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Thread: High Blood Pressure

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Durty SouF

    Exclamation High Blood Pressure

    Ok guys, so i havent posted a thread in a while. This is my dilema, lately I've been having headaches due to high blood pressure (i spread my orals throughout the day). When I went to the pharmacy they had the blood pressure machiene, so I jumped on it, and my pressure was 148 over 60 something...anyways, the thing is high.

    So I got some Red Yeast Rice and some CoQ10 (coenzyme Q10) to help with my heart and high blood pressure (I am also taking my
    o m e g a 's 3, 6, and 9
    as well as joint support and milk thistle.).

    So is there anything else i can take to reduce the headaches being caused my the high blood pressure?
    Last edited by Emilio_Rebenga; 07-08-2008 at 12:59 PM. Reason: spelling

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Durty SouF
    I also have ibuprofen for the headaches, but i want to lower my blood pressure, and not just cover up the side that I get from it.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Thats not that high...
    When im on cycle my BP goes to 160 over 100.. i started using enduracyn and my BP went down to 138 over 75

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Durty SouF
    its not high but its not normal..ive checked it before and it hit 154 over 80

    but its these head aches thats been getting to me and i know it b/c of the high bp

    i drink more than enough water and im cycling the proper way

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    Headaches are a common side effect of aas. What and how much are you taking ?

    154/80 is certainly a strange #.

    How big are your arms? I can't fit my arm in the drugstore machine and if your arm is to big I don't think you can trust the reading.

    Get someone,Dr.??, to use a cuff for you.

  6. #6
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    Jun 2007
    My buddy hurt his foot at work while on tren and went to the health office. They took his bp and were like "holy crap." lol. Your BP isn't too bad. How's your water/sodium intake? Headaches are a tough one to find the route cause of. Try some asprin instead of ibu.

  7. #7
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    Through the looking glass
    id go to walgreens and buy a BP machine they are like 50 bucks. Take some morning measurments to get the most accurate results. But 148/60 is just barely over normal alteast your systolic is a little up but your diastolic is perfect. I get headaches from alot of tension build up in my trap area on cycle. If your dead set on it being a BP issue try some catapress Itll lower BP and is suppose to help up anabolism. But with the catapress you dont want your BP to go to low either. My blood pressure goes pretty low on it.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Durty SouF
    Quote Originally Posted by facile View Post
    Headaches are a common side effect of aas. What and how much are you taking ?

    154/80 is certainly a strange #.

    How big are your arms? I can't fit my arm in the drugstore machine and if your arm is to big I don't think you can trust the reading.

    Get someone,Dr.??, to use a cuff for you.
    Good point...i did have trouble getting me arm in the machine..154/80 is a strange number, but i kno it was somewhere around there...i will try the cuff

    what do you know of that can lower bp? I know its very common with on 70mgs of Tbol

  9. #9
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    Jun 2008
    If the cuff is too small, your numbers will be high. I've had a few of my drs. tell me that. You gotta use a larger cuff. I got the same scare several years ago when I walked into a drug store and used of those things.

  10. #10
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    i read your post and checked mine right before eating was 140 over 50 and right after eating it was 130 over 60

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Durty SouF
    Quote Originally Posted by sugarfreebig View Post
    If the cuff is too small, your numbers will be high. I've had a few of my drs. tell me that. You gotta use a larger cuff. I got the same scare several years ago when I walked into a drug store and used of those things.
    sweet! Im going to stay on the CoQ10 and Red Yeast Rice to kind of keep levels stable..I also upped my water intake from 1 gal to 1 1/2 gal daily

  12. #12
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    Through the looking glass
    keep sodium low, drink lots of water, no caffeine, lots of apples bananas brocoli, flax and fish oil. Then there are a vast collection of prescriptions you can order overseas but again I dont think your BP is high enough for medical intervention.

  13. #13
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    Through the looking glass
    shoot for atleast 120mg of Co-Q10

  14. #14
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    Oct 2007
    I use wheat and barley grass every morning which can help BP.(powdered available any healthfood store) tastes like grass! ALSO Potassium/Bananas, B complex/Niacin,

    Like Burnin69, I get headaches from tension in my traps "while on" especially after certain exercises, they can really suck and start to effect all that you do.

    My BP is always borderline high keep an eye on it.

    AAS like eq raises red blood cells, which can increase BP, I don't know if Tbol does the same, but I have read about people donating blood once a month to drop BP related to elevated RBC's.

  15. #15
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    Durty SouF
    Quote Originally Posted by burnin69 View Post
    shoot for atleast 120mg of Co-Q10
    im at 400mg of Co Q10

    i do 2 in the morning and 2 in the evening

    also im doing fish, flax, and borage 1 pill, 3 times a day

    i split it up in morning, afternoon, and night

  16. #16
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    Durty SouF
    Quote Originally Posted by facile View Post
    I use wheat and barley grass every morning which can help BP.(powdered available any healthfood store) tastes like grass! ALSO Potassium/Bananas, B complex/Niacin,

    Like Burnin69, I get headaches from tension in my traps "while on" especially after certain exercises, they can really suck and start to effect all that you do.

    My BP is always borderline high keep an eye on it.

    AAS like eq raises red blood cells, which can increase BP, I don't know if Tbol does the same, but I have read about people donating blood once a month to drop BP related to elevated RBC's.
    u know i was actually thinking about that b/c ive read it somewhere too...also ill be doing a good thing by donating its a win win situation

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    In the hills
    thats not high BP, well considering. Mine jumps 40 points on t-e. Last week I had a headache for 8 days straight. Turned out it was a sinus infect. even though my nose wasn't conjested. BP really isn't a concern till 180 plus on gear

  18. #18
    Foods that will help


    drink plenty of water

  19. #19
    Join Date
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    Durty SouF
    Granted it might not be high blood pressure that's causing my headaches, but its still good stuff to know while you're on gear.

    like someone else above stated above headaches are a common side of AAS, but its up to us to get educated on it. Gyno is also a common side but we don't just accept it, now we know ways to prevent, and fight it off.

    Hopefully this thread will be of good use to someone else in the future who suffers from the same side and (hopefully) they would use the search button and learn. I learned alot from you guys and all of your individual inputs
    Last edited by Emilio_Rebenga; 07-08-2008 at 07:21 PM.

  20. #20
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    You wont be able to donate blood if you have high blood pressure.

    Your readings are not high at all and I doubt that its causing your headaches.

    Monitor your blood pressure at different times of day and over a period of days to get an accurate representation of whats going on. One reading is basically worthless.

  21. #21
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    try a good massage for the headache. I make my wife rub the muscles in my neck, shoulders, and head. The extra blood flow usually atleast helps a little. Also a hot cloth on my neck helps. I try to stay away from the asprin etc... as it slows protein synthesis.

  22. #22
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    Durty SouF
    Quote Originally Posted by burnin69 View Post
    try a good massage for the headache. I make my wife rub the muscles in my neck, shoulders, and head. The extra blood flow usually atleast helps a little. Also a hot cloth on my neck helps. I try to stay away from the asprin etc... as it slows protein synthesis.
    I agree about the asprin, thats why i am trying to get to the root of the problem instead of just covering it up. Ibuprofen is what I got my hands on. Oh and if I ask my wifey for a massage she'll complain for 8 mins, rub me for 2mins, and then expect a 30min massage in return. lol

  23. #23
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    Through the looking glass
    lol try offering her a "good time" or my wifes favorite some "kitchen ware" j/k if my wife reads this im getting an ass kicking. A prof massage shouldnt cost to much money it could be an option but your definetly right in trying to find the root of the problem instead of just masking it with some compound what ever it might be.

  24. #24
    Join Date
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    Durty SouF
    Maybe I should go to Bancock Spa, or Happy Endings Massage Parlor

  25. #25
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    Through the looking glass
    I love happy endings massage parlor I was there twice this week.

  26. #26
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    If you want to remove the guess work on what your pressure really is and you don't want to go to the doctor, go to your local fire station. They will do it for nothing and you will really know what your pressure is. Its at least worth the peace of mind.

  27. #27
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  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by Emilio_Rebenga View Post
    Ok guys, so i havent posted a thread in a while. This is my dilema, lately I've been having headaches due to high blood pressure (i spread my orals throughout the day). When I went to the pharmacy they had the blood pressure machiene, so I jumped on it, and my pressure was 148 over 60 something...anyways, the thing is high.

    So I got some Red Yeast Rice and some CoQ10 (coenzyme Q10) to help with my heart and high blood pressure (I am also taking my
    o m e g a 's 3, 6, and 9
    as well as joint support and milk thistle.).

    So is there anything else i can take to reduce the headaches being caused my the high blood pressure?

    Advice.....If your arms are over 17" than a normal Blood pressure machine, or Large cuff will not be accurate. Always measure your BP on the left side of your body.... Always sit for 5 mins before you start your BP. make sure that your elbow is not at the same elevation of your needs to be lower..

    Let me know your exact BP after following these tips and i will try to help...

    Medical Practitioner

  29. #29
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    If you've got high blood pressure then headaches are the least of your worries.

    Before I give scare-tactics, I wanna let you know that high blood pressure is easily prevented by taking a Beta Blocker medication such as Inderal (in most cases).

    However if you choose to ignore high blood pressure, it will cause:
    1) Kidney problems
    2) Stroke
    3) Heart Attack

    I'm not trying to scare you here but you should know how serious high blood pressure is if it goes untreated. If you take the right medication now, you'll be fine, but if you ignore it you could be f***ed.

    A few years ago I was very sick and the doctors hadn't a clue what was wrong with me. At one point I had ridiculously high blood pressure and pulse rate. Straight away the doctor put me on Inderal, I remember her saying something like "we need to get that blood pressure down before your kidneys act up".

    Don't just take a medication to alleviate the headaches, get that blood pressure down, your doctor will know which drug is best for getting your pressure down.

    You have no need to worry if you get yourself treated/medicated as soon as possible.
    Last edited by KimboHalfSlice; 10-13-2009 at 09:35 AM.

  30. #30
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    Jun 2007
    his cycle is over by now, check the date

  31. #31
    thanks everyone for the post its been a help, im running mdrol at 20mg n have had hi bp like 148/84 sometimes 150/90, had headaches and blurred vision. using hawthorne berry but its taking too long to work so have got some potassium tablets n will increase my banaa and orange uptake.
    iim going to drop to 10 mg until i stabilise my bp
    just fiished my 2nd week on mdrol, planned a 4 week course but im just going to do one more week.
    but thanks this thread has been a great help

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