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Thread: Help with ProHormone Cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Callao, Virginia

    Help with ProHormone Cycle

    Hey, I am liking the idea of a prohomrone cycle as a break from a AAS cycle. I was wondering what would be a great combanation for a bulking phase to gain alot of strength. I did a couple AAS cycles, involving Dbol, Test E, and Deca.

    28 yrs old, working out for about 7 years now. BF 13% +/-

    I was reading up on PH like Havor, Mdrol, Sdrol and I cant remember, but one was a relative to DBol I think that intrested me.

    Thanks, and I know that I seem lazy, but i really dont know were to go from here.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    This helped me out quite a bit, I also found one on bbing .com that was titled prohormone buyers guide that also was kinda kick ass.


    Ive also got another thread going on about how im going to go for a "lean bulk" using epistane and Hemadrol, Hemadrol is a pro-hormone of t-bol. epistane helps with dry gains and increases strength, maybe kinda like Anavar or maybe Winstrol.

    most here would say to go with Superdrol, but im too scared of the sides.
    Last edited by MFT81; 05-28-2008 at 02:03 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Dont Trip
    Quote Originally Posted by g0dsend View Post
    Hey, I am liking the idea of a prohomrone cycle as a break from a AAS cycle. I was wondering what would be a great combanation for a bulking phase to gain alot of strength. I did a couple AAS cycles, involving Dbol, Test E, and Deca.

    28 yrs old, working out for about 7 years now. BF 13% +/-

    I was reading up on PH like Havor, Mdrol, Sdrol and I cant remember, but one was a relative to DBol I think that intrested me.

    Thanks, and I know that I seem lazy, but i really dont know were to go from here.

    For bulk with a lot of strength then id say m-drol (superdrol clone, very good!) and have a bulk diet since mdrol wont bloat u out and the size u gain really depends on ur diet. If u like that bloated feeling and water retention like dbol then id say p-plex (phera clone). Gives good strength as well but will retain water and slightly bloat but again, depends on ur diet above all else. If u want to stack say taking 2 ph's then id say m-drol and bold for a clean bulk and can run bold for as long as 6-8 weeks or pplex and propadrol for a more water retaining bulk stack. Propadrol and bold are not methylated so its ok to stack with a methyl like mdrol or pplex. Never take any methyl product with another nor run any longer than 4 weeks.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Callao, Virginia
    Thanks alot guys for your help, it really helped me out with me planning out my cycle. That link is very informative too, thanks again!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    IDS Mass Tabs


    Axis Labs Furzadrol

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
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    Hey, Ive run a few "prohormone cycles" really designer steriods... but anyway... Superdrol and clones are Great gains but Ive had really bad sides with superdrol, after the second SD cycle. I rememberd telling myself why I would NEVER do another one, also watch out for Gyno if your prone. Ive gotten Gyno from SD as long as 10 weeks after the cycle. Ill never run SD again.

    Epistane gave me good pumps and good hardness nothing worth bragging about or returning to.

    Furzadrol Ive found to be very effective for myself with min Sides. Really need to Up the recomended doseage though with this stuff to get any good gain. Great product but a little pricey.

    Ive heard A LOT of good things about Tren Xtreme and its friends in the 19-nor family. Im about to try a cycle of Cylotren myself. Google: tren xtreme and you'll find lots of info on the stuff.

    Whatever you use make sure you have your "real" PCT ready!

    good luck

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    No source checks
    Oh! I forgot to mention the Tren products like Cylotren, Tren Xtreme etc... will be banned VERY soon, so you might want to act fast

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