this website locates any violent felon in an a specific area. I am a father so Im good with knowing who the violent felons are but is it legal?
this website locates any violent felon in an a specific area. I am a father so Im good with knowing who the violent felons are but is it legal?
Last edited by BITTAPART2; 08-29-2008 at 11:44 AM.
now this one is just wrong!!! it links off the formerly mentioned website
ridiculous, I cant stand the 100% anti abortionists that dont think about any specific circumstances that pertain to any certain abortion. anyway Im not getting into this. Friggin fundamentalists are scary mofos
why wouldn't it be legal?
I know you can look up where sex offenders live
problem is sex offender can be anything from touching 5 year old girls to taking a piss in public
WE have that in Ca...... so its legal..... all we have to do is go to or something like that and we can search for sex offenders that are registered ( does not include offereners that piss in public.)
Well if it works according to how it should, i should show up on at least one of them. Ill report back.
Oh god, read the TOS agreement... I can only use the site if im 96 or older, but i must be in high school or college.
^^I can't be bothered with those things. It'll probably catch up to me one day.
Lmao! ^^^^
I’m using abortion as a method of birth control, is this wrong?
Not if you want go straight to hell, no. According to our federal funding groups (who give us millions in trade for mentioning "safe sex" in passing, and this is that very passage), you can "enjoy" the sins of the flesh free of consequence, even without birth control (which is also sinful), so long as you accept Christ as your lord and savior, accept no other God above Jesus, God and the Holy Trinity, and agree to tithe 10% of your income to the church now and forever more, in accordance with the laws laid out in His good book. Please bear in mind that some restrictions apply, but all of them are covered in alarming detail in that same good book.
What is the Richard Dawkins philosophy according to South Park?
Quite simply, according to their damnable broadcast, it is that it does not matter what a given member of the atheistic community believes, so long as they are total dicks about it.
Why are there women in their 60s, 70s and 80s appearing on my results?
Because they had abortions performed on the unborn babies deep inside their Christ granted wombs, even though it was all-but-certainly illegal at the time they had the procedure performed. Even if it was in accordance with the law of man in Montreal, Tijuana or Zurich at the time, it remained against the law of God, as his good book has not wavered in its conviction these two thousand years hence its inception.
I may be pregnant by a Son of Ham, is that a problem?
No. Well, kind of, it depends on how your parents feel about you having a
YES its legal. I'm a 'felon' lol. (heard about it through a PO)
& I've used it before.
The thing you may not realize is this only lists felons who are in for A304 offenses or violence.
Which for NJ is less then half the incareated population.
Anything that has to do with drugs is not listed. But its still cool to look at.
There's something wrong with the site because I've done multiple searches on my parents address but continue to have different hints. My parents live in a pretty nice area and when doing these multiple searches I'll come up with 20+ people with gang related and child offenses in one hint. Then I do the search again and I might have 5 people with violent charges but not on the same street. Weird???? Not too accurate thats for sure
Last edited by Reed; 08-29-2008 at 08:36 PM.
And more importantly, for the whole legal issue.
A lot of states, including mine, have online DOC websites.
For NJ its NJDOC. They are mandated to list EVERY single state offender (not municipal) in the state.
So just check your local doc site if you're that curious.
I go to the start your search where it leads you to a map and you type in your address, city, state, and it pin points as if I was looking for a location but instead its a person with age and offense. But I've done more than one search on the same address and I don't get the same results. Its alway different, my parents are surrounded by gang offenders and child rapist in 400,000+$ home area. I don't think thats right.
I agree. I did more than one search on my address and came up with different results. Somethings not right about this site.
It showed a guy who was 22 yrs old at the end of my street who got busted for a sexual act on a kid. NO WAY!!! I live on a farm road the only people on that end are old and have lived in those houses forever. NOBODY in their 20's is down that way. Their kids are way older. I know all the people and their families. Its not correct, on my street.
No Reed you are right.
I just tried validating a single search in NJ with NJDOC (which is official) and NONE of the names even came up or were listed.
So you are right, its a hoax.
I can tell you because I know a crapload of offenders in specific areas and after searching none of them came up.
So legal? yes.
Fake? yes as well.
Yeah if you go back it changes every time. So the site is fake... I'm still gonna use to scare some people I know.![]()
Thats what I was thinking. It has to be hoax, hope no one is falling for this and living in fear that there neighbor is a child rapist. Thats some messed up information to be giving out when its wrong. I know if I had a child and did that search I would never let them wander their neighborhood to go outside a play if I fell for that information.
Do think its just "test run" for the information to show how it works but you have to sign up for it to work. I'm going to go back and poke around.
Honestly dude, you REALLY got me interested before you even mentioned those points.
My parole officer told me about this site briefly, so I assumed it was real, untill I actually checked it out.
And YES, I can not understand how giving information of nonexistent false offenders can possibly be legal.
These scumbags need to be shut down imo. But with online sites sometimes it can be impossible.
I will def spread the word though.
Yep that site is F*CKED UP. Go read the disclaimer and the privacy policy. They threaten if you call them out, they will publish your private information that could lead to more trouble. That site needs to be taken down!!!!
I feel like an idiot now honestly. I could have just read the post before hand that jigga, deputylonewolf, and blome made. Oh well
Just read the TOS agreement. It explains whether or not this is a hoax and how they come up with the information.
I guarantee you next time I see him I WILL.
But I aslo guarantee he'll be amused for 5 mins then forget about it. He will prob realize how fvcked up it is the second I show him, but he will prob care less then I do.
I hate to say it, but thats what I honestly think the reality is. I will def let you know either way.
Heres some good excerpts from the agreement:
When we are notified that a user has died we will not send flowers but rather say a small prayer and fire our AK 47s into the air.
You are not solely responsible for your interactions with other FelonSpy users or this site. Obviously your alcoholic mother and abusive father are partly responsible.
and of course:
FelonSpy Pages are completely random and fake. They are used solely to critique the sad state of our commercial, political, realities.
Amazing what a little bit of reading will do. Here's some of the privacy policy:
Send us a kind email:
If you send us an email success story or words of praise, we may publish it in a future section called User Testimonials, but we guarantee that your identity will be kept safe and never divulged.
Send us a nasty email:
Who knows then, right? All bets are pretty much off once you roll up your sleeves and call us out back for a roughing up, don’t you think? Your letter may be published along with your name, home telephone number and home and work addresses. You don’t want that but we don’t have time for nasty letters, do we?
Who the hell waste their time creating a site like this. Whats the point?? I guess to scare people into buying guns and living in paranoia.
Are you people really this stupid? still thinking this is real asfter you read the user agreement? I hope none of you are selling steroids because its only a matter of time before your dumbasses end up in jail. I can not comprehend the lack of mental capacity in some people. Just look how long this thread is![]()
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