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Thread: first time m-drol log

  1. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by toneloc85 View Post
    this was monday chest day.
    flat db w/90s

    incline bar
    175/8/5 press

    incline.db flye

    cable xover
    21s style 7normal/7lower/7two steps out
    3 sets

    REED please comment on this workout as to what could be done differently
    Well if ur focusing on upper chest then do that first whe ur the strongest. Id say switch from starting incline barbell bench first one workout then next chest workout start with incline dumbell press for variety. Also try sometimes to pre-exhaust the upper pecs and do incline flys first then incline press (barbell or dumbell). FLys exhaust ur pecs, not ur delts or tris like presses. Then after incline id do flat dumbell or barbell (switch it up), then dips with ur bodyweight with perfect form and leaning forward to focus more of ur lower pecs than ur tris. End the workout with some drop sets of flys or something like that: example:
    Incline flys 3 sets
    Incline press 4 sets
    Flat press 4 sets
    Dips 3 sets
    Then for an extra pump can superset decline smith machine w/ decline flys, or 21's w/ cable flys, stuff like that. All the sets above are working sets, warm up sets dont count. Remember ur "On" so u need to add a set or 2 to ur routine along with more intensity and focus to maximize ur gains and take full advantage of being "On".

  2. #42
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    Well first off I will say that your workout was MUCH MUCH better than the last as with your back workout. Wu's suggestion is really good and your workout is fine as well. If you'd like another idea here you go.
    In this order
    Incline Bar: 5 sets
    Flat Db: 4 sets
    Incline Hammer Press: 4 sets
    Cable Crossovers: 4 sets

    I personally tend to stick to more press movements with my chest and with back I try to make at least half of the back workout free weights.

    So far so good bud, keep it up!!

  3. #43
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    Keep up the good work man. I'm going to be checking this out.

  4. #44
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    sounds good guys thanks. basicly i am not following any set training style, just doing each bodypart once per week,with mostly compound movements. i start off with somthing heavy for my first exercise then on the next exercise i try for higher reps. i have been thinking about a good specific training style for during pct as i have read it is kinda hard to stay "in the game and focused" during this time period. i figure if i have a set workout each day looking me in the face i will be more likely to push myself to keep training as hard as i can. the EDT style has been catching my eye since i joined this forum as posted by pinnacle. i would prolly change some of the exercises however like instead of lunges for legs just do squats. would this be a good routine to follow during pct or other? peace.

  5. #45
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    am revamping my diet and time in which i train, will post it tomorrow after training hopfully.

  6. #46
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    arms today. pressdowns and 135 close grips for warm up.
    smith close grips

    db overhead xtend

    incline skull crusher superset with pressdown
    skulls-85 pressdown(all numbers seem to be missing on plates)
    13 15reps
    11 13
    10 12
    9 11

    1 arm db tri extend
    20lbs. 2 sets of 15 per arm

    bar curls

    alt.db curls reps are per arm

    ham.strength preacher curl drop sets
    8 8
    7 6
    6 6

    db concentration curls w/20s

    did abs.

  7. #47
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    ok so i have rearranged the diet as follows.
    1- wake up-3 egg whites,1 whole egg,1/2 cup(uncooked) whole oats with large banana,scoop of nitrocore protein
    2 pwo-1 serving cytogainer mixed 12oz skim milk 12oz water,1/4 cup of oats mixed in
    3ppwo-2 cans of tuna with mustard,1 large whole wheat bagel(46g carbs),roughly ,1/3 cup of crasins
    4-about 1 and 1/4 cup of low fat cottage cheese,about 5 oz turkey breast, 1/2 cup of broccili,1/2 cup of whole grain pasta
    5- 7-8oz of pork loin,1/2 cup whole grain pasta,1/4 cup of peanuts
    6- 6oz grilled chicken,1 cup of low fat yogurt,1/4 cup of peanuts, 1 scooop of protein
    before bed- 2 scoops of nitrocore protein(10 diff. types of protein) in water with 1/2 cup cottage cheese.

    *meals 4 and 6 are very time sensative as i am only on break for 15 minutes so in order to go to the bathroom i have only realisticly about 12-13 minutes to stuff it down but i should be ok.**
    Last edited by toneloc85; 09-18-2008 at 12:22 PM.

  8. #48
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    shoulders today,my strength is really up i am lifting heavier weights for more reps than i did with the lighter wieghts. i look more muscular,my shoulders looked very "capped"today during workout,and appear to be leaner. however i am acutally down in weight today at 191 which i know weight fluctuates but i was figuring it to consistantly go up every couple days. maybe i should use two servings per day of cytogainer. i am also thinking that my goal of 10 pounds of gain for this cycle seems unreal from where i stand now but we will see.

    db shoulder press

    bar press

    db lat raise with drop sets

    bent db rear delt raise

    pulley reverse xover

    reverse flye mach.

  9. #49
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    Quote Originally Posted by toneloc85 View Post
    shoulders today,my strength is really up i am lifting heavier weights for more reps than i did with the lighter wieghts. i look more muscular,my shoulders looked very "capped"today during workout,and appear to be leaner. however i am acutally down in weight today at 191 which i know weight fluctuates but i was figuring it to consistantly go up every couple days. maybe i should use two servings per day of cytogainer. i am also thinking that my goal of 10 pounds of gain for this cycle seems unreal from where i stand now but we will see.

    db shoulder press

    bar press

    db lat raise with drop sets

    bent db rear delt raise

    pulley reverse xover

    reverse flye mach.
    Dont stress what the scale says bro, its whatsin the mirror that counts. Unless u compete for something and need to be in a certain weight class. MAybe u lost some fat while on cycle? If ur lookin bigger and stronger than id say ur doin good and keep it up bro! Are u doing 30mg ed now?

  10. #50
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    I personally would worry if I was losing weight on superdrol, granted it is a diuretic but you shouldn't be going up and down at all on this compound. It has to be your diet. The one you posted is improved but could be better. I'd suggest to follow the mass diet routine in diet section <---- There you go. Tweak it as you like but remember once you come off I'd add in some meals so you are able to maintain what you earned. Good luck

  11. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by wukillabee View Post
    Dont stress what the scale says bro, its whatsin the mirror that counts. Unless u compete for something and need to be in a certain weight class. MAybe u lost some fat while on cycle? If ur lookin bigger and stronger than id say ur doin good and keep it up bro! Are u doing 30mg ed now?
    yea i do appear leaner,could be.yea on day 8 i started 30mg ed still not noticing any terrible side effects though so that is good,

  12. #52
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    Quote Originally Posted by Reed500 View Post
    I personally would worry if I was losing weight on superdrol, granted it is a diuretic but you shouldn't be going up and down at all on this compound. It has to be your diet. The one you posted is improved but could be better. I'd suggest to follow the mass diet routine in diet section <---- There you go. Tweak it as you like but remember once you come off I'd add in some meals so you are able to maintain what you earned. Good luck
    cool thanks man,yea i think my calorie intake was too low.i could deff.have prepared a better diet ahead of time so i would have been able to take advantage of it better, guess i will know now for next time,any suggestions on a good workout routine for pct? i am looking at doing to EDT from pinnacles sticky.

  13. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by toneloc85 View Post
    cool thanks man,yea i think my calorie intake was too low.i could deff.have prepared a better diet ahead of time so i would have been able to take advantage of it better, guess i will know now for next time,any suggestions on a good workout routine for pct? i am looking at doing to EDT from pinnacles sticky.
    My advice would be to follow the diet, Your already almost 200, if you wanna be 220 lean and filled out you gotta be eatin like IMO. I'd up the carbs when you come off of the cycle possibly. I'll look at the routine you are talking about, probably is some good stuff.

    Also now that you have started 30mg try to increase your water intake 1-1.5 gallons and make sure you watch your blood pressure. You taking any support supplements?? Maybe you mentioned it. RYR, Haw throne berry, Fish oils, milk thistle will all keep you in check. Just trying to help you bro, I also need a reminder of things as well.

  14. #54
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    Quote Originally Posted by Reed500 View Post
    My advice would be to follow the diet, Your already almost 200, if you wanna be 220 lean and filled out you gotta be eatin like IMO. I'd up the carbs when you come off of the cycle possibly. I'll look at the routine you are talking about, probably is some good stuff.

    Also now that you have started 30mg try to increase your water intake 1-1.5 gallons and make sure you watch your blood pressure. You taking any support supplements?? Maybe you mentioned it. RYR, Haw throne berry, Fish oils, milk thistle will all keep you in check. Just trying to help you bro, I also need a reminder of things as well.
    yea deff. taking support supps religiously. hawthorn,grape seed,milk thistle,ryr+coQ10 my joints are feeling very dry and hurting so i bought some joint support from beverly intl. from the shop at my gym. and i have noticed that since going up to 30mg that if i dont consistantly drink water throughout the day that i start cramping and shit. i would really appreciate some help on a good routine for pct thanks bro you and wu have been very helpful and i am very thankful.

  15. #55
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    weighed 195 today after training

    did legs today,my left hip joint has really been hurting bad. it has woken me up at night from pain so i was a little worriedf about leg day as i am not even walking right. i was thinking of not training since i was hurt but i was thinking it is just because my joints are just dry from sd and that i am not reallly injured so i trained anyway.
    got to the gym and warmed up with leg extends and leg curls very thoughly. did 2 sets of hack squats on the ham.strength mach. then did 9 sets of squats with only 135 on the bar(didnt want to go heavy with my hip feeling shitty) my rep ranges were from 18 to 10. finished off with heavier extentions and leg curls then calves. like i said i bought some joint care and that will hopefully help out. my weight is back to i am happy. i dont know why i wasnt eating right,when i started lifting i ate my ass off all day, and gained from 173 to 190,then for some reason i just stopped stuffing myself and was more on a maintain diet.

  16. #56
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    chest today,my workouts are amazing i dont know why people even bother with the preworkout pump drinks man.i have never felt pumps like this EVER! they actually hurt and i love it.i am lifting more weight today as i have never even picked up the 100lbs db but today i worked out with them!

    flat db press
    100lbs!- 9reps
    100lbs-7 reps

    incline bar press
    185-4 reps +rest 15 seconds then 2 more reps

    ham.strength incline press
    45 per side-15 reps
    55per side-13 reps
    60per side-10reps

    ham.strength flat press
    55per side-11/10/9

    cable x over from low pulley position
    20lbs-12 reps/13reps

    bodyweight dips

    weighed 195.8 today.

  17. #57
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    back day,this was a very intense workout and i feel very exhausted now.

    weighted wide grip chin ups with 25lbs.

    assisted wide grip chins
    added more assistance

    bent over bar rows

    palms facing eachother close grip tbar rows
    2 plates-10/9/8

    reverse grip ham.strength pulldowns
    45per side-lost count
    90per side-10/8/7

    close grip seated row drop sets
    160-8 drop to 120-8
    160-8 drop to 120-9

  18. #58
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    have been checking my weight each day just to be sure. today i weighed 197 after training prolly realisticly 196 as i had to scheisse a little after lifting.

  19. #59
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    well wednesday is supposed to be an off day,but my legs feel fine from sundays workout and i really feel like squating so i will be doing just that wednesday! my recovery time has deffiantly increased and i am sure i will be good come this sunday for legs again.

  20. #60
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    weight question

    ok so i am wondering about my weight. i started day one of cycle weighing 190,then about day 3 or 4 i was down to 187. i know sd has a diruetic effect so i take it i lost about 3 pounds of water during this time. so currently i am at 196-197 does this mean my mass gain is from 187 to 197 being 9-10 pounds,or is my gain just from 190 to where i am now? this is the middle of my third week so hopefully i get a few more pounds during this and week four. Also if i keep training hard and eating big and eating more carbs during pct what would be realistic as far as how much weight i will keep and strength?

  21. #61
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    Probably dropped some water at first and now have added 5-10 lbs of LBM. Dont worry too much about the scale you seem to be on track of what should be happening

  22. #62
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    POA for PCT

    Training-undecided,prolly just go high reps,slow negatives 1 min rests

    Diet-up my carbs and protein maybe 20% or so

    Supplements-1. Tamoxifin Citrate 40/30/20/20
    2. Formadrol Extreme 4caps ed/3caps ed/3caps ed/2 caps ed until bottle is gone.

    3. Tribulus from Optimum-3600mg ed divided into 3 doses may be a bit too high

    4. Cytogainer-2 servings per day.1 pwo and 1 at my first break at work

    5. ON Nitrocore protein-used before bed and to add extra protein when needed.

    6.Celltech-follow lable

    7.Super pump-before workouts

    8.Scivation xtend(bcaas,glutamine,citruline malate)-6 scoops right before and during workout

    9. Got a free bottle of 1-GF-1 from LG supposed to take before bed and lifting to increase GH. this stuff is prolly junk but it was free.

  23. #63
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    Nitro COre is bomb huh? I just got that stuff too and love it, mixes so good with water! Loooking good but id say keep ur nolva at 20mg ed bro. Studies have been done showing anything over 20mg a day just leads to more liver toxicity (yes nolva is semi liver toxic) and doesnt add anymore serm benefits. More isnt better with nolva bro, not at all. You'll be good with 20mg ed along with the rest of what u got. For ur pct routine i usually do really high intensity to keep what u got. Works for me. Keep it up bro, doin good! Post up some after pics too for comparision. Dont worry bout ur weight bro. Ive been eating too and im only up 10-12lbs on week 8 of my test e first cycle. Its more on how u look then weigh bro and i see a difference in my physique more than bigger numbers on the scale.

  24. #64
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    Quote Originally Posted by wukillabee View Post
    Nitro COre is bomb huh? I just got that stuff too and love it, mixes so good with water! Loooking good but id say keep ur nolva at 20mg ed bro. Studies have been done showing anything over 20mg a day just leads to more liver toxicity (yes nolva is semi liver toxic) and doesnt add anymore serm benefits. More isnt better with nolva bro, not at all. You'll be good with 20mg ed along with the rest of what u got. For ur pct routine i usually do really high intensity to keep what u got. Works for me. Keep it up bro, doin good! Post up some after pics too for comparision. Dont worry bout ur weight bro. Ive been eating too and im only up 10-12lbs on week 8 of my test e first cycle. Its more on how u look then weigh bro and i see a difference in my physique more than bigger numbers on the scale.
    yea i got the carmel toffee fudge,i mixed a banna,2scoops,3tblespoons of peanut butter and half a cup of oatmeal in the blender and it was like a cheat meal. thanks for the info on nolva i was not 20ed for 4 weeks.your deff right about the scale idea,i guess if numbers meant everything i would be trying to max out on my lifts every day which wouldnt get me anywhere either. on a side note, is it odd that since i started bbing i have never maxed out any lifts?

  25. #65
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    did arms today and really blew em up. i feel and look really good. i have been getting compliments on looking bigger and more muscular so i am happy. i think can tell the strength gains leveling off and maybe even, going down will be able to tell tomorrow on shoulder day. weighed 196.7 today.

  26. #66
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    Quote Originally Posted by toneloc85 View Post
    did arms today and really blew em up. i feel and look really good. i have been getting compliments on looking bigger and more muscular so i am happy. i think can tell the strength gains leveling off and maybe even, going down will be able to tell tomorrow on shoulder day. weighed 196.7 today.
    How far in ur cycle r u? Superdrol will do that to ya!

  27. #67
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    Quote Originally Posted by wukillabee View Post
    How far in ur cycle r u? Superdrol will do that to ya!
    sunday will be the end of week 3. is it nuts that i am not even done with my cycle but already looking into another cycle? gonna wait at least 2-3 months of course,but i think i might go pplex mdrol,or mdrol and iforce bold200.

  28. #68
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    well for some reason the past few days i have not been able to locate this site. every time i try it came up cannot find website,weird. well i had recorded my shoulder workout from friday but it is lost now. however i am still getting stronger,i do remember on my db shoulder presses i did 10reps with the 75 then grabbed the 80s and did 9/8/6!! this is very impressive for me. since starting the mdrol i have busted up all of my records and it is feeling great,just hope i get to keep some of this strength. today is sunday and i did legs,my hip is still hurting me every day and is pissing me off to no end. i feel like an old man or somthing. i am afraid to put anymore weight on the bar than 135 so i just do high reps with 1min rests for 8 or more sets followed by hammer strength hack squats at 8-10 reps. finished quads with extentions. then hit the hammies with stiff legs and lying leg curls.

  29. #69
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    well i havent been logging lately.kinda got tired of recording my workouts. still seeing gains so far in weight as i was 199 today after training. this sunday will be my last day of cycle,and i am excited to take my pics to see if i got anything noticable. this last week i have begun feeling pretty tired in the mornings and throughout the day,also i have been noticing my muscles cramping more often.

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