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Thread: Need Back up advice

  1. #1

    Need Back up advice

    I am currentley taking 1C of sos every week for 2 weeks, I have a friend who is a trainer and self proclaimed expert on the matter has told me to stack it with eq, whinny, and hgh. Stepping it up to every 4 days 1 c of each. Just wanted some outside advice before starting up.

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tampams View Post
    I am currentley taking 1C of sos every week for 2 weeks, I have a friend who is a trainer and self proclaimed expert on the matter has told me to stack it with eq, whinny, and hgh. Stepping it up to every 4 days 1 c of each. Just wanted some outside advice before starting up.

    sos? as in sustanon? 1 cc a week? as in 250mgs a week.

    1. you just listed the worst possible cycle i could imagine.
    2. what are your stats?
    3. sounds like your friend knows absolutely nothing about aas nor do you.
    4. ever heard of pct?
    5. do some reading and educate yourself on proper aas use before you run a horrible cycle.

  3. #3
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    just run sust. at .5mL eod for your first cycle, 12 weeks

  4. #4
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    or maybe .75mL.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by MercyDog View Post
    just run sust. at .5mL eod for your first cycle, 12 weeks
    or not.

    lets consider what the concentration of the sust is before we just suggest '.5cc's eod.

    sust is better shot ed to keep optimum blood level stability.

    why give advice to someone who doesnt provide stats or any background information? for all you know this guy is a 140 pound teenager.

    you also didnt bother to mention he needs to run a pct.

  6. #6
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    he's on a cycle now and asking about running more compounds, I said no he shouldn't. He's shooting once a week, I think eod would be much better than that. ED is a little better but twice a day is even better than that where's the cutoff for someone who isn't experienced with needles? And how many mL.'s of a 250mg. compound do you suggest a newbie shoot ed? .2857mL I wouldn't bother jabbing myself everyday with 1/4 of 1ML., I really don't understand what your saying

  7. #7
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    pct is an option to help speed up the process of recovery, its only an option

  8. #8
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    Tampams, hgh is very long and expensive, its more of a longterm cycle like 1 year or more. Winny and eq, you don't need, just a waste of money. You just need a little more sust. and more frequency.

  9. #9
    Sorry for not providing any stats didn't think before I posted. I am 28 and the last cycle I ran was 4 years ago with great result of test and winny. I am 5'11'' 130 lbs about 19%bf, been lifting on and off since 4years ago. Ready to get serious again and wanted to jump back in and get some serious gains. My friend said the eq would make the muscles have a harder look to them and the winny would burn the fat at a high rate. As far as the hgh after reading up he doesn't have a clue about it. His recomendation for that was that it produced more red blood cells wich the test attaches itself to so there would be bigger gains. I am taking 1ml per week now and just wanted to step up my game. I am eating about 3,000 cal per day, hitting a good routine in the gym and my cardio.

  10. #10
    230lbs sorry

  11. #11
    post your proposed cycle more clearly
    sustanon sucks dont take that crap- but if you do choose such a god awful creation to cycle shoot it every day or at very least every other day
    winny needs to be shot every day NO EXCEPTIONS
    anything less than 800mg per week of eq is shit
    your body fat is too high to cycle, youll see more side effects than it will be worth
    12% body fat is as high as one should go to cycle
    hgh is expensive and unless you are rolling in cash to burn there are much more effective options for much less money

    how far are you into your cycle? and what concentration is your gear?

  12. #12
    it is sostenon 300

  13. #13
    2 1/2 weeks

  14. #14
    if you do choose to use that crap it will be acceptable to use .5ml eod, but thats still not as good of an option as a straight test
    what do you have for pct?

  15. #15
    no pct but I can get it, I can also get off this and get whatever. Sorry 19% is where I started I am about 13% now and losing bf. Money is not a problem hgh is not my first choice just need some good recomendations for a full cycle(what to take, amounts, and time tables) Thank you

  16. #16
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    MercyDog, are you just messing with this guy? I hope you don't really think you're giving good advice here.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by MercyDog View Post
    pct is an option to help speed up the process of recovery, its only an option
    please allow me to elaborate:
    pct is an option
    proper diet is an option
    training is an option
    learning to cycle properly is an option
    there are endless ''options'' depending on whether you want to do things properly or make some half-assed attempt at a cycle.
    Amorphic had this thread under control giving excellent advise as he always does, it's a shame it went in the direction that it did.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by MercyDog View Post
    pct is an option to help speed up the process of recovery, its only an option
    do you really believe this is good information to be giving? because it makes me think that you have no clue about what you are talking about....... since when is pct optional? since you thought it up? you claim to run cycles at 2 grams per week and then give advice to new members that pct is optional. i question your knowledge of pct and your motives for giving this advice. i asked you the other day to give an example of an aas cycle that did not need pct, and when i did you never answered the question. you just stated that you are no pct guru, but yet when you post this you pretend to know what you are talking about....... pct is necessary anytime natural testosterone is suppressed, not just hope it comes back on its own, it makes no sense. 12 weeks of sust and no pct, thats your suggestion?

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tampams View Post
    no pct but I can get it, I can also get off this and get whatever. Sorry 19% is where I started I am about 13% now and losing bf. Money is not a problem hgh is not my first choice just need some good recomendations for a full cycle(what to take, amounts, and time tables) Thank you
    you should read some more before you add things to your cycle. since you don't know too much about steroids i would suggest not bothering with hgh, even if you can afford it. but take the time to read and understand everything first, then use it

  20. #20
    Thank you everyone for your advice, I have been diving into reading all the information on the internet(did not know there was so much technical info on the different types). I am no where near experienced enough to take hgh and I will be taking pct, start taking the test more frequently, read up more on the eq and winny. I would like to know an opinion on a better pure test to take if the Sostenon 300 is not the best choice. Thanks again for the help

  21. #21
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    cant go wrong with some test enth bro imo...

  22. #22
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    it usually is 250mg but you can get 300 mg enth...thats what i use myself
    so you wont be losing out on any mg's

  23. #23
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    so basically sust and he wants you to do

    sust 1cc twice a week with eq and winny
    Well the winny if its only injected twice a week at probably 50mg/ml then skip it
    Also the EQ needs to be a pretty good dose if your gonna do that. But its fine to shoot twice a week.

    And HGH if you can afford it run it, you should shoot for atleast 6months

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