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Thread: How to deal with post cycle depression/crash

  1. #1
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    How to deal with post cycle depression/crash

    So I finished my first cycle which was npp/prop and ive been in pct for over 4 weeks now. 40mgs nolva and 25mgs aromasin ed.

    When i first came off cycle things seemed to be alright, i was still strong, still felt energized and my overall mood was very high. After about a week into pct everything started to change.

    Sex drive and performance are fine, no problems in that department.

    While my physique is fine and i dont have any complaints with it, my mood/emotional state/motivation are absolutely destroyed.

    I've found myself feeling incredibly emotional all the time, almost to the point of mild depression it seems. Past relationship issues i thought i was over at the time have turned into very difficult situations now and have been wreaking havoc on my mind.

    I cant seem to keep my emotions under control and i feel miserable for most of the day. The only thing that helps is getting myself out around friends and keeping myself distracted, but i still feel this huge weight on my shoulders.

    How normal is this? Do you guys get really really down after cycle? I knew before i started that i would feel worse in pct but i didnt imagine it would be this hard.

    Any tips/advice would be appreciated. thanks

  2. #2
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    Bro I know how you feel, I've had alot of going on myself this year. My father's cancer is getting worse, my grandmother passed away, a close friend unexpectly commited suicide, and to top it off another one of my close friends had a close accident that almost costed him is life. There is a few other issues thats been going on that I won't delve into. I know you might not want to hear other people problems but sometimes it helps to put your issues in perspective. I some times have to look around and realize that I am blessed. I have food to eat and place to sleep. For me I am able to realize that I need to put my issues aside because some people in the world don't even have the basics. In no way am I trying to down your issues bro, this is just what has helped me. Self-discipline is the key.

    I know its hard to stay focused. I crashed off my last prohormone cycle and went from reppin 120's x10 on the incline to the next week on PCT barely getting the 110's for 7. It was depressing. I obsess sometimes over my strength.

    The only advice I could give you is that if it really is that serious to go see a doc. It could be more than just Post cycle crash. If your having issues (relationship, etc.) find someone to talk to about this. It really does help to just have someone to listen.
    Depression is a real issue and sometimes meds are needed to handle the problem. When I was younger I was having serious depression problems and taking the meds and seeing a doc really helped me out. I only needed the meds for 5-7 months and since then I've been fine without them.

    Just some suggestions bro. Remember that your problems do have answers, that they can be overcome, and that you can solve them. Keep your head up

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Amorphic View Post
    So I finished my first cycle which was npp/prop and ive been in pct for over 4 weeks now. 40mgs nolva and 25mgs aromasin ed.

    When i first came off cycle things seemed to be alright, i was still strong, still felt energized and my overall mood was very high. After about a week into pct everything started to change.

    Sex drive and performance are fine, no problems in that department.

    While my physique is fine and i dont have any complaints with it, my mood/emotional state/motivation are absolutely destroyed.

    I've found myself feeling incredibly emotional all the time, almost to the point of mild depression it seems. Past relationship issues i thought i was over at the time have turned into very difficult situations now and have been wreaking havoc on my mind.

    I cant seem to keep my emotions under control and i feel miserable for most of the day. The only thing that helps is getting myself out around friends and keeping myself distracted, but i still feel this huge weight on my shoulders.

    How normal is this? Do you guys get really really down after cycle? I knew before i started that i would feel worse in pct but i didnt imagine it would be this hard.

    Any tips/advice would be appreciated. thanks
    It must be normal cause I'm in the same boat as you.

  4. #4
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    I think a majority of people here feel the same way after there cycle. While i was on my cycle i really could not care what was going on in my personal life but being so i made some really bad decisions. How bout running off to another country and got married {not sure} when you got a fiancee at home that you really love. I am a emotional wreck and do tend to even cry at times {ill blame it on the clomid} but i couldnt be anymore distraught then i already am. At the time on my cycle i didnt care, i am paying for it now.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kaoss22 View Post
    I think a majority of people here feel the same way after there cycle. While i was on my cycle i really could not care what was going on in my personal life but being so i made some really bad decisions. How bout running off to another country and got married {not sure} when you got a fiancee at home that you really love. I am a emotional wreck and do tend to even cry at times {ill blame it on the clomid} but i couldnt be anymore distraught then i already am. At the time on my cycle i didnt care, i am paying for it now.
    thats kind of how i was. i was so self absorbed over the past 6 months or so that i really neglected the people that matter and now i seem to be paying for it now.

    thanks for the imput everyone, helps to know im not the only one who feels this way.

  6. #6
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    After a kinda long test and deca cycle I did my pct for 6 weeks, nolva and adex, and I didn't have those issues, I guess people react differently.I feel for you A, sometimes just in life in general when I am down, I get outside of myself by helping someone less fortunate than myself. Keep yourself busy Bro, the less time you are in your own head the better. I hope you are back to normal quickly Bro.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by inky-e View Post
    After a kinda long test and deca cycle I did my pct for 6 weeks, nolva and adex, and I didn't have those issues, I guess people react differently.I feel for you A, sometimes just in life in general when I am down, I get outside of myself by helping someone less fortunate than myself. Keep yourself busy Bro, the less time you are in your own head the better. I hope you are back to normal quickly Bro.
    good advice bro, thanks.

  8. #8
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    its funny because i was talking with my ex about how i feel and how emotional ive been lately and she told me to talk to my friends or family about how im feeling....the funny thing is most of them just simply dont know what to say when i actually get serious about this kind of thing since its a side of me they never see.

    i'm glad ive got you guys to help though, this is probably the only place i can get this kind of thing off my chest with people that understand what im going through (however big or small the problem)

    i appreciate it guys.

  9. #9
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    This is the one reason I have not used steroids. It scares the hell out of me that your mental state can change after the cycle. I wish there was a way around it but I've seen it and heard about it so many times.

    My advice, hang with friends. Get out as much as possible. I get depressed when I have tons of free time and sit on my ass.

  10. #10
    If you are trying to have a serious conversation about it with someone, start it like this: i want to say that ive being crying a lot lately, a ****ing lot, my doctor just announced to me that im homosexual, that means that im gay, im ****ing gay, why me,, why ME !!??

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Amorphic View Post
    its funny because i was talking with my ex about how i feel and how emotional ive been lately and she told me to talk to my friends or family about how im feeling....the funny thing is most of them just simply dont know what to say when i actually get serious about this kind of thing since its a side of me they never see.

    i'm glad ive got you guys to help though, this is probably the only place i can get this kind of thing off my chest with people that understand what im going through (however big or small the problem)

    i appreciate it guys.

    Hey man not a problem , just remember , we are in the same boat even sometimes when we feel there is noone. There is someone like many of us that are on that same course rowing with you.

    One other thing that has helped me , Remember, there will always be someone out there, that has it just a little bit worse than you do.

  12. #12
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    if you plan on cycling alot try to get on hrt, that way youll get a consistant amount of test every week and dont need to worry about pct and trying to get your test levels back up.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigt10 View Post
    if you plan on cycling alot try to get on hrt, that way youll get a consistant amount of test every week and dont need to worry about pct and trying to get your test levels back up.
    ive thought about that but i'm still way too young to commit to hrt for the rest of my life, (i'm 22)

    bodybuilding is very much a part of my life but sometime down the road i might want kids etc and hrt is a very delicate thing to choose to commit to

  14. #14
    more pct with hcg and caber too
    i been there bro

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Amorphic View Post
    ive thought about that but i'm still way too young to commit to hrt for the rest of my life, (i'm 22)

    bodybuilding is very much a part of my life but sometime down the road i might want kids etc and hrt is a very delicate thing to choose to commit to
    i know what people say but its like when you look at the natural guy or the guy who used steroids people just look their is no award for it it etc.

    The only reason why i would encourage HRT for life is you get much higher test levels, apparently CYP HRT is not expensive and if you have some kind of medical insurance it could be really cheap and you wouldn't have to do deal with this shit and PCT all the time.

    Plus when you get older you wont have to deal with the reality of declining test levels.

    I know what you mean i just dont think its such a bad option and i never understood why people look down apon it or fear it so badly.

  16. #16
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    i cant relate with post cycle depression but i know what its like to be feel depressed..all i can say is you can only look forward. youve got a chemical reaction in your body making you feel this way...but you're a smart young guy whos gonna pull through man jsut stay strong and do your best to take every step in a positive direction. no ambition? hit the gym as hard as you possibly can regardless of any forces getting you down..shift all of your effort and time into what makes you happy, even if it doesnt right now cause everything absolutely will fall back in its place. man i am completely happy with my life, but if i sat here and tried, within 5 minutes i could probably be crying and miserable. thats the power of the mind. actions and moments are defined by perception. we chose what our failures and successes are and as long as i chose to concentrate on whats positive in my life, and whats valuable that i can take and use from what isint, im happy. anyway stay strong man..and know youve got bro's across the globe who are here for you too.

  17. #17
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    one simple solution that is 100% fullproof for me, HCG. i have ran 24+ week cycles of 1000mgs of test and 1000+mgs of deca and i always use hcg at the end of the cycle and the begening of pct and i never once had a problem. i never got emotional or had a hint of depression. i know its rough for alot of people but my best advice for you is to try hcg
    source checks- 200 posts and 6 month membership min. entirely within my discretion
    PT is a fictional character and all posts are for entertainment purposes only.

  18. #18
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    One thing I like, this coming from a guy that isnt a fan of supplements, is adding a stimulant in PCT. i.e: Amp, NO Shotgun, etc. I fell it really help with the intensity.
    As far as for non-training aspects...honestly try to stay around a positive aura. Watch funny movies, go out, joke with your friends, travel and just have a blast. Staying often times at home and thinking isnt going to help.

  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by PT View Post
    one simple solution that is 100% fullproof for me, HCG. i have ran 24+ week cycles of 1000mgs of test and 1000+mgs of deca and i always use hcg at the end of the cycle and the begening of pct and i never once had a problem. i never got emotional or had a hint of depression. i know its rough for alot of people but my best advice for you is to try hcg

    hcg crash course

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