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Thread: Ask the Exercise Scientist

  1. #1
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    Ask the Exercise Scientist

    Well former scientist as I am not active in any labs at this particular point in time.

    If you have an exercise/physiology related question post it here or in my blog. My Academic Qualifications are as follows. BA in Biology with a Minor in Chemistry, MS in Exercise Physiology/Science, Current doctoral student. I also have a few publications as co-author accumulated during my 5 plus years in primary research in several area's of science along with a few current studies still in progress or in the review process. However I am not the lead author on any of them for those who know what that means.

    I am also certified as a Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) by the National Strength and Conditioning Association. (NSCA) This qualification requires at least a bachelors degree in a health science field along with a written and practical exam and re-certification every three years.


    Disclaimer: I will not answer questions about how to administer AAS.

    Keep in mind guys that I am not an MD, nor do I profess to have medical knowledge. I only give opinions on injuries and such as from my professional none medical background in sports and science.
    Last edited by MuscleScience; 05-30-2009 at 11:05 PM.

  2. #2
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    Can you drink winny?


    Thats awesome bro. Im gonna have to think of some questions now

  3. #3
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    Can you trust a fart? that's my question...

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gators View Post
    Can you trust a fart? that's my question...
    You cant if you have consumed a large amount of a fish called the escolar fish. It causes a condition called keriorrhoea. This conditions is caused by the waxy nature of the fish's diet which is naturally high in waxy esters that can not be digested by the fish or by humans. This wax is stored in the muscle of the fish and when large amounts of this fish are consumed it causes the wax to pool in the rectum. The wax is oily and can accidently be "farted," out when trying to pass gas. This can appear as a yellow orange oil in the stool.

    Hope this helps

    Last edited by MuscleScience; 06-01-2008 at 07:59 PM.

  5. #5
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    right here
    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleScience View Post
    You cant if you have consumed a large amount of a fish called the escolar fish. It causes a condition called keriorrhoea. This conditions is caused by the waxy nature of the fish's diet which is naturally high in waxy esters that can not be digested by the fish or by humans. This wax is stored in the muscle of the fish and when large amounts of this fish are consumed it causes the wax to pool in the rectum. The wax is oily and can accidently be "farted," out when trying to pass gas. This can appear as a yellow orange oil in the stool.

    Hope this helps

    very interesting

  6. #6
    Big's Avatar
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    Great thread MS, I always learn from your posts, I hope this doesn't get whored.

  7. #7
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    New post in my blog from a question from B.E.N. thanks buddy and good question.

  8. #8
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    What is the air speed velocity of a coconut-laden European swallow in East Tokyo Gold's Gym?

  9. #9
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    I said exercise related, plus you didn't give me enough info.......LOL

  10. #10
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    How can i fool good looking men into thinking they have to let me spot them on squats?

  11. #11
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    I love it!

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    How can i fool good looking men into thinking they have to let me spot them on squats?
    i want to know this one also?

  13. #13
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    i have one. lets see if i can figure this out right. Im 6'3. 220. i have just started really trying to concentrate on my form for deadlifts. now every book or any info i have read pertaining to correct form has always stated that the bar should never pass your shoulders. in terms of when your squatting to first grip the bar and get ready for the pull. so i have been watching myself and it seems that my shoulders do slightly go past the bar as i reach to pull it up. while the bar is still on the floor. i have tried forcing myself not to let that happen. but then i feel to much strain on my back. even at lower weight. are there any tricks to get correct form?? is it cuz im decently tall? i have still been seeing good gains from the deadlifts. so its not really affecting me. should i just ignore it and do them as i have been?

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by dukkitdalaw View Post
    i have one. lets see if i can figure this out right. Im 6'3. 220. i have just started really trying to concentrate on my form for deadlifts. now every book or any info i have read pertaining to correct form has always stated that the bar should never pass your shoulders. in terms of when your squatting to first grip the bar and get ready for the pull. so i have been watching myself and it seems that my shoulders do slightly go past the bar as i reach to pull it up. while the bar is still on the floor. i have tried forcing myself not to let that happen. but then i feel to much strain on my back. even at lower weight. are there any tricks to get correct form?? is it cuz im decently tall? i have still been seeing good gains from the deadlifts. so its not really affecting me. should i just ignore it and do them as i have been?
    If the bar goes a little past your shoulders that is not a big deal. Try on focusing on keeping proper posture meaning neutral low back and shoulders down and back. I try to squeeze my shoulder blades together as hard as I can on the initial pull to make sure my shoulders do not role forward.

  15. #15
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    Updated the blog today, replied to B.E.N. and Lemonade8's questions. Thanks guys.

    Also edited my Lactic Acid blog entry thanks to Lemonade8's catch.

  16. #16
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    Update: B.E.N and Lemonada8 questions replied.


  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by dukkitdalaw View Post
    i want to know this one also?
    He always shys away from the hard questions.

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  20. #20
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    Are cold baths worth taking for the benefit's in muscle recovery ..

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by gst528i View Post
    Are cold baths worth taking for the benefit's in muscle recovery ..

    In fact it could hamper recovery. When the body senses a change in core temperature it reacts by "shunting" blood away from the periphery to maintain internal temperature. Additionally the inflammatory process is essential for proper muscle recovery. This is pure speculation but it may be of some benefit to take a warm bath. The increase in blood flow to the muscles in theory would transport more nutrients to and waste products away from the muscle.

    Lastly taking a could bath could have the effect of causing extra muscle stiffness, though it may help short term soreness. It will likely cause the muscle to become stiffer and possible more sore.

    Thanks for the question.


    I just read a few papers over Cyrotherapy or cold water immersion as its also known. One paper showed some mild improvement in recovery though it was modest and the participants did not show improvement in all areas of recovery.
    Last edited by MuscleScience; 01-23-2009 at 08:31 PM.

  22. #22
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    Thanks for the answer, and yea i always thought warm bath would help since that's what helps when a muscle gets pulled. Usually take warm bath after hard workout. I do have more question and will take advantage of this thread.
    Keep it up.

  23. #23
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    Oh why do people, rather women models emphasize that you have to do sit-ups to get a 6 pack and sit-ups will help you loose the body fat. Some of the marketing go so far as to only going sit-up with specially made conceptions that tone you stomach butt and thighs. Do you think people actually research these conception for the targeted area of muscle development and fat-loss

  24. #24
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    hey MS tommorow i have some questions regarding Amino Acids, Minerals, Protein and Vitamins mainly regarding the dosages and the ratio's. A

    Should i post on your blog or should i hit you up a PM if thats okay to?

  25. #25
    number twelve's Avatar
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    i keep pulling a muscle in my lower back. i have never had this before...what am i doing wrong?

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by dukkitdalaw View Post
    i have one. lets see if i can figure this out right. Im 6'3. 220. i have just started really trying to concentrate on my form for deadlifts. now every book or any info i have read pertaining to correct form has always stated that the bar should never pass your shoulders. in terms of when your squatting to first grip the bar and get ready for the pull. so i have been watching myself and it seems that my shoulders do slightly go past the bar as i reach to pull it up. while the bar is still on the floor. i have tried forcing myself not to let that happen. but then i feel to much strain on my back. even at lower weight. are there any tricks to get correct form?? is it cuz im decently tall? i have still been seeing good gains from the deadlifts. so its not really affecting me. should i just ignore it and do them as i have been?

    I can spot u from back...wait...damn DSM reading too many posts from u.

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by gst528i View Post
    Oh why do people, rather women models emphasize that you have to do sit-ups to get a 6 pack and sit-ups will help you loose the body fat. Some of the marketing go so far as to only going sit-up with specially made conceptions that tone you stomach butt and thighs. Do you think people actually research these conception for the targeted area of muscle development and fat-loss
    If you read the small print on most of those infomercials and the product box they say in conjunction with diet and exercise programs.....

    The idea of spot training has been around for awhile. All the exercise organizations and a vast majority of research has shown that it is not effective at local fat lose at a particular area of focus. Having said that a few new studies have came out that show that maybe in some instances that local fatloss of one particular area may work. I will say this since there are new devices that are much more accurate at estimating body fat even at local sites on the body. Dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA or DXA) is one of those devices that has came around recently that can yield very accurate body fat estimates.

    The previous research that until recently did not have access to this technology may not have had the ability to determine local body fat loss due to spot training. I think it may be entirely possible in the future that there may be some slight amendment to the concept of spot training. However at this point the evidence is not conclusive enough to warrant a change in the theory.

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigt10 View Post
    hey MS tommorow i have some questions regarding Amino Acids, Minerals, Protein and Vitamins mainly regarding the dosages and the ratio's. A

    Should i post on your blog or should i hit you up a PM if thats okay to?
    Here or there which ever I check both.

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by number twelve View Post
    i keep pulling a muscle in my lower back. i have never had this before...what am i doing wrong?
    I would need more information on what your doing to your back to cause it to pull. Generally when someone injuries a muscle they are doing one of two things. Improper biomechanics due to fatigue or local muscle inbalance or two to heavy a load is being exerted on the muscle.

  30. #30
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    Hey bro,

    awesome thread!

    I have a question regarding post workout shakes.

    Is it ok if i mix in my creatine with my whey protein inthe same shake after my workout?

    Or should the two be seperated?

    I've heard of a couple of different people that you should just take the whey by itself then have the creatine with glutamine in another shake.

    What is your opinion on this?

    Thanx inadvance.


  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by Johnny_Rotten View Post
    Hey bro,

    awesome thread!

    I have a question regarding post workout shakes.

    Is it ok if i mix in my creatine with my whey protein inthe same shake after my workout?

    Or should the two be seperated?

    I've heard of a couple of different people that you should just take the whey by itself then have the creatine with glutamine in another shake.

    What is your opinion on this?

    Thanx inadvance.

    There is no reason why you couldnt. As long as you have some sort of carb source in there to help facilitate uptake of the creatine by the muscle cells you should be fine.
    Last edited by MuscleScience; 08-28-2008 at 04:58 PM.

  32. #32
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    Bump for more questions, its sunday and I am bored out of my mind because of the rain.

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleScience View Post
    I would need more information on what your doing to your back to cause it to pull. Generally when someone injuries a muscle they are doing one of two things. Improper biomechanics due to fatigue or local muscle inbalance or two to heavy a load is being exerted on the muscle.
    i think its the local muscle imbalance. i think that is in part caused from suddenly adding a lot more muscle to my legs over the last 2 years and neglecting to stay limber and run. i just lifted. and then i started running again and i think i messed something up. the doc said that my hip and femur go out of place cause this. which causes the pain

  34. #34
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    Do you believe that taxing the bodies CNS too much can negatively effect you?

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    Do you believe that taxing the bodies CNS too much can negatively effect you?
    I certainly think there is merit to the theory. Present research seems to show that there is a neuro component to overtraining. My only question is how can over-training syndrome be seperated into muscular and neuro. One would effect the other and vise versa. Lastly if someone is to the point where their nervous system is overly taxed from repeated bouts of exercise. Wouldnt they have displayed signs of over-training anyway.
    Last edited by MuscleScience; 03-25-2009 at 12:03 AM.

  36. #36
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    Bump for tonight, I have a free night so if anyone has more questions.

  37. #37
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    can you comment on this thread I started?

  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by zartan View Post

    can you comment on this thread I started?

  39. #39
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    Do you believe in spiking insulin with simple sugars before and/or after workout ?

    I recently gotten away from this.

  40. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    Do you believe in spiking insulin with simple sugars before and/or after workout ?

    I recently gotten away from this.
    Actually i did until recently, I started researching low carb diets and doing pwo, protein only. I read a couple of really good studies that looked at protein synthesis PWO with carbs + protein ingestion vs carb only or protein only or control. In both studies protein synthesis pwo was not significantly different in the protein+carbs vs the protein only group. I wish I could find the studies i am not sure were I put them. I think it was in ACSM's journal MSSE in the may or june edition. I can not remember I read so many papers throughout the week Its hard to remember were i got them all. I will see if I have them in my endnote file if you really want them.

    Anyway what brought me to those papers is there is an effect called after burn where the body is in a fat burning mode to make up for the O2 debt and the effect of adrenaline post exercise. It has been know for sometime that for about 2 hours after exercise the metabolism is raised and a larger percentage of fat calories are being use to generate ATP for growth and repair and other energy needs. However as soon as insulin hits fat and muscle cells it virtually cancels the effects of adrenaline and causes a virtual shut down on fat burning. The reason for this is that insulin and adrenaline have an inhibitory effect on each other in the intracellular second messenger systems. (AC, PP-1, IP3 and probable some others I cant think of right now)

    There is still some debate on how much fat is actually burned PWO by this after burn mechanism. The argument is that steady state aerobic exercise burns more fat calories. However the opposing argument is if that was true then all sprinters, wrestlers and basketball players would be fat instead of ripped up. The theory on that is durning competition that the body possible burns virtually no fat as compared to the amount burned from sugars durning
    anaerobic exercise.

    That camp states that most of the fat burning is due to the large increase in anaerobic demands and a huge increase in adrenaline. Adrenaline release is directly related to exercise intensity. Since there is a two fold effect, both huge O2 debt to "repay" and a large amount of adrenaline circulating. Fat being the preferred energy source is burned at a high rate and may potentially extend the after burn zone to meet energy demands.
    Last edited by MuscleScience; 06-19-2008 at 06:13 PM.

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