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Thread: Hey new to this sort of thing but need advice

  1. #1

    Hey new to this sort of thing but need advice

    Ok i have read alot of posts regarding DIANABOL asked alot of people and got some pretty useless advice( i know everyone is going to go on about liver toxicity etc but trust me i have thought long and hard about what im about to do and have researched a ton of books , web sites etc - read hepatoxicity:fact or fiction by roy harper) this is going to be my first cycle and i have a couple of questions 1.has anyone heard/used dbol made by EDITED? 2.what is the best way to use the dbol as in dose wise,all at once couple of hours before i workout or throughout the day,all at once i heard is less toxic on the liver (dbol is liver toxic but how toxic is debatable if precautions taken , probaly not much worse than alot of medications out there e.g tylenol 3) i have 10mg caps by EDITED? from solid source. 3. i am going to stack it with deca at 200mg a week - good idea or not. please limit responses to the relavent topics , not go off condemning me because of stuff u heard(how many people do u really know who fried their liver using a common sense approach to dbol) or start talking about something totally different.Am 37 been working out for a year and have a medium build, diet totally clean and work out hard,not looking to be a body builder just developed.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Middle of a Cornfield
    Need to be working out for a couple of years IMO. Dont base your research on posts only. Do some serious research before putting something in your body that you dont know about. Just my 2 cents

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    O H-I O
    first off give full stats weight height BF%? and dbol and deca by themselves not a good choice we ll get to that after your stats are given..oh yea welcome to to the forum

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by lonewolve View Post
    Ok i have read alot of posts regarding DIANABOL asked alot of people and got some pretty useless advice( i know everyone is going to go on about liver toxicity etc but trust me i have thought long and hard about what im about to do and have researched a ton of books , web sites etc - read hepatoxicity:fact or fiction by roy harper) this is going to be my first cycle and i have a couple of questions 1.has anyone heard/used dbol made by EDITED? ? 2.what is the best way to use the dbol as in dose wise,all at once couple of hours before i workout or throughout the day,all at once i heard is less toxic on the liver (dbol is liver toxic but how toxic is debatable if precautions taken , probaly not much worse than alot of medications out there e.g tylenol 3) i have 10mg caps by EDITED? from solid source. 3. i am going to stack it with deca at 200mg a week - good idea or not. please limit responses to the relavent topics , not go off condemning me because of stuff u heard(how many people do u really know who fried their liver using a common sense approach to dbol) or start talking about something totally different.Am 37 been working out for a year and have a medium build, diet totally clean and work out hard,not looking to be a body builder just developed.
    before trying to be a hero, use the f*cking search button - this sh*t has been answered 983475938475 times

  5. #5
    To jfew i have done alot of research even down to asking guys who have used dbol/test stacks but i dont really like the way some of them took their dbol according to my own research/questions.

    To duggadoo my stats r 5'11 175 medium build and 12% body fat , used to be 260 pounds lost it all using harsh diet and harsh cardio and thank u for the welcome and nice dog.

    To widesreen , u r exactly what i mentioned in my question and my question says it all , i just joined and am new at this sort of thing , i just joined and am looking for answers u clown not dumb comments.

    and no one has told me if they have heard of EDITED? 25mg caps?????????

  6. #6
    i look better than i ever have in my life and now want to up it a bit by putting on some mass - if the dbol/deca stack lets me gain 10 or 15 pounds and i keep half , i,m happy.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    What makes you want to run deca instead of test?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    O H-I O
    well the problem with a deca and dbol you youll shut your natural test down and and wont have any test running through since deca is test and dbol is only a deravitive youll have problems deca dick as a major one if its your first cycle i recommend just a plan test or test and dbol cycle

    and thanks my pups names dominic hes my security dog hes very nice until you mess with me my family or come in my house unannounced haha hes much big now as well i think that was at 5-6 months hes 2 now and about 125lbs pretty cool breed called a canis panther but ill stop talkin about my dog now

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    props on busting your ass in the gym, but seriously you haven't done much research if you're asking the questions you're asking. not trying to be a dick, but all those questions could be answered in 2 mins of searching.

    guys make "dumb comments" because these types of questions get asked daily by guys who have "done their research". take your time with this; AAS is serious business.

  10. #10
    Scotty- i read/heard deca is a mild anabolic which hopefully will kick in just as i stop my dbol and help solidify any gains i made.

    duggadoo - am considering sus/dbol but have to keep in mind my age so dont want to totally overload myself , even my injectables i am gonna keep to 200mg a week as i stated i dont want to be a body builder , just look good and fuctional strenghth if anything.Heard of a canis corsa but not a panther , harsh into dogs myself lol.

    widescreen - as i said i have done my researching but get so much conflicting advice e.g eat cottage cheese at night(which i do) for slow burning protein source-casein etc dont eat cottage cheese as it turns to fat and at night ur body is supposed to sleep not digest,a person sometimes just doesnt know what to do , i apolagise for calling u a clown.Dude i am serious about AAS.

    I have tried searching for EDITED? on the net but have found nothing , like i said EDITED? is reliable , from reliable source and reliable UGL. EDITED? looks all fancy etc nice package but no one in my circle or where i work out has heard of them.

  11. #11
    Oh and deca dick , man been married twice so 10 weeks of limp dick i can handle if at the end i gain something , have nolva on hand incase of sides during and clomid for pct and if i inject then will get HCG.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    deca+nolva=some bad sh*t need to research more

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    No Steroids for you..NEXT
    We do Not discuss lab names here bro..>Edit it out

  14. #14
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    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    I'm tired of having to edit every post you make, so I'm closing this thread. Either read the rules and do some research before you post again or the duration of your stay here will be short.

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