im like 25 pounds overweight and im lookin to alittlr bigger and more lean what supps can help
im like 25 pounds overweight and im lookin to alittlr bigger and more lean what supps can help
Last edited by christoph334; 07-30-2008 at 08:41 PM.
just fyi diet is everything, diet 80% training 10% steroid/supps 10%
So if you are using them to get rid of the gut ... well thats up to the diet not drugs
Ok so here's your best bet...Pretty straightforward...See the attachment.
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yep you get can PERFECT and look phenomenal without the juice bro.
the juice just enhances that look a little more
btw how old are you?
you might just get a bigger bloated gut with steroids if your diet is not in check
im 27 so you suggest just the eq cuz im already 260 not really tryin to gain too much more weight wanna lose fat and get lean and ready to start eatin right
how many meals a day?
sustanon sucks
there are propbably better options than eq, eq i would only recomend to endurance athletes
not sure bf but i feel im like im 25 to 30 pounds of fat to shead just started a new job and meals have been slackin with what do u suggest
i suggest you get down to 12% before starting any cycle
if you are any higher, youll see much more side effects than the cycle will be worth because of aromatization
also post your diet here
also, never use sustanon. it sucks.
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