Are TEST ENANTHATE injections painful?
For a first cycle would you do 250mg or 500mg? Once or twice a week?
24 years old
Bf 12 to 14 %
Are TEST ENANTHATE injections painful?
For a first cycle would you do 250mg or 500mg? Once or twice a week?
24 years old
Bf 12 to 14 %
I would shoot 250 twice a week. Like monday and thursday. What size pins are you using? I never thought the injections were painful.
Let me start off by saying that "I have not injected anything other than a substance that required an insulin needle".
Witht that said and from my research, I think that the conseus is to use either 23 or 25 guage pins 1" in legth. 1" being for the quads and 1.5" for the glutes.
I plan to do a Test E cycle in the near future and I have decided to go with 23 guage, 1" for quad injections.
checkout the link below as this has been discussed already.
Oh and how could you not think piercing your skin with a sharp object NOT hurt? I doubt that it is a bone crushing injury, but you will definitely feel it and if you are afraid of needles and/or pain, you might want to get some help with it.
Last edited by CeeLo; 07-30-2008 at 05:54 AM.
use 21g 0.8x40mm luer needles, u wont feel a thing, and go as deep as possible, so u know the test is penertrated in the muscle, not getting caught inbetween,use the same needle 21g for drawing, use a new needle to inject and run the test down the needle before injecting, you could put the test in hot water for a more runny solution = less feel.
ive just started a test e cycle, go for 2 a week, at 250mgs a shot, its better and stableises your test levels, take 0.5 to 0.25mgs of arimidex aswell, dont take nolva during cycle, make sure you have a goood pct, and good luck bro.
there is no reason to use a 21ga, the larger the pin the more scar tissue.
i use 27g
I have tried a few gauges and I find 23G is optimal for shooting and 18G for drawing the juice into the syringe. As for how often, I have done both once and twice a week and I honesty dont feel any difference. Maybe its just me but one shot less a week is good value IMO
I like 25G the most, i can still draw with it and it goes in painlessly. Its also good for making sure you dont inject too quickly.
I'm on Test E cycle now. I shoot twice per week with 23g 1" needles in my quads. No pain whatsoever.
25g 1"
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