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Thread: Test Cypionate , Masteron, Dbol and Anavar first time

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2006

    Test Cypionate , Masteron, Dbol and Anavar first time

    Hey guys

    Age 26
    working out for 4 years

    I’m starting a new 10 week cycle soon Please advice

    Week 1-10 200mg/EW of Test Cyp (By pfizer)
    Week 1-10 200mg/EW of Masteron (By Empire)
    week 1-5 25mg/ED of Dbol (Russian)
    Week 5-10 50mg/ED of Anavar

    Also Was recommended to take Letrozole 1.25mg/ED


    Will also be doing 15-20 min cardio every morning and 15-20min cardio post workout

    Advice needed with the following thanks in advance

    1.I was told that 200mg for test and 200 mg of Materon a week was enough
    Will be taking it Mondays and Fridays

    2. One bottle of Masteron Expires this month Says it was made by Empire Labs and it expires July 2008 is it still good ??

    3.And About the Letrozole I read good and bad things about it some say that after the cycle is done my Estrogen levels will bounce back to high and I should take so much

    Thanks in advance for any help

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Bringing It All Back Home
    Wow that's a stack!

    For Letro look up cbino's post. It's a sticky somewhere. If I could get I'd use it for sure.

    Good Luck.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Thanks Obro
    Since I am only taking 200 Test and 200 Masteron a Week
    Would you recommend I just take Nolvadex throughout the hole cycle and PCT
    I just want to avoid any estrogen bounce back affect

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Dave1622 View Post
    Thanks Obro
    Since I am only taking 200 Test and 200 Masteron a Week
    Would you recommend I just take Nolvadex throughout the hole cycle and PCT
    I just want to avoid any estrogen bounce back affect
    i wouldnt, since your doing such low dosages you wont have any estrogen problems unless your prone to them. also masteron works in a sort of estrogen blocking affect. so you shouldnt have problems either way.

    may i ask why your running such a low dose of test and mast? i mean the test is pretty much only an HRT dose. Its not going to do anything, unless your just making sure you have some test in ya and letting the other compounds do the work?

    i would add the nolvadex to PCT. Your not running a very harsh cycle, no 19-Nors or such, so the HCG isnt really needed. But you can run it anyway.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    also in response to your questions... the test and masteron are a little low. most ppl run the test at 500mg/week and the mast and about 500-600mg/wk.

    your mast will be fine. the stuff will not completely expire on that date. it will still work. it may not be as strong as when it was first made but it will work.

    i wouldnt bother using the letro. like i said in my previous post, your dosages are low for pretty much every compound your running. running the letro for your whole cycle will just hinder your gains.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Thanks Dukkitdalaw

    I was gonna run 400 of test and 400 of Mast a week but was told that the test I got from Pfizer Lab is very potent and would only need 200 a week (has anyone ever tried this lab) I don’t know if that’s true

    and your right I did read that Mast would act as a sort of estrogen blocker

    So do u recommend I run 400mg a week of each Test and Mast??

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Dave1622 View Post
    Thanks Dukkitdalaw

    I was gonna run 400 of test and 400 of Mast a week but was told that the test I got from Pfizer Lab is very potent and would only need 200 a week (has anyone ever tried this lab) I don’t know if that’s true

    and your right I did read that Mast would act as a sort of estrogen blocker

    So do u recommend I run 400mg a week of each Test and Mast??
    that would be better. and test is test. so whoever told you that your test is stronger then another test is a tard. theres a reason its dosed at so many mg a ml. that way its all the same stregnth. so yes, bump up the test and mast. i would bump them up to 500mg if you have enough to last your cycle. but if not then 400 will do alot more then 200.

    and call me dukki.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Thanks Dukki

    I will bump it up to 400 and will get me some Nolvadex and do 20mg a day throughout the hole cycle and PCT just to play it safe

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    How soon and what Type of results should I see

    Anyone with experience with Mast ???


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    well the mast, d-bol and anavar will kick in fast. you will see great strength, and fat loss from the mast and anavar. the d-bol will give stregnth and some weight gain. may bloat you some, but your running it pretty low so you should be cool.

    i dont have personal experience with Mast but i am plannin on running it in my next cycle. my friends who ran it liked it. it really help shed some fat and tighten up the body. but its better if you have a pretty low body fat already. then you will see the most results.

    overall you should see good lean muscle mass, fat loss, and hardening of muscle if your diet and training are up to par.

    what are your stats??

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Well thats really my Goal is to gain lean muscle and tighten up
    I know diet is key

    I'm 26 been working out for little over 4 years now 5 times a week
    body fat is down I can see my uper abs and a little in the middle and working on the lower part

    So thats why I'm gonna do cardio in the morning and after my workouts

    I'm also gonna take 1 tab ECA every morning and weekends off, I dont like the feeling of
    it but i should help since I am trying to keep my Carb intake to not more then 50g a day and Carb up on the weekends

    Training I will be doing one body part a day found it works best for me

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    sounds good. you should see great results. keep us updated on your progress bro.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Thanks Man for all the help

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Hey guys another quick question
    At this time I take Creating pills (Purple K) and I love the boost of endurance I get at the gym and no bloating effect

    Would you guys recommend I stay on them or no use since I will be doing ECA and all the other gear


  15. #15
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    the CITY
    it wouldnt hurt

  16. #16
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Should he really run nolva through the whole cycle??? since masteron helps with lowering estrogen in the body??? you need some estrogen to build muscle correct? so with the two compounds (Mast&Nolva) wouldnt he be exterminating all of his estrogen and compromising his gains and wasting money ?

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    So would you guys recommend I do 10mg nolvadex during cycle and then 20mg during PCT?
    Or it should be fine just to run 20mg throughout the cycle


  18. #18
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    dont take the novla during cycle bro. masteron will already pretty much help with estrogen affects. it doesnt lower it but it prevents it from binding i believe. so you will still have some... and you need estrogen to build muscle. so just run the nolva for PCT. you wont need an AI during the cycle unless your really prone to gyno and such

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Well I don’t know if I am prone to Gyno is there anyway of knowing

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Dave1622 View Post
    Well I don’t know if I am prone to Gyno is there anyway of knowing
    more then likely your not. just dont run any nolva. and if you start to feel some itchyness or puffiness in your titties, then run some letro or nolva and it will go away. but im telling ya. if ya want to see the most gains from your cycle, dont run the nolva during your cycle. you really dont need it.

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Alright Thanks Man
    I’m gonna do only the 400 Test and 400 Mast a week and the 25mg/ED and save the Nolva for PCT

    Thanks dukki

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Dave1622 View Post
    Alright Thanks Man
    I’m gonna do only the 400 Test and 400 Mast a week and the 25mg/ED and save the Nolva for PCT

    Thanks dukki
    that sounds wonderful!!

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Dirty South
    Wow either im reading this wrong or I think yall just gave this guy some bad advice. First thing 400mgs a week of injectables on top of those orals is PLENTY of juice for a FIRST cycle. Second thing its not recommended to run so many compounds on a first cycle. Third 10 weeks of orals is not smart. If you must run them both then do a 2 week break in between them and run the var up until the day before you start pct. You shouldn't need an AI or SERM while on this cycle. Keep letro on hand just in case gyno pops up. JMO

  24. #24
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    Aug 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Dog-Slime View Post
    Wow either im reading this wrong or I think yall just gave this guy some bad advice. First thing 400mgs a week of injectables on top of those orals is PLENTY of juice for a FIRST cycle. Second thing its not recommended to run so many compounds on a first cycle. Third 10 weeks of orals is not smart. If you must run them both then do a 2 week break in between them and run the var up until the day before you start pct. You shouldn't need an AI or SERM while on this cycle. Keep letro on hand just in case gyno pops up. JMO
    your reading wrong... first off he was going to do 200 mg of each. which is not enough to see any results. so THEN he bumped it up to 400mg a week.

    also im not sure if this is his first cycle. i was under the impression that the title of the thread meant, he was running these type of compounds for the first time. but if it is his first cycle then yes, he need to reevaluate the cycle. my bad

    and yes he can run the orals for the entire time. but doesnt have to be at the same time for both. as long as he switches it up. like he has planned. anavar for the first few weeks and d-bol the last few. the Anavar is not hardly as liver toxic as the d-bol so he wont have any problems with that. PLUS... hes doing pretty low doses of the d-bol and anavar.

    so given the low doses he is using for all compounds. and how he plans to use it. this cycle is fine.

    but hey, what do i know.
    Last edited by Dukkit; 07-16-2008 at 02:47 PM.

  25. #25
    Join Date
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    Dirty South
    Quote Originally Posted by dukkitdalaw View Post
    your reading wrong... first off he was going to do 200 mg of each. which is not enough to see any results. so THEN he bumped it up to 400mg a week.
    also im not sure if this is his first cycle. i was under the impression that the title of the thread meant, he was running these type of compounds for the first time. but if it is his first cycle then yes, he need to reevaluate the cycle. my bad

    and yes he can run the orals for the entire time. but doesnt have to be at the same time for both. as long as he switches it up. like he has planned. anavar for the first few weeks and d-bol the last few. the Anavar is not hardly as liver toxic as the d-bol so he wont have any problems with that. PLUS... hes doing pretty low doses of the d-bol and anavar.

    so given the low doses he is using for all compounds. and how he plans to use it. this cycle is fine.

    but hey, what do i know.
    No I read that part right... I meant 400mgs TOTAL of injects is plenty. My first cycle was 400mgs a week and I gained damn near 30lbs without running orals the whole time. If you run 100mgs of test E a week 100mgs of tren e a week 100mgs of deca a week 100mgs of primo a week and 100mgs of masteron a week you would still see results as that is 500mgs of hormones in your system. But I agree if this isn't his first cycle then running 400 of each is prob a good idea.

    And its not the liver I would be worried about for running orals that long. Its his cholestorol... Dunno if a 2 week break is enough to help much but atleast it would keep him in an anabolic state up until the start of pct so I would still run it the way I suggested.

    And I ain't trying to knock your advice dukkit as you seem to have some knowledge about you. But noone ever asked his cycle history which is a big must...

    So Dave, is this your first cycle? If not how many have you ran before and what all compounds have you used?

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Hey Guys
    No this is not my first cycle but my fist with Test Cyp,Mast and the Var

    I have done Winny alone a long time ago
    And have also used Dbol before

    See my goal is to put on as much lean muscle as possible and not blow up

    I know its all diet
    But can you guys recommend anything
    Is this good

    - 46g of whey protein (2 scoops)
    - 1 serving of fruit
    - 1 tbsp fish oil
    - 1 tbsp olive oil
    - 1 Multi –Vitamin
    - 1 ECA

    - Eggs, fish, poultry, Cottage Cheese, Casein
    - Green Vegetable

    - Eggs, fish, poultry, Cottage Cheese, Casein
    - Green Vegetable

    - Eggs, fish, poultry, Cottage Cheese, Casein
    - Green Vegetable

    - Eggs, fish, poultry, Cottage Cheese, Casein
    - Green Vegetable
    - 1 Multi –Vitamin
    - 1 ECA

    - 10 BCAA’s

    5:00pm : WORKOUT

    6:30pm PWO-1
    - 46g of Whey Protein
    - 10 BCAA’s

    7:30pm PWO-2
    - 46g of Whey Protein

    - 1 Cup Cottage Cheese or 1 Scoop Casein Protein
    - Green Vegetable
    - 1 tbsp fish oil
    - 1 tbsp olive oil
    - 2 ZMA Caps

    9 hours of sleep then do it all over again

    Sat/Sun: Carb Up Days
    Eat as above, except eat one of the following with every meal: Oatmeal, quinoa, yams, whole wheat pasta, shredded wheat, and brown rice

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    i would post this in the diet section. more ppl will be able to help you out.

  28. #28
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Dirty South
    Ok I see now. I would take the advice of running the higher dose then. I still would put a break in between the orals tho. Something like this:

    Week 1-10 Test C 400mgs EW
    Week 1-10 Mast 400mgs EW
    Week 1-5 D-bol 25mgs ED
    Week 7-12 Var 50mgs ED

    Start PCT day after you finish the var.

    As far your diet try the diet section as Dukkit said but be sure to include all your macros "Eggs, fish, poultry, Cottage Cheese, Casein" Doesn't help people judge your diet much because we dont know how many eggs fish or chicken your eating. Try to post up the total calories, protein, carbs, and fat for each meal as well as a total for the whole day. There are various sites on the net that can help you if you are having a problem determining the nutritional facts of a certain food (prob a link to one in the diet section stickies if I remember right).

  29. #29
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Thanks guys for all the help

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