have ever had and Im on a test only CUTTER!! I gladly pay $200+ a month for my LBAs. Its no joke.

    However, you try them and tell me what you think. PM me if you need anything.
    What LBA product do you use?

    Nice post,that is why I love liquid egg whites.They absorbed instantly by your body (i.e. 100% Bio-Available)
    Other high protein foods like: chicken, fish, beef, and turkey, must first be broken down by your body before the proteins can be truely absorbed. The same holds true for protein powders (whey protein, milk protein etc) and engineered food & drinks. The truth is your body is only consuming about 1/3 of the actual protein of these items - the rest is wasted!
    Another key point about Egg Whites is they have NO fat, NO cholesterol, and NO trans fats (bad fats)! Like you said buddy,in essence your saving money and eating less,thats why many BB have big guts.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by goose4 View Post
    What LBA product do you use?

    Nice post,that is why I love liquid egg whites.They absorbed instantly by your body (i.e. 100% Bio-Available)
    Other high protein foods like: chicken, fish, beef, and turkey, must first be broken down by your body before the proteins can be truely absorbed. The same holds true for protein powders (whey protein, milk protein etc) and engineered food & drinks. The truth is your body is only consuming about 1/3 of the actual protein of these items - the rest is wasted!
    Another key point about Egg Whites is they have NO fat, NO cholesterol, and NO trans fats (bad fats)! Like you said buddy,in essence your saving money and eating less,thats why many BB have big guts.
    Thank god you chimed in on this. Ive read several publications that say that even as little as 20% of the protein that you eat from typical food sources is actually absorbed. As a result, BBers think that they must eat at least 300-500 grams of protein daily. Its insane! Youre right about the liquid egg whites...Im also hooked on Raw about a complete food source.

    Time for peeps to eat smarter...not more.

    The brand I use is EFX Pure Liquid Amino Elite...They retail for $25 bottle, but I get them for about half that.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Johny-too-small View Post
    Thank god you chimed in on this. Ive read several publications that say that even as little as 20% of the protein that you eat from typical food sources is actually absorbed. As a result, BBers think that they must eat at least 300-500 grams of protein daily. Its insane! Youre right about the liquid egg whites...Im also hooked on Raw about a complete food source.

    Time for peeps to eat smarter...not more.

    The brand I use is EFX Pure Liquid Amino Elite...They retail for $25 bottle, but I get them for about half that.

    Ha Ha using a flex product

    Raw milk very interesting,I use colostrum, I buy it in the kilo,I add some carbs with in in a drink pre/post.The only protein shakes I take,as I dont believe in them,but colostrum is the shit,another level,another breed.

    The Times, September 12, 2003. By Peta Bee

    A constituent of mother's milk boosts the immune system and keeps you fit

    MOTHER’S MILK has long been regarded as the most complete food for newborns, but the nutrients in it are attracting attention for a different reason. Sports scientists have discovered that supplements of colostrum, the thin, yellowish, milky fluid produced during the first few days after birth, can have a powerful effect on fitness levels. What’s more, colostrum can boost the immune system, warding off colds and flu, and may even protect against stomach problems.
    Studies at the University of South Australia’s Centre for Research in Education and Sports have shown that a daily supplement of colostrum can increase strength and stamina by up to 20 per cent.

    “It improves endurance, exercise performance and increases lean body mass,” says Dr Jon Buckley, the physiologist who led the research (published in the Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport).

    “We have shown that it also leads to faster recovery rates after exercise and improves muscular power.”

    The athletes who took part in Dr Buckley’s study took 60g of colostrum a day for eight weeks while following a treadmill running programme. “Those on colostrum recovered much more quickly than those taking a placebo and were therefore able to train harder and longer,” he says. “There was also a strong trend for reductions in body fat and increases in muscle growth for those on the supplement.”

    The supplement is produced from colostrum collected from pasture-fed New Zealand cows.

    In both cows and people, colostrum is produced by the mammary glands during the 72 hours after birth and is rich in the antibodies and growth factors that help to prevent stomach infections in newborns.

    Among the potent compounds it contains is a substance called insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1), which, combined with regular exercise, is believed to help to stimulate muscle growth.

    Dr Louise Burke, the head of nutrition at the Australian Institute of Sport in Canberra, describes colostrum as “a hot supplement in the athletics world at the moment”.

    Indeed, members of the British rowing, modern pentathlon and athletics teams are known to take it regularly.

    Dr Burke explains that while IGF-1 is banned by the International Olympic Committee (IOC) when taken intentionally in synthetic form, the natural dietary version is not a proscribed substance.

    Other studies have shown that colostrum can boost the immune system.

    Buckley says: “Athletes and people who do a lot of endurance activity tend to be more susceptible to infections of the upper respiratory tract because they have lower levels of immunoglobulin A (IgA) in their saliva. Taking colostrum increases the levels of these antibodies, which are suppressed by exercise, in the mouth and throat — and that seems to protect against illness.”

    Sport aside, colostrum can also protect against gut problems, including stomach ulcers, that are sometimes caused by long-term use of the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs often prescribed for arthritis. It is thought to work by enhancing pathogen removal and intestinal healing.

    Professor Roy Playford, of the department of gastroenterology at Hammersmith Hospital, has used colostrum extensively with his patients, and it is also prescribed for gastrointestinal complaints at Derriford Hospital in Plymouth.

    Buckley believes that it may eventually have wider applications in medicine than it does in the world of sport. “It is not a miracle cure,” he says, “But if it relieves symptoms it will give people a better quality of life.”

  13. #13
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    Flex is doing well, lol. Ive only used the LBAs but Ive heard good things about the other products...none as good as the LBAs...Ive heard about the colostrum you mentioned. Where do you get it?

    Quote Originally Posted by goose4 View Post
    Ha Ha using a flex product

    Raw milk very interesting,I use colostrum, I buy it in the kilo,I add some carbs with in in a drink pre/post.The only protein shakes I take,as I dont believe in them,but colostrum is the shit,another level,another breed.

    The Times, September 12, 2003. By Peta Bee

    A constituent of mother's milk boosts the immune system and keeps you fit

    MOTHER’S MILK has long been regarded as the most complete food for newborns, but the nutrients in it are attracting attention for a different reason. Sports scientists have discovered that supplements of colostrum, the thin, yellowish, milky fluid produced during the first few days after birth, can have a powerful effect on fitness levels. What’s more, colostrum can boost the immune system, warding off colds and flu, and may even protect against stomach problems.
    Studies at the University of South Australia’s Centre for Research in Education and Sports have shown that a daily supplement of colostrum can increase strength and stamina by up to 20 per cent.

    “It improves endurance, exercise performance and increases lean body mass,” says Dr Jon Buckley, the physiologist who led the research (published in the Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport).

    “We have shown that it also leads to faster recovery rates after exercise and improves muscular power.”

    The athletes who took part in Dr Buckley’s study took 60g of colostrum a day for eight weeks while following a treadmill running programme. “Those on colostrum recovered much more quickly than those taking a placebo and were therefore able to train harder and longer,” he says. “There was also a strong trend for reductions in body fat and increases in muscle growth for those on the supplement.”

    The supplement is produced from colostrum collected from pasture-fed New Zealand cows.

    In both cows and people, colostrum is produced by the mammary glands during the 72 hours after birth and is rich in the antibodies and growth factors that help to prevent stomach infections in newborns.

    Among the potent compounds it contains is a substance called insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1), which, combined with regular exercise, is believed to help to stimulate muscle growth.

    Dr Louise Burke, the head of nutrition at the Australian Institute of Sport in Canberra, describes colostrum as “a hot supplement in the athletics world at the moment”.

    Indeed, members of the British rowing, modern pentathlon and athletics teams are known to take it regularly.

    Dr Burke explains that while IGF-1 is banned by the International Olympic Committee (IOC) when taken intentionally in synthetic form, the natural dietary version is not a proscribed substance.

    Other studies have shown that colostrum can boost the immune system.

    Buckley says: “Athletes and people who do a lot of endurance activity tend to be more susceptible to infections of the upper respiratory tract because they have lower levels of immunoglobulin A (IgA) in their saliva. Taking colostrum increases the levels of these antibodies, which are suppressed by exercise, in the mouth and throat — and that seems to protect against illness.”

    Sport aside, colostrum can also protect against gut problems, including stomach ulcers, that are sometimes caused by long-term use of the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs often prescribed for arthritis. It is thought to work by enhancing pathogen removal and intestinal healing.

    Professor Roy Playford, of the department of gastroenterology at Hammersmith Hospital, has used colostrum extensively with his patients, and it is also prescribed for gastrointestinal complaints at Derriford Hospital in Plymouth.

    Buckley believes that it may eventually have wider applications in medicine than it does in the world of sport. “It is not a miracle cure,” he says, “But if it relieves symptoms it will give people a better quality of life.”

  14. #14
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    Im from the UK my man,,,,,,,

    But for interest.

  15. #15
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    good read, thanks!

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Johny-too-small View Post
    Thank god you chimed in on this. Ive read several publications that say that even as little as 20% of the protein that you eat from typical food sources is actually absorbed. As a result, BBers think that they must eat at least 300-500 grams of protein daily. Its insane! Youre right about the liquid egg whites...Im also hooked on Raw about a complete food source.

    Time for peeps to eat smarter...not more.

    The brand I use is EFX Pure Liquid Amino Elite...They retail for $25 bottle, but I get them for about half that.
    These are the ones Phil Hernon sells at professional I enquired with him but never went ahead. After reading this I think I'll order a case now.

    I wouldnt use them as my ONLY protein source, but my primary protein source, I think.

    I think its dangerous to completely cut out other protien sources and risk the other goodness some of the sources contain (nutrients/minerals). For example, fish containing EFA's, *****'s etc...Do you agree?

    Many members/bodybuilders there have also reported an increase in vascularity too?
    Last edited by Swifto; 05-28-2008 at 02:59 PM.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swifto View Post
    These are the ones Phil Hernon sells at professional I enquired with him but never went ahead. After reading this I think I'll order a case now.

    I wouldnt use them as my ONLY protein source, but my primary protein source, I think.

    I think its dangerous to completely cut out other protien sources and risk the other goodness some of the sources contain (nutrients/minerals). For example, fish containing EFA's, *****'s etc...Do you agree?

    Many members/bodybuilders there have also reported an increase in vascularity too?
    Yes, I agree with you 100% about getting protein from other sources in addition. I am using raw milk, soy milk, talapia, tuna, chicken, egg whites. I am staying away from red meat for the time being. I am only going to use the LBAs as my only source for 3-4 weeks tops as a pre-comp tool. I have noticed a change in vascularity in my upper torso the most. My body temp and mood is enhanced as well.

    I really think that you'll like them, Swifto...Also, I drink these during my workouts and Ive noticed that my energy levels and intensity have increased as well. Its also nice to know that your pwo meal will have a head start.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Johny-too-small View Post
    Yes, I agree with you 100% about getting protein from other sources in addition. I am using raw milk, soy milk, talapia, tuna, chicken, egg whites. I am staying away from red meat for the time being. I am only going to use the LBAs as my only source for 3-4 weeks tops as a pre-comp tool. I have noticed a change in vascularity in my upper torso the most. My body temp and mood is enhanced as well.

    I really think that you'll like them, Swifto...Also, I drink these during my workouts and Ive noticed that my energy levels and intensity have increased as well. Its also nice to know that your pwo meal will have a head start.
    For me, a case is around $250 shipped to the UK. How long would you say that would last? It being a primary protein source, not sole?

    How many teaspoons or tablespoons do you take per day?

    I usually take in around 2-3 shakes of Whey, Dex, BCAA's, Creatine, L-Glutamine per day, so are you suggesting I can totally substitute the BCAA's and Whey for LBA's? Do you still take in powdered BCAA's?

    Sorry, few questions there...

  19. #19
    Jonny too small,

    I just ordered these from and I can't wait. They should arrive here in two days.

    Hey is anybody else having trouble with there PM's? Why don't I have access to my PM box?

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sacdeez View Post
    Jonny too small,

    I just ordered these from and I can't wait. They should arrive here in two days.

    Hey is anybody else having trouble with there PM's? Why don't I have access to my PM box?
    You need 25 posts or 100 days activity I believe.

  21. #21

    Where did Jonny to small go?

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sacdeez View Post

    Where did Jonny to small go?
    Not sure. We do have lives mate. He'll be back I'm sure.

  23. #23
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    Nov 2004
    I love my liquid pasteurized egg whites too, but I'd be interested to try the LBA's as well. I'm going to pick some up on my next order.

    Quote Originally Posted by goose4 View Post
    What LBA product do you use?

    Nice post,that is why I love liquid egg whites.They absorbed instantly by your body (i.e. 100% Bio-Available)
    Other high protein foods like: chicken, fish, beef, and turkey, must first be broken down by your body before the proteins can be truely absorbed. The same holds true for protein powders (whey protein, milk protein etc) and engineered food & drinks. The truth is your body is only consuming about 1/3 of the actual protein of these items - the rest is wasted!
    Another key point about Egg Whites is they have NO fat, NO cholesterol, and NO trans fats (bad fats)! Like you said buddy,in essence your saving money and eating less,thats why many BB have big guts.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sacdeez View Post

    Where did Jonny to small go? rang?

    Did you get a case? There are 32 servings per bottle so it will last you 5-7 days...

    Anyway, in case youre wondering: Take 2-3 tbls 2-3 times everyday. Mix with water and SIP it between meals.

    If you want to use it as a protein replacement in a meal, then mix 3 tbls in water and down it with your CHOs, and EFAs.

    Oh...another thing...come back after you have used them for 10-14 days and let everyone know what you think.

    Enjoy. If you want a better deal than I can send you some links..

  25. #25
    Well send me some links to a better deal when I finish this case.


  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sacdeez View Post
    Well send me some links to a better deal when I finish this case.

    PM me when you build up your post count and no prob!

  27. #27
    Will do

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by Johny-too-small View Post

    The brand I use is EFX Pure Liquid Amino Elite...They retail for $25 bottle, but I get them for about half that.
    Any other LBAs brands/products you recommend ??

    Right now I'm using TwinLabs Amino Fuel but it seriously tastes like sh!t

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by Determined_Fuk View Post
    Any other LBAs brands/products you recommend ??

    Right now I'm using TwinLabs Amino Fuel but it seriously tastes like sh!t
    Dymatize's product doesnt taste too awful when chased with grape juice

  30. #30
    Quote Originally Posted by Johny-too-small View Post
    PM me when you build up your post count and no prob!
    ive been thinking of giving these a try myself. i wanna replace all my chicken with lba's if there as good as every1 says. phils sells them for i think 14 bucks a bottle. do u know where to get them cheaper?

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by Determined_Fuk View Post
    Any other LBAs brands/products you recommend ??

    Right now I'm using TwinLabs Amino Fuel but it seriously tastes like sh!t
    These dont compare to LBAs. So to answer your original question: I dont know, try them all and tell us what you think.

    Quote Originally Posted by llrockyll View Post
    ive been thinking of giving these a try myself. i wanna replace all my chicken with lba's if there as good as every1 says. phils sells them for i think 14 bucks a bottle. do u know where to get them cheaper?
    You can buy 2 cases from him and get free shipping ($30 or so)...keep getting them and he'll drop the price to help you out for your loyalty.

  32. #32
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    I have been using LBA' for nine months. The first thing that I noticed was how lean I became w/o changing my routine. I know that they say drug free but i noticed that i broke out on my back and my gyno got worse I stopped taking the LBA' for a little bit and I cleared up alot. I mix 1/3 bottle in my gallon and sip throughout the day.

  33. #33
    Quote Originally Posted by Johny-too-small View Post

    You can buy 2 cases from him and get free shipping ($30 or so)...keep getting them and he'll drop the price to help you out for your loyalty.
    alright thanx bro

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by roodogg View Post
    I have been using LBA' for nine months. The first thing that I noticed was how lean I became w/o changing my routine. I know that they say drug free but i noticed that i broke out on my back and my gyno got worse I stopped taking the LBA' for a little bit and I cleared up alot. I mix 1/3 bottle in my gallon and sip throughout the day.
    Interesting, Ive heard all what you said b4 except the gyno bit. They also raise you natty GH levels..hmmm.

    Im going to replace all my protien with LBAs starting tmrw. 5 tbls per meal.

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by Johny-too-small View Post
    These dont compare to LBAs. So to answer your original question: I dont know, try them all and tell us what you think.

    So the stuff I'm taking is not a true LBA ?? You would think Twinlab would use the real stuff ????

    Quote Originally Posted by Johny-too-small View Post
    You can buy 2 cases from him and get free shipping ($30 or so)...keep getting them and he'll drop the price to help you out for your loyalty.
    So where can I get the real deal LBAs

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by Determined_Fuk View Post
    So the stuff I'm taking is not a true LBA ?? You would think Twinlab would use the real stuff ????

    So where can I get the real deal LBAs
    NO. I did not say that. Why dont you try both and tell us what you think.

  37. #37
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    wow, i just looked this up a bit and why havent i heard of this before now? what the hell. im going to have to get some money together.

  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by Johny-too-small View Post
    NO. I did not say that. Why dont you try both and tell us what you think.
    Ok let me rephrase the question,

    Since you said there is only ONE manufacturer of LBAs

    What is the DIFFERENCE between EFX Pure Liquid Amino Elite and Twinlabs Amino Fuel Liquid Amino ??

  39. #39
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    Well for starters..take a look at the amino acid profile on each product. If you dont see it then...well you'll just have to try them broth and see what you think for yourself. Please let us know

  40. #40
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    Here is the profile -

    16 Fl. Oz
    Supplement Facts
    Serving Size3Tablespoonfuls(45mL)
    Servings Per Container10
    Amount Per Serving % DV
    Calories 100
    Total Carbohydrate 11g 4%**
    Sugars 9g †
    Protein 15g 30%**
    Vitamin B1 2.5mg 167%
    Vitamin B2 2.5mg 147%
    Niacin 30mg 150%
    Vitamin B6 4mg 200%
    Folic Acid 100mcg 25%
    Vitamin B12 12mcg 200%
    Biotin 10mcg 3%
    Pantothenic Acid 30mg 300%
    Sodium 10mg <2%

    PABA 2mg †
    Choline Bitartrate 100mg †
    Inositol 100mg †
    L-Carnitine 25mg †
    L-Alanine 1362mg †
    L-Arginine 1130mg †
    L-Aspartic Acid 1205mg †
    L-Cystine 142mg †
    L-Glutamic Acid 2026mg †
    L-Glycine 3441mg †
    L-Histidine 188mg †
    L-Isoleucine* (BCAA) 377mg †
    L-Leucine* (BCAA) 900mg †
    L-Lysine* 966mg †
    L-Methionine* 195mg †
    L-Phenylalanine* 422mg †
    L-Proline 2223mg †
    L-Serine 553mg †
    L-Threonine* 453mg †
    L-Tryptophan*** 89mg †
    L-Tyrosine 232mg †
    L-Valine* (BCAA) 521mg †
    * Essential amino acids
    *** The L-Tryptophan in this product is naturally present in the protein. It is not added or manufactured.
    ** Percent Daily Values (DV) are based on a 2,000 calorie diet
    † Daily Value (DV) not established
    Purified Water, Hydrolyzed Gelatin, Fructose, Whey Protein Isolate (From Milk), Propylene Glycol, Citric Acid, Maltodextrin, Egg White Hydrolysate, Defoamer, Cellulose, Inositol, Choline Bitartrate, Orange Flavor, Sorbic Acid, Sodium Benzoate, Methylparaben, D-Calcium Pantothenate, Niacinamide, L-Carnitine, Propylparaben, Cyanocobalamin, Pyridoxine Hydrochloride, Riboflavin 5' Phosphate Sodium, Thiamin Hydrochloride, Para-Aminobenzoic Acid, Biotin, Folic Acid

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