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Thread: a start of a new thing

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    anywhere my son lives

    a start of a new thing

    something HUGE is rumbling in the south right now regarding MMA, there are rumors of boxings best promotor of all time (not the most favorable of personalities) putting on some MMA fights with great grass roots type fighters as well as some well known guys. I cant divulge too much right now but expect jeff Munson to try and get back in the game as well as Marcus "conan" Silvereia (really looking foward to see him back in action) There are a few guys that havent commited from what I know but there are a few surprises too. The concept is to bring light to some undiscovered talent giving them known names to fight to prove themselves in a sense. From what i know there is a UFC vet that will be fighting, he is undefeated in the UFC but only had 1 fight there b4 Dana pissed him off, been at some of his training sessions and WOW. i will put more out when I can to those interested, look for this fall for the event

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    I might have to ask around the gym.

    Those are two ATT guys you mentioned.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    anywhere my son lives
    have you seen conan train? Im interested in how hes been lately. But yeah at this point I think only the fighters and some handlers know about the event details

  4. #4
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    there are already a hundred orgs all across the country that promote small time and undiscovered guys.
    As far as Monson goes, hes never beat a top ten fighter in his life. His biggest win was against a over-the-hill Fujita. Great submission grappler though, cant say enough about him in that aspect.

    and Marcus hasnt fought in years.

    Idk, sorry to piss on your parade, i just wouldnt be that excited. Not to mention they're from ATT.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    anywhere my son lives
    not my parade, so sorry to piss on your parade of parade pissing. But the big deal is the promotor, just knowing he is doing this event, and the fact that he has NEVER undersold his estimates in the boxing world for fight promotion tells me that it will be a big deal for now. Also these hundreds of organizations (yeah ive been to those fights lol) have yet to be nationaly televised so that is the only reason I mentioned it might be a big deal, put it this way...its not just fighting there is a lot more to it, why does WWE or WCW or whatever sell like it does? not because of the acrobatic fighters and the bad tights, but because of the production itself, it is high energy, kinda like elitexc is trying to do with the pyrotechnics etc. they dropped the ball IMO not really all inclusive as far as a production goes

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    anywhere my son lives
    ATT is a franchise now just like the gracie network, and why not? kids want to be the next UFC champ so there they go in the doors of a recognized camp, even if the instructors at that school are all shoemakers. So I agree i dont hold shitt to a name of the camp. I went to one fight in particular that was a bunch of redneck nobodies and there were 14 fights with 12 KOs i could have watched that all night, cheap venue and nobody ass fighters but we came for blood and KOs and we got them. Unfortunatly for those who train and know how much of a chess match ground work is, the majority of people want to see highlight reels, its like watching NASCAR just for the wrecks. What Im saying here is to me, money is made off of hype and satisfied customers see knockouts, thats why the crowd boos after 1 minute on the ground, thats why people are getting stood up quicker now in most leagues, even MMA is going to conform to supply and demand in one way or another, the demand is for highlight reels.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by BITTAPART2 View Post
    ATT is a franchise now just like the gracie network, and why not? kids want to be the next UFC champ so there they go in the doors of a recognized camp, even if the instructors at that school are all shoemakers. So I agree i dont hold shitt to a name of the camp. I went to one fight in particular that was a bunch of redneck nobodies and there were 14 fights with 12 KOs i could have watched that all night, cheap venue and nobody ass fighters but we came for blood and KOs and we got them. Unfortunatly for those who train and know how much of a chess match ground work is, the majority of people want to see highlight reels, its like watching NASCAR just for the wrecks. What Im saying here is to me, money is made off of hype and satisfied customers see knockouts, thats why the crowd boos after 1 minute on the ground, thats why people are getting stood up quicker now in most leagues, even MMA is going to conform to supply and demand in one way or another, the demand is for highlight reels.
    Maybe... but it still doesnt mean there SHOULD be quicker stand ups, or MMA as a whole should conform to the "demand". Its not like it really could, its a fight afterall!

    Quote Originally Posted by BITTAPART2 View Post
    its not just fighting there is a lot more to it,
    Dude wake up! it IS about the fighting, thats what the sport is! Thats like saying

    "Its not about the events in the Olympics', its the opening ceremony that counts"

    These are the kinda people i truley despise, the people who call for the "Halftime Show" theatric's like Elite XC is trying to do, complete with dancers and firework shows, as far as i am concered, these people can go back to the WWE and NASCAR.

    Personally this is the kinda thing i would like to see MMA get away from, unfortunately this is not the case. These are the same people that BOO when a fight goes to the ground, i mean hey, i dont like LnP either, but when a fighter is trying to advance position and attempt to finish a fight, thats beauty!

    These guys watch "TUF", buy a few Tapout or Affliction shirts at 50bucks a piece! Open up a Sherdog account and BOOM! Suddenly they love MMA, or "Ultimate Fighting" as they often refer to it. They dont appreciate MMA, the combined aspects of boxing, muay thai, wrestling, judo, Jiu Jitsu, Kempo etc... i could go on forever! The art of the ground game, the 3 and 5 rd wars that people go through.

    But no, they love blood and guts and "the demand" of KOs and Fireworks shows with sluts dancing on a stage! Dude if people want that, go watch some ****in Kimbo fights, start televising that for these clowns!

    anyway, ill get off my soapbox for now, this crap is just getting out of hand, i live in CA, its probably the worst out here, so i guess its just something im gonna have to live with.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    anywhere my son lives
    money bro, I like it more than anything youve mentioned

  9. #9
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    I would of loved to those "rednecks" fighting. You don't have to have big names to see some good fights. Everyone starts somewhere. Usually at the bottom.

  10. #10
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    i'd rather see 12 good submissions than 12 KOs..
    i find that primarily boxing matches are much more boring than technical grappling/wrestling imo

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by war4BTT View Post
    there are already a hundred orgs all across the country that promote small time and undiscovered guys.
    As far as Monson goes, hes never beat a top ten fighter in his life. His biggest win was against a over-the-hill Fujita. Great submission grappler though, cant say enough about him in that aspect.

    and Marcus hasnt fought in years.

    Idk, sorry to piss on your parade, i just wouldnt be that excited. Not to mention they're from ATT.

  12. #12
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    Oh please like im wrong? ^^^

    Stop me when i lie...

  13. #13
    ^^^I kinda agree, not much fun watching washed up MMA fighter fight young up and comers, we already have elite-xc lol. Plus Affliction will scoop up all the other good fighters not in the UFC and the ones coming out of the smaller orgs. But like you did say Bitta, more MMA the better, I just hope their venues are set up well. Is the guy your speaking about Frank Shamrock??

  14. #14
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    MMA is starting to look alot like boxing, to many different organizations and to many different undisputed champions in the same weight class. I hate boxing because there are like 8 heavy weight champions right now and all we need is that BIG boxing promoter ruining mma the way he ruined boxing.

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleScience View Post
    MMA is starting to look alot like boxing, to many different organizations and to many different undisputed champions in the same weight class. I hate boxing because there are like 8 heavy weight champions right now and all we need is that BIG boxing promoter ruining mma the way he ruined boxing.
    Great point !!

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lift_Heavy_NY View Post
    ^^^I kinda agree, not much fun watching washed up MMA fighter fight young up and comers, we already have elite-xc lol. Plus Affliction will scoop up all the other good fighters not in the UFC and the ones coming out of the smaller orgs. But like you did say Bitta, more MMA the better, I just hope their venues are set up well. Is the guy your speaking about Frank Shamrock??
    no its not, its the biggest boxing promoter of all time, think hair. This is why it is going to be big, whether or not the fighters are of the best or most desirable caliber is niether here nor there, my only point is it will be another "trump" type figure that is getting into MMA prmotion, this does mean IMO that eventually more betting will take place thus more fixed fights thus more politics thus 17 different champions of different divisions etc. Im really just surprised it took this long to be totaly honest. And back to my point about KO's as opposed to ground fights, I have to mention I enjoy most watching two awesome ground technicians fighting but again, the main stream would rather see KO's. Thats why they have "ultimate knockouts" for the masses to watch, not "ultimate submissions"

  17. #17
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    Ive got to say that King getting into MMA would be the WORST thing to happen to the sport since it was banned in 49 states and taken off Cable.

    The guy has already publicly stated he thinks MMA is a barbaric sport, and that Boxing will prevail over MMA and blah blah blah...

    This guy is already the biggest hypocrite in the world, all he cares about is money, hell use fighters and spit them out when they stop winning... As far as im concered, he is a piece of trash, always has been, always will be!

    I cant believe im saying this, but Elite XC, Dana White, hell, even Kimbo are better for the sport than this guy!!!

    Itll be the darkest day in MMA history if he starts promoting MMA fights.

    I PRAY youve been misinformed...

  18. #18
    Join Date
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    ^^ all good points...

  19. #19
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by war4BTT View Post
    Ive got to say that King getting into MMA would be the WORST thing to happen to the sport since it was banned in 49 states and taken off Cable.

    The guy has already publicly stated he thinks MMA is a barbaric sport, and that Boxing will prevail over MMA and blah blah blah...

    This guy is already the biggest hypocrite in the world, all he cares about is money, hell use fighters and spit them out when they stop winning... As far as im concered, he is a piece of trash, always has been, always will be!

    I cant believe im saying this, but Elite XC, Dana White, hell, even Kimbo are better for the sport than this guy!!!

    Itll be the darkest day in MMA history if he starts promoting MMA fights.I agree with all of this 100%
    I PRAY youve been misinformed...
    unfortunatly not

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by BITTAPART2 View Post
    And back to my point about KO's as opposed to ground fights, I have to mention I enjoy most watching two awesome ground technicians fighting but again, the main stream would rather see KO's. Thats why they have "ultimate knockouts" for the masses to watch, not "ultimate submissions"
    Not to be a bitch but there is a ultimate submissons dvd
    its an old 1 but theres 24 submissions on it

  21. #21
    Join Date
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    anywhere my son lives
    oh not a bitch at all, thats why I was clear to say they have ultimate KOs "for the masses" to watch ie. spike tv. Have you seen Ultimate Submissions on Spike?

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