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Thread: H-DROL (Halo 50) Help

  1. #1

    H-DROL (Halo 50) Help

    Hey guys, looking to jump start a cycle with H-drol. Just need to be sure of something. H-drol is not a progestin right? Its just no matter what I take (caber or dostinex) I still get bad sides from progestin realted AAS or the caber itsellf so I have decided to avoid progestin stuff altogether.

    So, with that being said are the only problems I need to worry about with H-drol estrogen related? So taken armidex or aromasin I should have no problems with gyno right?

  2. #2
    Does this stuff only cause estrogen related sides or is progestin an issue with this stuff?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    H-DROL is a weak compound. it is not a progestin and does not aromatise to estrogen. you dont need to take anything alongside it.

  4. #4
    Its just I started this and been taking aromasin daily and swear Im getting sore itchy nips.

    I dont know what to do. I developed some gyno from a pasty cycle and ever since I have been paranoid about gyno.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by reddragon4954 View Post
    Hey guys, looking to jump start a cycle with H-drol. Just need to be sure of something. H-drol is not a progestin right? Its just no matter what I take (caber or dostinex) I still get bad sides from progestin realted AAS or the caber itsellf so I have decided to avoid progestin stuff altogether.

    So, with that being said are the only problems I need to worry about with H-drol estrogen related? So taken armidex or aromasin I should have no problems with gyno right?
    WHAT is the active chemical in HDROL?

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