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Still wrong...stop reading msn.com all day.
Why do you think Blackwater is such crap?
Like it or not they develop, and employ, technology that protect both your and my behinds.
One Blackwater contractor shoots some Iraq 'civilians' and Blackwater is put in the liberal media's front page and characterized as Rambo. THe fact is that those supposed 'civilians' were likely not true innocents. The Blackwater contractor just doesn't have as much RED TAPE to wade through before firing like our Def. Dept. employees and troops do.
Result = A few dead insurgents
It is funny how the truth never reaches the front page. I can't imagine how hard it would be as a troop or Def. Dept. employee in Iraq to see ro read the crap in the media. Each time I read an article I call by friend and have him fill in the pieces that the media omits or twists.