Let hear your stories guys.........and girls!!!
Have you been cheated on?
Did you go back?
Did it Work?
How the hell did you get over it?
Once a cheater always a cheater?
Let hear your stories guys.........and girls!!!
Have you been cheated on?
Did you go back?
Did it Work?
How the hell did you get over it?
Once a cheater always a cheater?
jing jai
i mighta been cheated on.....i might not have been cheated on.....i quite frankly don't know for sure
Had a chick cheat nn me (yes i said chick).
Of course we broke up and she said that she felt like she wanted to see other people (mind you we were in a LTR [years]). My response "So you want to break up to be a slut." Her response "...................................."
Needless to say it didn't work after that.
Yes, tried to forgive, even tried therapy(not fun), couldn't let it go walked away, she regrets it.
I got over it by banging everything in site, and then meeting a smoking hot nympho chick. Me and my dick forgot all about that bitch.
With her for 9 years 5 married!!!!
Saw her last summer wow did she look like shit I got out before the fall!!
May see her in November, at my 20th high school reunion, or as some of my friends are calling it my personal Mr. Olympia!
so i am guessing you fit somewhere in here ?Originally Posted by Xtralarg;414***6
my first love cheated on me and it basically demolished my self esteem and broke my heart. to this day i still have trust issues when it comes to relationships.
All you can do to recover is to keep your head up and know that sucker love isnt meant to be.
I've had a few girls cheat on their boyfriends with me and i regret it to a degree having known what it feels like to be cheated on.
Amorphic this girl that cheated on me was my first love. Has it changed your relationships after that ? I find myself less "head over heals" about people and in my head always feel like its never going to workout for the long term and just don't take them as serious as i think i should.
Yes i would say its changed the way ive handled myself in relationships. i was with the girl for 4 years and it was a big reality check for me to get caught so blindsided.
My last girlfriend i did love and i was head over heels for her for a while but i find myself being very critical and less attached now than i have been before. The most recent one said she could spend the rest of her life with me and never stop loving me. I loved her but i knew deep down inside that i would never be able to see that happening. Even now i dont think i will ever get married or be able to hold a relationship for more than a few years.
Theres just too many variables and people are too complicated nowadays.
My ex actually used this quote prior in the relationship, so yes I did quote her after she came clean.
Worst part she came clean after we decided to relocate to another part of the country, sold the house gave my notice etc.... Cold selfish bitch, that's the only reason I decided to try therapy.
Like Amorphic left me with some trust issues. Over them now.
My girl now is rock solid, but I did go thru some rough patches and got into bad relationships etc during the healing process.
My god i feel the same way !Originally Posted by Amorphic;4147***
I been currently seeing someone for like 2.5 years and we say the love thing and all that. We get-a-long great but when he talks about living together and i go along with it even though i cant really see it happening. I just can't put my finger on why i think this way now. Makes me feel like i am going crazy sometimes.
Well at least she came clean mate. I nearly caught mine a few times but not quite until this time. When you catch then in the act it hurts bad, I should of listened to myself ages ao though when i just knew but could'nt be 100% and she would never ever admit it.
Another quote for you 'once a liar always a liar'
jing jai
yeah i understand that definitely. I have a very hard time imagining myself living with someone and i dont think i would make that step for a very long time.
I feel pretty emotionally distant from people at times and random hookups dont really make me feel any better.
I sometimes think that after you've had your heart broken a few times that you lose the capacity to love someone new as much as you did in your previous relationships.
I got cheated on by my first love. Now i find myself treating all girls like shit just to keep from getting hurt.....Bad Habit
Yep, I was also cheated on by my first love. After 2 years. Broke up for a while, then she begged for me back and i went because I was honestly still in love with her. Your brain and your heart are two different things. I knew I shouldnt go back, but was miserable without her. It sucks when you are completely happy and so content and in love and the other person does something to fck that up. Because you know you are suppose to end it now, but it sucks because you didnt do anything wrong and were happy.
Take it from me, it will never work out. I ripped her apart on a daily basis about what a tramp she was. I never trusted her again. Needed to know where she was at all times. Questioned her relationships with guy friends. And she actually lost trust in me. And always accused me of cheating after that. Because when you are a manipulative person or a cheater, you think that everyone else thinks like you do.
Needless to say it didnt work out. about 4 months later I stopped by to talk to her mom when my girl was at work and her mother made the mistake of telling me she was seing someone the previous summer back home.... I gave her a big hug, said "thank you, take care of yourself" and walked out the door. Never even spoke to the girl again. Couldnt eat sleep or function for the next 4 months, but am now stronger than ever.
Been in love twice since. And like you guys said, its never head over heals and there is always a slight distance. I am always the one in control and never let myself be too vulnerable.
my Ex slept with my cousin after we were together about 8yrs. Just got a house planning marriage and children, the whole 9. But in the long run I'm glad it happened because I met the real girl and now have a beautiful daughter. Although It took along time to get my trust issues back in control I will never trust like I used too. And yes once a cheater always a cheater!!!
i cheated on my first girlfriend when i was 14
we split up 9 months later, and i started seeing the girl i cheated on my ex with
she didnt trust me one bit and basically destroyed me as a person (ie not allowed to see mates unless she was there, no girls numbers on my phone, etc)
so me cheating and getting my just desserts fecked me up, (i split up with the bitch over 5 years ago, been with my current gf since i split with my ex- didnt cheat though)
since then, i trust my gf, but i find it hard to trust new people. i trust my mates, but if i meet someone new, i will question everything they do and say because my ex lied so much to me, the funny thing is, when i question something, i usually have good reason to and im generally right to be sceptical
Shit!!! thats exactly how i feel, i was with my ex ex girl for 6 years. ive had one serious since the split that was nearly 2 years ago but i just couldnt commit and basiacly just cant see the point.... still ive had some great fun jst doing what a like with my mates...Originally Posted by Amorphic;4147***
Only once (i think). She was 21 and i was 28. She was hitting the bars pretty hard and coming home at 3am. She was acting weird for a couple days then she came clean that she slept with the bartender. The guy pretended to be my friend whenever i came in, which wasn't often. Anyway, i forgave her and things was ok for a little while but i just couldn't get it out of my mind so i had to break things off.
She ended up marrying him 3 years later, and they have a little girl now. Good for them.
Only had one girlfriend cheat on me. She accompanied her boss on several trips to the US to act as his "interpreter". Looking back, it was the best thing to happen to me. I didn't trust women as easily and it made me more careful. Thank God I found my wife - SUPER HOT and faithful.
when i was 19 i had a girl cheat on me. I all most beat the shit out of her. That is one thing i will never stand for. I need to trust the person im with. I tell my wife all the time if im thinking about cheating on you im going to tell her. This way she has a chance to fix the problem of why i feel i need to. The same goes for her.
when I was 15 I got cheated on so then I started to cheat too but it became a habit till I was 23.... that's not the way to do it. I don't regret it but it wasn't fun seen girls cry. Finally I change my way of thinking and stop.
So I'm not the only one with this disorder? I can find a reason not to be with any girl. I normally won't commit to them to even a "dating" status. I find a replacment then miss the one I ditched when i start picking apart the new one.Originally Posted by Amorphic;4147***
It's been like this for a year with 5-6 girls.
I thought this thread was about a new porn site.
Wife cheated on me with a good friend of mine. A friend that I took care of in more ways than one. They have been together for almost 8 years. I have NEVER once cheated on a girl in my entire life. (looking back on some past relationships, I almost wished I did)
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Been there, done that.
I took care of the both of them. It happend while I was out working to support them.
I've slept with other girls at the end of our relationships, broke up but still talking.
I think when it happens to you though, you realize how bad it hurts and never do it.
I remember having so many chances with my Ex. I could have slept with so many girls and she was always the thing running though my head. I would not even talk to girls because I did not want to lead them to belive anything. I did not dance with anyone else, message anything else online, I even remember a very cute girl calling my friend asking if I would just sleep with her. I never did though.
After all that, working my ass off to become the man I am, take care of her, she cheated on me with someone very close to me.
I now, either trust no one, or let no one that close. I'm damaged goods.
Cheating destroys relationships even the most forgiving person will struggle to accept if they are true to themselves and their inner feelings. Many people will just stick their heads in the sand and carry on thinking it wont happen again but in reality it will, unless there was a serious issue why they cheated in the first place and these can be put right.
Ive been cheated on and Ive also cheated on woman, its caused many problems with trust with me and does have a effect on my future relationships, I cant express in words what i felt like or what happened regarding the whole event but it was a very tragic part of my life, in which its took me 12 months to recover from. I am aware of my emotions and issues relating to my past and I try to address these with every new girlfriend i have, I guess everyone is different and everybody deserve to be treated with respect until proven otherwise. I think if you are aware of your issues what a cheating woman has caused you in your past, your half way there in fixing them.
Can you forgive and forget? I don't think so unless your some insecure fool who really thinks it wont happen again. Its all down to why they cheated and what caused them to cheat, every circumstance is different but finding out a true loved one has cheated is heartbreaking and crushes yourself esteem, time is a great healer though and we can all get over the most traumatic experiences in time.....
Learn form your mistakes and don't let the past destroy the future..
my buddy, caught his girl cheating at work last night with a security guard, 8 years together he broke the guy's nose, unfortunately some of the incident was captured on the security cam. Hopefully the prick won't press charges because he got what he deserved,imo, they were familiar with each other, but he would have been better off walking away.
Kicker is he tatooed her name on his chest last week!!!! FOOLISH! small enough for a coverup but still,
It's at least a little better knowing I wasn't the only one to deal with this, because it does affect your self esteem quite dramatically.
For all those having trouble trusting, at least you recognize your issue and perhaps can make some minor changes, like discussing it with the next person you start to get involved with and with some time....
I've never been cheated on or cheated against my ex's but I still keep in contact with a lot of friends-that-are-girls (not vise versa) from school and such and take em out or whatever as friends-only and some of them have boyfriends but I dont consider that to count...
Having a roomie that cheated on his girl was difficult because I respected her as she was a good person but my roomie was also my cousin... the whole situation put me in a crappy situation but it's things like this that have me holding off any long-term committments
Women are only as faithful as their options. Same with us guys.
Of course you will find that some have more moral fortitude than others but that is on you to figure out before you bother jumping into a relationship with her. If she's dancing on the bar she's probably not of the highest caliber.
It's a game...play to win. Get your money up and stay in the gym.
Last edited by B.E.N.; 08-22-2008 at 01:14 PM.
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