Has anyone done a test enth and stano cycle? im researching my next cycle, interested in cycle length and peoples gains... Because of my job i can't blow up too quick or questions will be askedanyones help or info would be great.
Has anyone done a test enth and stano cycle? im researching my next cycle, interested in cycle length and peoples gains... Because of my job i can't blow up too quick or questions will be askedanyones help or info would be great.
please let us know your
body fat
cycle experience
diet outline/# meals per day
workout split
Height: 187cm
Weight: 209pnds
BF: 16 - 17 % (been awhile since i had a caliper test)
currently on first cycle 100mg test prop EOD
Diet: times may vary a little due to work but i do space them all out the same
1)1 cup oats
2)2 hardboiled eggs, 2 - 3 carrots
3)1 chicken breast/small steak, 1 serve vegtables (steamed) or 2 small cans tuna and 4 pieces of wholemeal bread
4)PWO (sometimes in the morning or the afternoon) 2 scoops whey protien
5)1 chicken breast/small steak, 1 serve vegtables (steamed)
6)2 scoops whey protien
If i do get to the point where i need to eat something different i wait till sunday and maybe reward my self with something ( but not too crazy like a deep fried pigs belly), and if i am somewhere and i dont have a meal with me i will try to find something that i can substitue it with ie. sushi or something (i am a believer in id rather eat something than miss a meal altogether)
Workout split:
Mon: Bi's, Tri's, Forearms
Tue: shoulders and abs
Wed: Chest
Thu: Back
Fri: Legs
Sat & Sun: rest ( even tho sometimes i will do cardio or another muscle group)
Cardio: normally EOD but recently i have been slacking a little bit...
Hope this helps, Cheers,
(stano = stanozolol = winny for the new kids readin this thread)
you look like you are on a pretty good track bro
have you thought about shooting your prop 50mg every day this cycle?
i ask because winny needs to be shot every day, preferably twice a day
were you thinking oral or injectable?
if you choose to inject i would suggest just running prop with it
what sort of outline are you thinking for a test enan/winny cycle?
they make a great combination. what are your goals?
the addition of the stanozolol leads me to believe cutting
test enan will cause bloating so if this is the case youll want a good amount of AI on hand
i think a typical test enan and stano cycle would be:
1-10: test e 500mg/wk
6-12: winny 50, 75 or 100mg ed
13-16: pct
plus a good ai like aromasin, arimidex, proviron or letro
Last edited by one8nine; 07-21-2008 at 08:58 AM.
im definatly gonna shoot the winny, not affraid of needles daily and dont really wanna smash my liver lol. Was thinking stano 100mg ED and enan 100mg EOD or 50mg ED, what do you think?
Do you think that changing from 100mg EOD to 50mgED would make a difference with my current cycle?
and yes i wish to cut down on my next cycle but still try to get some decent gains out of it. Remebering that i cant blow up to quick, to avoid unwanted questions
i think you will get much better results changing your currest cycle to 50mg ed. i speak from experience
why would you choose enan to shoot eod or ed instead of propionate? do you understand the difference in esters?
if you are balls enough to shoot every day then by all means shoot winny every day, along side with your test every day. but bro test prop is made to be shot every day, test enanthate is a long ester taking ~4-5 weeks to kick in. if you are shooting every day use test prop not enanthate. enanthate if for boys with needle phobia.
if you are scared to blo up to fast though... 100mg every day of winny is pushing it. id cap it off at 50mg of each a day for nice but not too obvious gains
then if i was to change my cycle now to 50mg prop ED then you recon i could just start the stano within this cycle, since i am only just starting my second week??
Improve your diet bro, you will see much better gains. Post one up in the diet section i'll look at it closer but there's definitely alot of improvement to make. You can wait and PM me it when you get more posts if you like.
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