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Thread: sore nips

  1. #1

    sore nips

    ive been running a 14 week cycle and just pinned the last week.i ran d-bol 50mg ed for 4 weeks deca 400 mg for 8 weeks,tren from week 8 to week 14 75 mg eod,test e 500mg ew,masteron 100mg eod form week 8-14.ive used armidex from the start at .25 mg ed.i started to get sore nips starting from week 4.i uped the armidex for a week to .5 which didnt help ,so i uped it again to 1mg until i ran i started letro at 1/4 pill ed and the problem is still there,so i ramped it to 2.5 mg ed for 2 weeks ,still have sore ive been running letro at 2.5mg and bromo 2.5mg for 3 weeks and still havent got rid of my gear is from a--n,so i know its real. ive been getting some bad acne,which i usually dont get bc i shower twice a day using salicylic acid .i also take b6 500mg ed.will do a 4 week pct of nolva,3 week clomid..also this is not my first cycle using test or tren.although this is my first cycle using test e.any help would be great.

  2. #2
    inky-e's Avatar
    inky-e is offline AR's ORIGINAL ANABOLIC OUTLAW~ [RIP-8/20/11]
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    the three oh!
    Thats alot of gear bro, how many cycles have you done before this one?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by automatic View Post
    ive been running a 14 week cycle and just pinned the last week.i ran d-bol 50mg ed for 4 weeks deca 400 mg for 8 weeks,tren from week 8 to week 14 75 mg eod,test e 500mg ew,masteron 100mg eod form week 8-14.ive used armidex from the start at .25 mg ed.i started to get sore nips starting from week 4.i uped the armidex for a week to .5 which didnt help ,so i uped it again to 1mg until i ran i started letro at 1/4 pill ed and the problem is still there,so i ramped it to 2.5 mg ed for 2 weeks ,still have sore ive been running letro at 2.5mg and bromo 2.5mg for 3 weeks and still havent got rid of my gear is from a--n,so i know its real. ive been getting some bad acne,which i usually dont get bc i shower twice a day using salicylic acid .i also take b6 500mg ed.will do a 4 week pct of nolva,3 week clomid..also this is not my first cycle using test or tren.although this is my first cycle using test e.any help would be great.
    WOW...........lotta gear. Your stats would be nice and experience, not to be invasive. just that this kind of cycle is something that someone who would run should know the nswer to whatever your question is??? As to the acne, try pantothentic acid, B-5 at 5 grams a day until under control then maintenance dose of 2 grams aday while on cycle and durring PCT.
    Whopper of a cycle though.............

  4. #4
    Using .25 or .5mg arimidex should have been fine IMO to keep from the aromatization (sp?) from effecting you to much, especially at a conservative dosage of test.

    Progesterone related gyno is real and probably stemming from your long run of 19-nors w/o using caber/bromo till you had a problem.

    IMO its POINTLESS to cycle using 2.5mg of letro, just get off your cycle if the low dose of letro didn't clear things up (which never did for me, maybe some are more lucky than others) What do you think 2.5mg of letro does to the body?

    What are your stats, thats so much gear... but thats another story.

    Also...I hope you didn't think that masteron was going to be a good anti estrogen, as I would love for someone to show me a few LEGIT medical journals proving that masteron can be used as an anti estrogen.

  5. #5


    im 5'11 205lbs, under 10%.been training for 6 years.using gear for 3.ran many cycles.test p,tren a ,deca,eq,masteron, gyno under 1 nip on first cycle bc i did little i run ai with every cycle and do a good pct(4 weeks).b4 when i ran cycles using rimi @.25mg ed,never had a problem.i dont know if its estrogen or prog gyno,or both.anyway i have i shot left and i am going into pct.i ran test p eod @100mg running rimi with no problems.ran tren as well with no issues.this is an average cycle for some people on this board.with all of the ai i was running ,wtf is this happening.also running bromo but i think i am going to stop.i am getting some big zits on back and shoulder that i normaly dont get.maybe i need to use less test next time.i am running iran test e.strong shit.

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