The Guru - This was plenty of Austin Powers’ humor reprised into a different character...nothing special, but often quite funny!
Get Smart - Humorous, but Ann never really displays her great form, and the plot is so predictable it's a bore. Only the Rock's co-starring role really makes this film plausible.
War Inc. - Semi-bizarre, along the lines of the film "Idiocracy" but not half as funny. Can't complain about the casting though, both Cusacks are great as usual, and Marisa Tomei & Hillary Duff were good, but with an over-the-top storyline only continued intrigue staves off attrition. It's amazing how stars sometimes sign on exclusively based on a film's novelty.
Wanted - WOW, WOW! The stunt creativity and movie-magic alone garner this interjection. Any action fan will absolutely LOVE this one, as it's probably the best thrill ride I've ever been on...seriously! The storyline is not too shabby, replete with catchy one-liners, sexual innuendos, and curiously a unprecedented catalyst (please don't give away the driving force behind this one). Of course when featuring a more svelte and decisively less curvacious than Lara Croft Angelina as ample eye candy, "How could it or you possibly go wrong?"