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Thread: test e & dbol cycle info needed.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    test e & dbol cycle info needed.

    iam going to do a 12 week cycle of test e and dbol whats the best way to run this cycle dosage ect?

    also i can only get my hands on nolvadex and proviron also have loads of clen left, were should i add this in and dosage.???

    i want to keep the water down as little as poss due to prome to gyno and 13-14% bodyfat.

    thanks guys

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by daniel_3855 View Post
    iam going to do a 12 week cycle of test e and dbol whats the best way to run this cycle dosage ect?

    also i can only get my hands on nolvadex and proviron also have loads of clen left, were should i add this in and dosage.???

    i want to keep the water down as little as poss due to prome to gyno and 13-14% bodyfat.

    thanks guys
    stats please

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    age 24
    workout 6 days a week,
    2 years exp
    goal to gain mass and cut if poss.
    my main fat is on the belly lol.
    Last edited by daniel_3855; 09-09-2008 at 09:33 AM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    If this is your first cycle the Test E. should be ran at 250-500mgs/week. A 12 week course of D-bol is EXTREMELY harsh on the liver. Use the D-bol during the first 4 weeks,(6 weeks max) at 20-40mg/day. The d-bol is just for quick and almost immediate gaines before the injectables kick in.If you havent already I recomend u research D-bol and you will find it is extremely toxic. I have ran it twice and felt like complete shit while on it, gaines are solid if you can deal with the lethargy. Keep your doses low(only high enough to make gaines). Dont get greedy bro. Slow and steady is the key. IMO this is not gonna help you cut up. Gaines should be lean enough though if you have an impecable diet and make cardio your secound job.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    nice 1 bud

    the nov prov and clen? were and when should i add that in?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    The prov. should be taken throughout the cycle to prevent gyno. and to boost the proformance of the other compunds in your cycle(25-100mg/day). 25mg being a good starting point and then increase as needed if you notice any signs of gyno( sinsitive nips, lumps or puffyness around nips). Unless your very prone to gyno I would only use the nolva during pct as it will cut your gaines in half if used during cycle. I wouldnt use the clen while using the d-bol as that would increase the toxic load on the liver. Hold off on the clen untill you finish your 4-6 weeks of d-bol then throw in the clen. IMO i would save the clen for after your cycle when your energy levels may be down. It can help you cut up the gaines in mass you have made and clen is somewhat anabolic during first 8-10 days of use.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    ok will run prov in cycle at 25mg a day.

    so my pct i can use prov, clen and nolva?

    how should i run it mate?

    as after cycle i want to cut up as much as poss and lose belly fat.
    Last edited by daniel_3855; 09-09-2008 at 01:28 PM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    oh also can get clomid

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Essex, UK
    Take clomid and nolva for you pct. research the dosages dotted around here, IMO i would not take clen untill after your cycle is done an dusted. tbh i wouldnt take it at all as it did sweet FA for me. If you want to keep water low then maybe you should look into getting some letrozole - bt this will hinder your gains. get yourself some milk thistle tabs from any health food shop - this will help out your liver!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    run the prov from beginning on. the test run at 500mg/wk and the d-bol run at 35mg/day. you should get your hands on some clomid/nolva. you are going to blow the hell up bro. i mean big.

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