Last edited by andyb250r; 10-27-2009 at 04:58 PM.
if ur gonna shoot sus 3 days per week it should be kept constant, some people say they get good results by just splitting the dose twice per week.
deca can be split twice per week two. deca must be stopped two weeks prior to last shot of sus. ur doing pct right
no no no sust sucks
and you cant skip sust days like that
Test Beginner Cycle Guide
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also with 14% bf i think you have a bad diet
Thanks for the help stallion. i was first planning on shooting sus twice per week but someone said that it should be shot every other day due to the prop in it?
yea, but ur doing less than 1 gram of test and 30 mg of prop wont really make a lot of difference
id shoot it 2 per week, like mon and thurs that way u save pins
but if ur doing like 1 gram of more of test which i dont recommend u do now, then its better to take advantage of all the esters and shoot it eod but ull get good results if u pin twice per week, also split the deca twice per week and member to stop the deca 2 weeks prior to ur last test shot
whats ur pct look like
i was planning on 25mg of nolva for the last 2 weeks of my cycle then running the same for 4 weeks post cycle?
also do you think 14%bf is too high to start a cycle?
can u get clomid or hcg for ur pct??
yes i can deff get clomid. not sure about hcg.
I would run a higher test amount then deca. mabye 200mg sus eod if your gonna run the sus then take advantage of the prop even if its a small amount. the deca 500mg p/w. Also I like HCG in small amounts 250iu-500iu every 3rd or 4th day about 4wks into the cycle till the end, atleast with a long acting ester. And I agree with saving your nolva for your pct. And i dont know mabye I missed it but if this is your first cycle you'd be alot better off running a single long acting ester test only ex. cyp or eth.
Last edited by stallion_1; 08-25-2008 at 08:57 PM.
stallion: thanks for the advice once again. the cycle you just sent me was done by my best friend last year with 2 shots of each per week and he had great results.
dude i know what ur point is trust me, ur point is to try to have the testosterone levels as stable as possible, and thats why professionals will even sometimes shoot themselves twice per week because they look at their half lives and try to make some reasong out of the data that will try to guarantee more stable levels and maybe even better results. i know u look at sustanon from the scientific point of view and see that it has several esters that are realesed at different times and that peak at different times and think that this will provide unstable levels, thus ur choice of hating sustanon.
but a lot of these folks are not professionals, they dont have the ability to be injecting ed or eod. sometimes sustanon is all they can get, now since not a lot of these people have done gear they will get good results even if injecting sustanon at two times per week. ive seen it, ive seen dudes gain 20 pounds of mass in a cycle of sustanon, they dont have the best pct, or the best diet but they get stronger and get to keep most of the gains. now professionals will try to keep their levels more stable since they have done tons of cycles and their bodies need higher doses, now when we talk about higher doeses then i agree with u about trying to keep levels stable.. but when its 500 mg of sus. it will not make much of a difference.
that cycle is not the eh....okay....this. that cycle will yield good results. thats why when getting advice for aas, we usually asked for previous ass experience since as the body goes through aas, the cycles need to be modified to maximize results. but if he focuses on diet and pct. i guaradamnntee u hell get good results.
guaradamnntee he wont get BETTER results eod?Originally Posted by stallion_1;4154***
hey one8nine, remember i once told u that theory differs from practice n reality.
theory might tell u this is the way to be done, but sadly in practice is not always true.
after getting the theory behind a medice, clinical trials or practice are done to see if that theory shall indeed apply to reality.
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