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Thread: advice for a rookie user

  1. #1

    advice for a rookie user

    Im 20 yrs old im 6'0 and weigh 202lbs.ive been liftin natural for 3 years im pretty strong n decent sized for bein natural i can do a 315 bench for about 8 reps but ide like to get to 400.i just take no explode right now but im almost out so i figured maybe ide try something new but safe..i was was looking at dbol but it seems that everyones against it so im wanting some advice from the expierenced guys that have been lifting for awhile.i dont want acne..or roid rage..or any health problems down the road but im on a limited not big on needles so maybe someone might kno of a good oral steroid that wont get my liver 2 bad or make me bloated..i want to be solid..i dont wanna shrink up after my workout.I definately dont want no issues wen it comes to my sexual stuff either..any advice you have im open to.thank you

  2. #2
    from your post steroids are not for you
    they cost money
    test needs to be the base of 90% of cycles, its injectable
    without it you will have sexual sides
    just not for you bro, you cant be scared and cheap

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Durty SouF
    if youre 20yrs old and dont want health problems down the road then dont do any type of aas...roid rage is a myth, it dosent hapopen, and not all gear gives you acne..all that is a big misconception of what people tell you about gear...youre doing fine right now..your natural test levels are do not need any type of orals, injection, or prohormones...stay natty for a while...later on in life you will be glad you did

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Im A Pimp Named Slickback
    bro you are not ready for aas. first off you are still a little young. you are making good gains from supps and your natty test. i would wait untill you plateu. also you have so many stipulations and what you can use. for a beginner we would reconmend a test only cycle. but it will cause bloat, acne, need to use needles. oral only cycle are not really much good. stick around a while and so research and build a cycle and we will help you with it.

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