I was reading on these boards just this week what countries are steriods legal?
Well since i was in Greece and there was some back and forth discussion on if it was availaible i decided to give it a try while i was picking up my AI.
I asked for Aeromasin and Testoviron and they knew what i wanted. They asked for my name and phone number and to return at 6pm when our out of stock orders arrive.
I returned, a little nervous, and i was handed 30 amps of Test Enathanate and Aeromasin. 60 euros for the test and 169 for the aeromasin.
Wrapped in nice paper and bagged for me.
The one question that i had though on the packaging it says 250mg and inside on the directions it says something about 180mg. My education in greek is limitied and medical term are difficult for me to understand. Is anyone familiar with what it is discussing. My search on the internet did not find anything.