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Thread: First Cycle EVER...nervous...Q's on PCT

  1. #1

    First Cycle EVER...nervous...Q's on PCT

    I am about to embark on my first cycle and while I'm extremely excited, I am equally as nervous. The research that I have conducted prior to purchasing everything for my 6-8 week cycle has been extensive and I would appreciate anyone's overall feedback of what I am about to commence.

    I have 50mg tablets of Winstrol as well as Test Enanthate. I bought syntha-6, glucosamine tablets, milk thistle, and a lean dessert protein to take throughout my cycle. How does that sound as an overall plan?

    MY MAIN QUESTION IS ABOUT PCT. I have already purchased everything for my cycle and even though I am nervous about the cycle itself, I have not purchased or researched the PCT at all. I have done some reading on the subject, and it seems like Clomid and Nolvadex TOGETHER are the way to go. Something like Clomid = 300mg first day, 100mg next ten days, 50mg last ten days and Nolvadex = 20mg each day. I have looked these products up online and I guess my question is... Does Clomid and Nolvadex only come as an injectable supplement? With my cycle, the only thing I'm injecting is the Test and that's once a week, but it seems that for the PCT, I will have to inject TWO supplements EVERY day. Am I understanding this correct? Please clarify, any feedback would be GREATLY APPRECIATED, thanks so much!
    Last edited by PSU2009; 07-17-2008 at 12:20 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Uhhh, no, you are mistaken. Clomid and Nolvadex are orals. Anyway, if you are asking this, you clearly need to visit the PCT forum and read all of the stickies. You will find a lot of answers to your questions there.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Test E is not good for a 6 week cycle. You will not even feel the test until weeks 5-6. You need to do 10-12 weeks of test e.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    You should probably only run Test E 250 2x a week for 12weeks, only to see how your body reacts

    Before starting your cycle, you should do MORE research.. on Pct. Diet

  5. #5
    First of all, about the PTC and in regards to Clomid/Nolvadex being orals, would this following link be what I am looking for???
    When I looked up tamoxifen and clomiphene citrate on ARR, there was a picture of a bottle of the supplement and a seringe so I just assumed. So they are strictly orals?

    Like I have said, I've done some research on PCT, hence my understanding of the 300/100/50 breakdown of clomid and 20 of nolvadex each day.

    I was also rushing through my thread when I wrote it earlier, the Test E is a 10 week cycle but my Winstrol is only 8 weeks. No one really addressed the questions I had in my first thread (other than telling me that clomid/nolvadex are orals...THANK YOU).

    1) Any feedback on my cycle?
    2) How are the products I bought to use during my cycle (syntha 6, milk thistle, lean protein dessert, and glucosamine)?
    3) When my Winstrol runs out, should I continue taking the remaining two weeks of Test E?
    4) Is clomid/nolvadex strictly orals?
    5) How can I improve my cycle and or PTC, any products I'm missing or don't need?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    1, people said your cycle is too short, and they are right
    2, i don't like anything bsn, but it works. whats a dessert protein? like a weight gainer you take at night, or protein thats supposed to taste good..?
    3, yes, but it might be better to take them w4-12 instead. wait for someone else on that one
    4, afaik they are
    5, seems like it would get answered in 1-4

    do you go to psu?

  7. #7
    Ya I go to Penn State....

    Did anyone try clicking on that link which offers clomid/nolvadex as combination order, I am just wondering why they show pictures of the two supplements in a bottle and with syringes???

    Would anyone know a better place to purchase/find these products?


  8. #8
    inky-e's Avatar
    inky-e is offline AR's ORIGINAL ANABOLIC OUTLAW~ [RIP-8/20/11]
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    Can you please post your stats.. age height weight training experience,I've gathered this is your first cycle and I WILL tell you that its recommended for a first timer to stick to test only.

  9. #9
    90% of pct research sucks
    clomid sucks
    start with 20-40mg nolvadex
    add proviron 50mg(prefered) or arimidex .5mg or aromasin 50mg- any ai will do
    nolva/ai is way better

    hcg is awesome too

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by inky-e View Post
    Can you please post your stats.. age height weight training experience,I've gathered this is your first cycle and I WILL tell you that its recommended for a first timer to stick to test only.
    I am 22 years old, 175 lbs, 6'0"...
    I have been lifting for 3 months and with 3 sets of 12, I do 200 on the bench, curl 35, squat 275 (pathetic I know) ummm I am not sure what else you would like to know.

    Let me just say that I appreciate everyone's help and input, thanks so much. But a few questions still have not been answered and I apologize for nagging and being so insecure abour everything. It's not that I am unsure about doing this cycle, in fact, I am extremely excited and positive about doing it. However, it's my first cycle and therefore it's nerveracking so I just want to make sure everything is planned percisely/accurately.

    From the research I have gathered, everyone has a different opinion on what to take for PCT and everyone has had different experiences. Thanks for your advice but I am just going to do 20-40 mg of nolvadex a day due to the severe acne clomid causes (supposedly). I am still unsure about the following situation...

    1) Can someone who is knowledgeable and familiar with PCT click on the link that I have already posted? It has the clomid/nolvadex products listed and I would like to know if those supplements are the correct one's for PCT. Everyone is telling me that they are orals but the pictures I have found show a bottle and syringe so I am confused.

  11. #11
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    I believe it is because they are orals that come in LIQUID form at that particular place. There are oral syringes that you use to suck up liquid and read the measurement off of the syringe, no needle involved, you just squirt it out. Kind of like an eye or ear dropper but without the suction bulb.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by PSU2009 View Post
    I am 22 years old, 175 lbs, 6'0"...
    I have been lifting for 3 months and with 3 sets of 12, I do 200 on the bench, curl 35, squat 275 (pathetic I know) ummm I am not sure what else you would like to know.

    Let me just say that I appreciate everyone's help and input, thanks so much. But a few questions still have not been answered and I apologize for nagging and being so insecure abour everything. It's not that I am unsure about doing this cycle, in fact, I am extremely excited and positive about doing it. However, it's my first cycle and therefore it's nerveracking so I just want to make sure everything is planned percisely/accurately.

    From the research I have gathered, everyone has a different opinion on what to take for PCT and everyone has had different experiences. Thanks for your advice but I am just going to do 20-40 mg of nolvadex a day due to the severe acne clomid causes (supposedly). I am still unsure about the following situation...

    1) Can someone who is knowledgeable and familiar with PCT click on the link that I have already posted? It has the clomid/nolvadex products listed and I would like to know if those supplements are the correct one's for PCT. Everyone is telling me that they are orals but the pictures I have found show a bottle and syringe so I am confused.
    lol dude 3 months? are you should have a solid 4 years of training naturally before considering going to lose everything you gain if you get on this cycle now because your body is not going to know how to handle all the muscle you gain so you body is going to fight to eat those muscles away!...

  13. #13
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    Also, make sure your diet is spot on to get the most out of your workouts. You could really make the same gains naturally if you adjust your diet. Being a college age person, you should have naturally high test levels so you probably wont need the juice till later. Im not bashing, just tryiing to give some helpful feedback.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by 40plusnewbie View Post
    I believe it is because they are orals that come in LIQUID form at that particular place. There are oral syringes that you use to suck up liquid and read the measurement off of the syringe, no needle involved, you just squirt it out. Kind of like an eye or ear dropper but without the suction bulb.


    the oral dropper SUCKS! never, ever, never, ever, will i make that mistake AGAIN!

    spend the extra $ and buy the pills

  15. #15
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    pills suck..find a good research place & ur good to go.

  16. #16
    inky-e's Avatar
    inky-e is offline AR's ORIGINAL ANABOLIC OUTLAW~ [RIP-8/20/11]
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    You have no business cycling my friend. I know its sucks to hear but its the truth as I see it. 3 months is a joke! Get serious about training and do it at least a year straight , that will show you may be dedicated to this, then , MAYBE, you can consider it. If you cycle now I think you'll be disappointed .Sorry JMHO>

  17. #17
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    4 years! harrrrrrrrrrrr lol

  18. #18
    I wrestled in high school and than at PSU for two years. Consequently, I have lifted for the past decade. If you know ANYTHING about wrestling, especially south eastern PA wrestling and Division I wrestling, you do not put on weight, you suck 20 lbs a week at least. So when some1 asked about my training, I meant that for the past 3 months (since I quit wrestling) I have been able to really get on my grind and lift to gain muscle mass, weight, strength, etc. But I have been in the gym on a consistent basis for the past 9 or 10 years, sorry for the confusion.

    ----> 4 years! harrrrr! <----- chill out buddy, that's great but calm down bro haha

    I appreciate everyone's input but my questions are going unanswered. I'm not trying to be a dick, seriously, I am just really excited about this cycle and I want EVERYTHING to be perfect before I start it. Three simple questions...

    1) Are the additional supplements that I am taking along with my cycle appropriate or helpful = syntha-6, glucosamine (joints), milk thistle (liver), lean protein dessert (eat before bed for my metabolism) ????????????????????????????
    2) I have 7 weeks of winstrol and 10 weeks of Test E causing a three week lapse of more Test E than Winstrol. How should I do this, do the Test E for 3 weeks BEFORE the winstrol or do the Test E for 3 weeks AFTER the winstrol runs out????????????????
    3) Should I buy clomid and nolvadex from the following place... ?????????????????

  19. #19
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    ur wasting ur time dude. after 4 yrs of solid training then try again.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by playboii View Post
    ur wasting ur time dude. after 4 yrs of solid training then try again.
    it sounds like you didn't read his previous post. i wrestled for a year at one of the top high schools in PA, and if you think a single wrestling practice isn't "solid training" you are seriously confused. by far the hardest practices i've ever had, every single day of the winter.

    psu, those supps seem fine, for the cycle, if you only have 10 weeks worth of test, i'd run it 1-10 and the winstrol 3-10 (someone correct me if thats not a good way) but your best bet is to probably stretch it to 12 maybe, the E takes a long time to kick in

  21. #21
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    no offence but, 9-10 years of training at 6ft and 175lbs benching 200, sqauting 275, and curlin 35? doesnt sound like solid traing to me. plus as said your diet needs to be good way before you cycle. and just reading your posts you need to research more.
    the novala ,clomi from arr is oral and fine, or take an ai instead of clomid like the other guy told you.

    running out of winny isnt a problem. finish the test. but i dont think you should takr it anyway.

  22. #22
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    Wrestling practice is hard, but so is running a marathon. Time and research. Get your diet situated first.

  23. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by mauler View Post
    no offence but, 9-10 years of training at 6ft and 175lbs benching 200, sqauting 275, and curlin 35? doesnt sound like solid traing to me. plus as said your diet needs to be good way before you cycle. and just reading your posts you need to research more.
    the novala ,clomi from arr is oral and fine, or take an ai instead of clomid like the other guy told you.

    running out of winny isnt a problem. finish the test. but i dont think you should takr it anyway.

    thank you for the input about ARR, I really appreciate it. in regards to my "training" over the past several years, i don't know if you missed the part about WRESTLING but I said that i have been in the gym since the day i started wrestling. when it comes to wrestling, the regiment is about muscular endurance not strength. im at where im at in regards to bench, squating, etc. because wrestlers have to LOSE weight instead of gain it, hence me wrestling at 135 lbs all 4 years of high school. that doesnt leave much room for weight gain, muscle mass and stuff like that, jus so you know...

  24. #24
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    just wondering, did you go to high school in pa?

  25. #25
    Join Date
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    in a taco
    dude im just saying that you need to get strength training under your belt more. with diet as said and proper workout you will probably have great gains without aas. then after a year or so do what you want.


    WE ARE ...

    you can finish it

    t own im also from wonderful pa. haha western PA that is

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    oya? check your pm's.

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