Idk why i havent any tattoos because i just love looking at them and always wanted to cover my body in tats tbh i just have never got round to it but ive made my mind up im going for it inky's avatar has given me inspiration (also i know a guy whose come back in town who does tats really cheap and hes a top notch artist

) anyways im going to start with my left arm i have a few ideas but im no picasso whatsoever i know im going to start out with a full sleeve tat in similair fashion to inkys but i need my own unique designs any suggestions? any ideas?
Then for my right arm im looking into something similiar designage of the guy out of prison break(just to give you an idea of what im looking to go for) i like the structure and colour of his tats but again im stuck for designs.
Im going to incorporate religious ensignas such as a cross, st george fighting a dragon, any maybe a few greek gods not sure in what fashion but there just my basic ideas i have a few more but im looking for inspiration and maybe anyone know anyone who does custom design tattoos online or similiar.
Cheers bros.