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What are the dangers of long term caffine use? I don't drink coffee, but if I don't take 200mgs of caffine a day, I feel like I get nothing done.
I use to use ephedra, but have been away from that for over a year now.
I don't drink coffee or pop at all, just take a caffine pill. I can't use clen as it makes me way to shaky.
I did not use it at all for a few weeks and I got a head ache for a few days but was fine after. I think I'm a little depressed right now though, and if I don't take it I don't feel like leaving the house or doing much of anything.
I risk my career and life, but should I quit? Is 200mgs a day that bad for me right now? I'm 28 and in good shape. I was thinking the average american probably consumes more than 200mgs a day by the four 20oz pops they drink. or 5 cups of coffee.