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Thread: dont want to bloat, need help

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2001

    Question dont want to bloat, need help

    whats up fellas. heres my question. im plannin on doin a test cycle at 400 mg a week, maybe throwing in some dbol, i havent decided. i want to gain about 10 solid pounds in the end. i wanted to go the test/eq way, but there is no eq to be found after months of searching. so this is my question. i really need to limit my water retintion. i dont want it to be noticible, or too noticalbe. i have access to proviron and novledex. i already got my clomid and proviron, and can get more if needed, or the novledex if needed. i hear many mixed reviews about what to use during or after the cycle. so for my neeeds, i would like to liimit the water retention to as little as possible. so do i run the proviron or the nolvedex durnign the4 cyle and after the cycle. i was originally gonna run proviron and clomid at the end for post cycle recovery, but then i heard that proviron can slow it, and that nolvedex works better with clomid. so what would u guys recommed as an anti e during the cycle, clomid or nolvedex, and how would u come of. ive been workin on this cycle for a while, and am tryin to finish my order and figure shit out. thanks for the hlep, and sorry about the long post

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Run Letrozole during cycle for an anti-e. Its better then Liquidex. And run Hcg and nolvadex post cycle.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2002
    You don't need to know
    Use arimidex/liquidex all the way through to the end of clomid therapy .5mg ed ! You will not have any or atleast very minimal water with it. It's also a great anti-e against estrogen levels.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2002
    not where I want to be
    here are my thoughts:

    1)if you run hcg post cycle it will inhibit your natural test recovery. Hcg is most effective when run before your cycle is finished.

    2)if you run the NOlVA througout your cycle it will inhibit your gains. Id only use it if you start to show signs of gyno. Whether you'd like to run it with clomid post cycle is your choice, there are different oppinions on this so basically just do what you feel is right for you.

    3)If you are only lookin for 10lbs, then just eat more. I dont think you need AAS to accomplish this, but i suppose in the end its your decision.

    4)dbol will certainly make you hold water. if you dont want to run LDEX/ADEX for whatever reason you could use letrozole like strollin suggested. i dont know much about it so I cant give you an opinion.

    5)If you are carefull about what you eat the bloat will be substanitally less. stay away from sodium and your bloat wont be as noticeable


  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2002
    You don't need to know
    Originally posted by strollin
    Run Letrozole during cycle for an anti-e. Its better then Liquidex. And run Hcg and nolvadex post cycle.
    Tell me why in chemical terms why Letrozole is better than Liquidex please. Thanks

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2002
    not where I want to be
    Originally posted by Ozzy
    Tell me why in chemical terms why Letrozole is better than Liquidex please. Thanks
    id like to know also. ive never heard of it so im curious to learn...

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    dbol does retain water, if you really wanted to use dbol i would recommend a low dosage, 20-30mg at MOST a day. i would say 20-25mg though. you spoke about 400mg of test. Test...???? what??? Cypionate, Prop, Enthenate???? what type of test? well if your talking about cypionate that does give you a bloat look after weeks 6-7 from my experience. that's taken to give you a good amount of mass with dbol. If you wanted quality hard muslces test prop would be a good idea. ED shots is required, or EOD(Every Other Day) winstrol as well. It's up to you. If you only want to gain 10lb i don't see why you wouldn't be able to do that on a legal product.... For example with the proper diet, training, through some protien, and Cell-Tech creatine, i don't see why you wouldn't be able to gain the 10lb you need. Any questions feel free to PM me. Take care and good luck

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