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Thread: From your personal experience how much is too much?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2006

    From your personal experience how much is too much?

    For you personally how much of whatever roid you're taking reaches a point that you feel has not enough benefits vs. the sides or vs. the cost. Like for example I personally would say using about 700-800mg a week of Tren should be the max as sides are already pretty harsh at that point and taking anymore the sides outweigh the benefits. Or take this cycle for example...

    Test E 1,000mg/week Weeks 1-8
    Deca or NPP 800mg/week Weeks 1-8
    Winstrol 100mg/ED Weeks 3-8

    Which do you think would be too much if any?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2005
    I got asked the same thing........I am going to be running 850mg TREN A per week in my next cycle for 11 weeks......I dont really experience bad sides from tren except for the night sweats, and maybe a little heartburn......

    I do agree that people are using way more gear than they need, especially when it comes to TEST>>>>>>I never really go over 500mg per week...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2003
    United States
    it all depends on the person bro. 1000mgs of test might be way to much for you because hypothetically speaking lets say that you can see great results off 500mgs a week so why do any more then that. now a pro bodybuilder might need double those results in order to see the same results so therfor 1000mgs a week wouldnt be to much for him
    source checks- 200 posts and 6 month membership min. entirely within my discretion
    PT is a fictional character and all posts are for entertainment purposes only.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    ive seen some heavy ass cycles before,,, HEAVVY!!,, n they never seem to stop growing,, sides weret bad for them,, from at least what ive seen,,, but ive never crossed ovcer the 1 gram mark of test,, still grow good with that,, tren cant handle the sides even with half a cc EOD,, i become a missarble person to be aroubd,, gains are out this world though,, i would say 3 grams of test n over is pushing it for most and 1+ gram of decca is over board,, intresting to see what others Opions are

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    3 grams of test and 1 gram of deca, shit you better be running for Mr. Olimpia, that's a havy ass cycle...

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by roid_rage View Post
    3 grams of test and 1 gram of deca, shit you better be running for Mr. Olimpia, that's a havy ass cycle...
    trust me bro,, ive seen worse too,, dont even think you wanna hear what the GH doses are,, its frikin nuts,,, glad i got no intentions of competing,,,

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    I've done Test cycles up to 2grams. I can tell ya, I never notice much of a difference compared to doing 750mg except for the side effects. To me, it's just not worth it.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by BUYLONGTERM View Post
    I've done Test cycles up to 2grams. I can tell ya, I never notice much of a difference compared to doing 750mg except for the side effects. To me, it's just not worth it.
    control the shbg..... it really does make a diffrence how much free test u have as compared to total test

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    how would you control the shbg? not being a smartass, i would like to know though

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    winny does a pretty damn good job,, ive always used it at 50mg to control shbg,, but someone who i leanred alot of concepts from said 25mg, will do the same as 50mgs, for shbg,,, also avena sative, 1000mg a day will do a good job, only 2 things i have expireamented with so i wount say how well other products work but there are a few more,,,, tongkat ali does as well but i always noticed an slight increase in estro and acne on my shoulders,, so i dont mess with it........ look it up bro, im pretty sure you can find many more alternatives too,,,

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