Hey all,
Tomorrow starts week 6 for my first cycle. I'm using Test Enanthate @ 500ml/week. My diet has been in check, and I know this because I keep a journal of my calories every night. My training has also been on schedule and intense as usual.
Everything sounds good, right? Except that I haven't seen any noticeable results!
During the first and second week I gained 5lbs, which I give credit to the higher calories I started consuming. I read that week 4 and 5 are supposed to be the time I see some gains in weight and strength, but none of that for me.
The person I bought from has repeatedly told me that everyone else who used the same bottles has seen results, which convinces me that it has to be real (I know this because I picked up 25 bottles with him, and took 5 for myself).
What is wrong? Should I jump to conclusions yet? Should I get some blood work and compare it to my blood results pre-cycle? Should I wait another week?
Please give me some insight because I hate to be discouraged after looking forward to a fun 10 weeks.
Thanks in Advance