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Thread: No results yet!?

  1. #1

    Red face No results yet!?

    Hey all,

    Tomorrow starts week 6 for my first cycle. I'm using Test Enanthate @ 500ml/week. My diet has been in check, and I know this because I keep a journal of my calories every night. My training has also been on schedule and intense as usual.

    Everything sounds good, right? Except that I haven't seen any noticeable results!

    During the first and second week I gained 5lbs, which I give credit to the higher calories I started consuming. I read that week 4 and 5 are supposed to be the time I see some gains in weight and strength, but none of that for me.

    The person I bought from has repeatedly told me that everyone else who used the same bottles has seen results, which convinces me that it has to be real (I know this because I picked up 25 bottles with him, and took 5 for myself).

    What is wrong? Should I jump to conclusions yet? Should I get some blood work and compare it to my blood results pre-cycle? Should I wait another week?

    Please give me some insight because I hate to be discouraged after looking forward to a fun 10 weeks.

    Thanks in Advance

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Tombstone, AZ
    You are just about at the point where my strength went through the roof, same dose. Push yourself really hard in the next week and see what happens, you should really start to see it. It sounds like you know your gear is good, do you get sore after your injections?

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Nitro29 View Post
    You are just about at the point where my strength went through the roof, same dose. Push yourself really hard in the next week and see what happens, you should really start to see it. It sounds like you know your gear is good, do you get sore after your injections?
    I have gotten sore every few injections, yes. But I assume that is normal considering it is my first cycle. Some injections are painless, especially when I train the muscle group on the same day. Others, randomly, are painful. I haven't figured out why. So far no infections, though.

    I really am optimistic that this week will be good. If by the end of the week I see nothing, then I'll start to worry.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Tombstone, AZ
    Yeah thats what I would do man. Is it vet gear, or pharm, or Ugl? Mine is Mexican vet gear, but it is kick ass. I hear theres a lot of fake vet stuff going around though.

  5. #5
    I really don't know man. I do know that its from a well known lab in Russia.

    Tell me Nitro, did you not see any weight gains until week 6? Or was it your strength that jumped up in week 6? Can you relate at all to my situation?

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    I gained some weight about 10-12 lbs before week six, but it was mostly water retention. My face was puffy, etc. I was a little stronger but not much. Then it hit me like a bolt of lightening and my strength shot WAY up, but you gotta push yourself bro. I notice it most on my bench press. Good luck my man, maybe some more knowledgable guys can chime in with some better advice. Peace...Nitro

  7. #7
    inky-e's Avatar
    inky-e is offline AR's ORIGINAL ANABOLIC OUTLAW~ [RIP-8/20/11]
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    I gained most of the weigh on last cycle the last 5 weeks or so. Give it another week then worry.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Nitro29 View Post
    I gained some weight about 10-12 lbs before week six, but it was mostly water retention. My face was puffy, etc. I was a little stronger but not much. Then it hit me like a bolt of lightening and my strength shot WAY up, but you gotta push yourself bro. I notice it most on my bench press. Good luck my man, maybe some more knowledgable guys can chime in with some better advice. Peace...Nitro
    Thanks for your input. I'll look forward to some strength gains, and I'll definitely push myself.

    Quote Originally Posted by inky-e
    I gained most of the weigh on last cycle the last 5 weeks or so. Give it another week then worry.
    I agree, this next week should show me something, otherwise I'll have to figure something out.

  9. #9
    bump, I need some input please.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Scenic Purgatory
    Yeah, give it another week or so. My first cycle I thought I got burned on until week 5 or 6, I didn't have huge size gains off the bat, but my strength went sky high, the size came shortly there after.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    May 2008
    In The Gym
    yeah good luck and keep posted ill be doing a similar cycle

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