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Thread: Why do the big guys in the gym.....

  1. #161
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    He is making baby steps.....


  2. #162
    Join Date
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    haha this thread has really hit a nerve with people lol some people are getting angry. Weight training has alot of different purposes to increase muscle, reduce fat , increase strength to name a few. All these are legitimate and if you wanna train to get bigger and concentrate on form then thats good and on the other hand some people want to increase the functional amount of weight they lift. I think he key to putting on muscle is to constantly change between certain training types.

  3. #163
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    Quote Originally Posted by maxex View Post
    Why are you watching other guys in the gym anyway? That's why they started putting tv's in people who like to watch can watch tv. keep the focuss on yourself and you'll go alot further..don't worry about what everyone else does.
    That kind of don't worry what other people think is the kinda talk obese people use lol

  4. #164
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    Quote Originally Posted by n4529359 View Post
    That kind of don't worry what other people think is the kinda talk obese people use lol
    What are you talking about? I said nothing of the sort.

  5. #165
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    Quote Originally Posted by n4529359 View Post
    That kind of don't worry what other people think is the kinda talk obese people use lol
    Even though I didn't say that. I would consider people who don't care what other people think as confident..not obese.

  6. #166
    Join Date
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    Los Angeles
    I don't know what some people are saying in this thread but strength is obviously important. And I'm one of those guys that love strength and it is not just related to power lifting. For one, I just like knowing I have a lot of power, it's a good confident feeling. Not to show off and not for anyone else, just for me to know I have that power.

    And going heavy almost always equates to more size, and to those that are gonna counter this with all you need is high volume for muscle growth or whatever you guys say lol, well that is true too but for the most part to gain size you have to go heavy and the strength increase will come with that as well. Don't look at the pros who do insane amount of drugs or have amazing genetics and you think you don't need to go heavy to gain size.

  7. #167
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    Canada eh
    Honestly bro, get yourself a camera get a video, I dont find it that hard to believe but some ppl obviously do... I hope to god your forms good though!

  8. #168
    Join Date
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    Ontario, Canada
    26 people viewing this thread and its going on 6 pages lol.

    I say look at that guy's core lifts. Who cares what he's curling? If he's big I'll bet he bench presses, squats, and deadlifts some decent weight

  9. #169
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    Learnin from the best...
    Quote Originally Posted by bulldawg_28 View Post
    I don't get it. You're 5'10, 200lbs, can curl 80lb dumbells, carry 3-400lb logs onyour back, and only eat 1200 kcal a day, while being hypoglycemic? Something just doesn't add up.
    you sir are correct...the math just doesnt add up....

    i feel so left up maybe i should put up my stats too...
    national qualified competetior
    405 for 8 on bench
    405 for 6 on front squats
    600+ for 6 on deads
    but i cant curl 80's not even fukin close...hell last week i got the 70's for 5 a side and my form was ok at best, so at 80's i would look horendous...not saying you cant but if you look at the quote i highlighted above something just doesnt add up bro...

    as for your why do big guys lift light weight??? well first, who gives a fuk...seriously...second...i do a lot of work with light weights for lots of reasons...i dont wanna get hurt, i am at the end of my work out, i like to mix up all my workouts and confuse my body, im fukin lazy sometimes , some muscles are built better doing high reps and light weight i aint gonna do tricep kickbacks with the 80's, maybe i am competing soon so i am trying to focus on definition....hope this answers why some big guys do it....i would love Pinnacle to come in here and answer this...he might get banned though...hahahaha...

    just do what works for you and dont fukin worry about what anyone else is doing, it aint gonna help you one bit....

  10. #170
    Join Date
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    Vegas, bitches!!!
    Quote Originally Posted by abbot138 View Post
    Ahhh you must be a powerlifter.....And yeah you got me dude, I love me some clubbing, thats all I do actually, I dont really even lift, I just run deca cycles in the winter and winny cycles in the summer so I can get RIPPED....Blow me chief, make sure you know someone before you pass judgement on them.
    Yes I'm a powerlifter and competitive strongman and I choose to surround myself with real athletes not narcissitic little punks who just want to look the part! I don't knock anyone who lifts weights to better themselves, they don't have to be a top level athlete like myself but looking the part is just as fake. Its guys like you that suffer from manorexia. 150lbs and ripped isn't muscular! Any 15yr old kid can do that! Put some weight on the bar chump and grow for real!

  11. #171
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    people are allowed to have different goals

  12. #172
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    Quote Originally Posted by WEBB View Post
    you sir are correct...the math just doesnt add up....

    i feel so left up maybe i should put up my stats too...
    national qualified competetior
    405 for 8 on bench
    405 for 6 on front squats
    600+ for 6 on deads
    but i cant curl 80's not even fukin close...hell last week i got the 70's for 5 a side and my form was ok at best, so at 80's i would look horendous...not saying you cant but if you look at the quote i highlighted above something just doesnt add up bro...

    as for your why do big guys lift light weight??? well first, who gives a fuk...seriously...second...i do a lot of work with light weights for lots of reasons...i dont wanna get hurt, i am at the end of my work out, i like to mix up all my workouts and confuse my body, im fukin lazy sometimes , some muscles are built better doing high reps and light weight i aint gonna do tricep kickbacks with the 80's, maybe i am competing soon so i am trying to focus on definition....hope this answers why some big guys do it....i would love Pinnacle to come in here and answer this...he might get banned though...hahahaha...

    just do what works for you and dont fukin worry about what anyone else is doing, it aint gonna help you one bit....

    Yeah dude. People worry about and watch others too much. People have different goals for different reasons....who gives a flying ****?!?!?!

    ****ing get in the gym. Do work. Get out.

    Who gives a **** about some stranger lifting weights....

    If it bothers you, why dont you ask him???

    lmao @ Pinn!!!

    Wheres his fat ass?!?!

    haha 5 pages of crap....let me get some popcorn

  13. #173
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    I curl 90's

  14. #174
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    Los Angeles
    I say OP has two options at this point. A) Post a video and shut everyone up, or B) Create a new account

  15. #175
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Anyone see the movie VisionQuest? Its all about training and wrestling. The state champ 'shoot' runs up and down the bleachers with a log on his back. I wonder how much he can curl?

  16. #176
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    Quote Originally Posted by F4iDom View Post
    Anyone see the movie VisionQuest? Its all about training and wrestling. The state champ 'shoot' runs up and down the bleachers with a log on his back. I wonder how much he can curl?

  17. #177
    Join Date
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    Houston, TX

    The Cost of Redemption features Coleman's 2x800 lb (363 kg) squats, 8x2250 lb (1021 kg) leg press, 5x495 lb (225 kg) bench press and 75 lb (34 kg) alternate curls. Preparation for the 2003 Mr. Olympia.

  18. #178
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    mother****er must be bigger than old ron himself look out for jsin at this years olympia.

  19. #179
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    Quote Originally Posted by BgMc31 View Post
    Yes I'm a powerlifter and competitive strongman and I choose to surround myself with real athletes not narcissitic little punks who just want to look the part! I don't knock anyone who lifts weights to better themselves, they don't have to be a top level athlete like myself but looking the part is just as fake. Its guys like you that suffer from manorexia. 150lbs and ripped isn't muscular! Any 15yr old kid can do that! Put some weight on the bar chump and grow for real!
    Yup, not 150 and I do put weight on the bar chump....Funny I was thinking that anyone could just bulk non-stop eat their ass off and eventually get to 300lbs. I'd love to do that, sounds great to me. And again if you go back to my post you will see that I said, UNLESS you are a powerlifter (or professional athlete I should have added), you dont need to lift for strength. If thats your thing, then great, I didnt mean to knock you for it, and I do apologize for coming off that way. For my goals and what Im trying to accomplish I'd rather use reasonable weight and stay in the 8-10 rep range. But stop flaming on me and making false statements about me guy, I have not once in this thread flamed on you, or made any personal remarks about you, bc I dont know you personally. I stated my opinions about lifting for strength, it is an open forum and Im entitled to do so....Im not 150 lbs, I dont have 15 inch arms, or a 30 inch chest, I dont wear xxxsmall tshirts, and I dont go to clubs. You dont know me, so stop acting like you do.
    Last edited by abbot138; 07-11-2008 at 07:26 AM.

  20. #180
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    May 2005
    i curl the 60s but it took me 20 lbs of extra weight on my part to get there from the 45/50s and even now i still only get them for 5 to 6 reps i also dont consider myself a big guy

  21. #181
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    Quote Originally Posted by Diary of a Mad-man View Post
    Wether he can curl 80's or not isnt important to me. I just thought it was silly to see a guy lifting a weight, make a judgement about him based on what you see without knowing his routine for the day/week, and then caring about it.

    Maybe they are coming back from an injury, maybe they just lifted the heavy weight and are burning it out. If he's big good for him.

    If you are way stronger than everyone and you run around with 500 lbs logs, good for you.

    Why do rich people sometimes spend small amounts of money?

    As for abbot, you sound angry and ignorant. Does that make ME a power lifter? Then you jump on guys doing the same routine every week. What business of it is yours? Why are you watching people to the point where you know their routine when you could put more effort into your own? How do you know the guy isnt getting results? Are you weighing and measuring him? I hope no-one knows my routine, that would be a little fruity.

    You jumped on people for judging you, after making dumb prejudiced statements about others, and by prejudiced, I mean like the definition. To pre-judge. And then you call the OTHER guy an idiot? IDIOT FIGHT!

    Basicly, sounds like a bunch of people hating on others. You both give body-builders, power lifters, xxsmall shirt wearers, lumberjacks,
    Americans, and retards, all a bad name.

    Your absolutely right and I apologize for coming off like that....Different strokes for different folks. I am very opinionated and I tend to let my emotions get the best of me when expressing my opinion, and I forgot that not every shares my same views....And I dont pay attention to what other people do in the gym, I put my head down, lift and do my thing, get in and get out, its just hard not to notice when youve been at the same gym for 5 years and someone does the same routine on every day of the week and looks the saem they did 5 years ago.....Again, I would like to apologize for pre-judging, thats not who I am. I dont appreciate being personally attacked by someone who knows nothing about me, and I should know better than to do the same to someone else. Thanks for bringing it to my attention.

  22. #182
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    Dude, I feel ya. Ive gone to the same gym since '99. You cant help but notice people after a decade.

    I just have this personal philosophy. If I see a fat-ass guy working out around me, I smile, give the head nod, and try to make them feel comfortable around me so they can better their lives. If I see a skinny **** benching the bar, I do the same as to make them feel comfortable.

    Everyone has to start somewhere. I could be maimed in a car accident today and then you guys would be "watching my routine" for the rest of my life making fun of me.

    The only time I "watch people", is maybe if a huge dude is doing bent over rows, I may check their form to better mine, for example. Or if some big dude tries to mean mug me, THEY GET EYE DOMINATED.

    Besides, we have to get our civilian population in shape for the great human-robot wars of 2050.

    (p.s., in my decade of going to the same gym, I probably gained 40 lbs. Not a shit ton for 9 years I know, but I am stronger, healthier, more confident, more educated about my body. In that time I had a kid, lost some jobs, had a divorce, you know, things to make you take time off. However, according to some people, I guess I shouldnt have even bothered huh?)
    Last edited by Diary of a Mad-man; 07-11-2008 at 08:36 AM.

  23. #183
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    Quote Originally Posted by Diary of a Mad-man View Post
    Dude, I feel ya. Ive gone to the same gym since '99. You cant help but notice people after a decade.

    I just have this personal philosophy. If I see a fat-ass guy working out around me, I smile, give the head nod, and try to make them feel comfortable around me so they can better their lives. If I see a skinny **** benching the bar, I do the same as to make them feel comfortable.

    Everyone has to start somewhere. I could be maimed in a car accident today and then you guys would be "watching my routine" for the rest of my life making fun of me.

    The only time I "watch people", is maybe if a huge dude is doing bent over rows, I may check their form to better mine, for example. Or if some big dude tries to mean mug me, THEY GET EYE DOMINATED.

    Besides, we have to get our civilian population in shape for the great human-robot wars of 2050.

    (p.s., in my decade of going to the same gym, I probably gained 40 lbs. Not a shit ton for 9 years I know, but I am stronger, healthier, more confident, more educated about my body. In that time I had a kid, lost some jobs, had a divorce, you know, things to make you take time off. However, according to some people, I guess I shouldnt have even bothered huh?)

    LMAO!!!! Duuuude, Im gonna be ready for that robot war, I dont care how old I am, Im gonna bust some robot ass, lol!!!! And your right, everyone does have to start somewhere, and I do try to be that guy that is humble and friendly at the gym towards everyone, whether they are bigger than me, smaller than me, fatter than me, more ripped than me. I actually love it when I see a skinny young kid go over and do some real light weight dead lifts, and I can tell they feel self-conscious about it, but like I told this kid the other night, "hey at least your doing them , thats more than I can say for most people your age, your way ahead of the game." Bottom line, i wayyyyy misrepresented myself, and I didnt want anyone to get the wrong idea...I LOVE EVERYONE!!!! Except for the robots, mother fvckin robots!

  24. #184
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Vegas, bitches!!!
    Quote Originally Posted by abbot138 View Post
    Yup, not 150 and I do put weight on the bar chump....Funny I was thinking that anyone could just bulk non-stop eat their ass off and eventually get to 300lbs. I'd love to do that, sounds great to me. And again if you go back to my post you will see that I said, UNLESS you are a powerlifter (or professional athlete I should have added), you dont need to lift for strength. If thats your thing, then great, I didnt mean to knock you for it, and I do apologize for coming off that way. For my goals and what Im trying to accomplish I'd rather use reasonable weight and stay in the 8-10 rep range. But stop flaming on me and making false statements about me guy, I have not once in this thread flamed on you, or made any personal remarks about you, bc I dont know you personally. I stated my opinions about lifting for strength, it is an open forum and Im entitled to do so....Im not 150 lbs, I dont have 15 inch arms, or a 30 inch chest, I dont wear xxxsmall tshirts, and I dont go to clubs. You dont know me, so stop acting like you do.
    First of all I'm far from a chump as we can compare athletic and life resumes if you wish. Second, your initial statement is what prompted me to flame you. There are many other applications for strength training that go far beyond strength sports. So that is why I flamed you. When you post ignorant statements on a forum like this, you open yourself up for extreme criticism.

  25. #185
    Join Date
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    I wear xxtra-medium shirts.

  26. #186
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    Quote Originally Posted by BgMc31 View Post
    There are many other applications for strength training that go far beyond strength sports.
    Like chopping the evil oak roots that dig up your moms porch concrete? That shit sucked so bad. (oak really really does suck. Sawzall helps)

  27. #187
    Well you know what I hate?

    Dudes that do jump curls with 80s.

    Unless you are Ronnie Coleman, I think it is impossible to do 80lbs on a single joint exercise with good form.

    When fresh, I can do 40s...MAYBE 45s with good form. Whenever I see guys use 80s, they are basically doing jumping jack curls...hugeee momentum swings.

    The reason they are bigger than you is because they use proper form..

  28. #188
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  29. #189
    Join Date
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    No Steroids for you..NEXT
    I wear XXXsmall shirts to....AND???

  30. #190
    Join Date
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    I weigh 235 and bench 135 max. Basically, I'm huge.

  31. #191
    Join Date
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    No Steroids for you..NEXT
    Damm Blome your a chubby little fellow aren't you....LOL

  32. #192
    Join Date
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    everything you do is LIGHTWEIGHT BABY!

  33. #193
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    Quote Originally Posted by lex57 View Post
    ok guys these are the 80's................
    thats one bad bitch. i would tear her up.

  34. #194
    Join Date
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    i curl 105's. i win.

  35. #195
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    Quote Originally Posted by wilson9d View Post
    thats one bad bitch. i would tear her up.
    word! shes hot as hell...............

  36. #196
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    because of a otj injury 3 years ago, i have a twenty pound weight limit from the insurance doctor(and yes, ive been followed and taped). so for 3 years i aint really lifted heavy. i get around this by the use of weight machines.(i used to hatem, but now i kinda enjoy them) . after reading the hype on this thread, i decide to give some 80s a go here at home..........i forgot how heavy 80s are.....hats off to 80 lb curlers!

  37. #197
    Join Date
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    lol i remember i was doing curls on friday and I saw the 80lb dumbells and i immediatly thought about this thread & started dying laughin at the fact that this kid says he does this for sets.

  38. #198
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    Quote Originally Posted by playboii View Post
    lol i remember i was doing curls on friday and I saw the 80lb dumbells and i immediatly thought about this thread & started dying laughin at the fact that this kid says he does this for sets.
    I know what you mean, I did a set of flat presses with 80's and couldnt help but think of this guy running around with a log on his back.

  39. #199
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    Funny as hell, this girl at our gym out of nowhere asks me how much I can db curl bc here husband (who's in the army, she throws in, LOL!) got dared to curl 90lb db and did it. Wasnt sure if i was suppose to be impressed or what. But all I could think of was this thread...There must be something in the air making people want to curl insanely heavy db with really bad form.

  40. #200
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    People have turned the dumbbell curl into an Olympic lift it seems. A multijoint explosion of jerkiness and power.

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