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Thread: Test Cyp and Beer Drinking

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2008

    Question Test Cyp and Beer Drinking

    Well this question is actually for a friend due to the fact that I rarely drink so here it is. He is getting ready to do a cycle of Test Cyp for 10 weeks. He likes to drink beer and when he does he gets F@#^ up!! Now he may do this 2-4 times a month, will this affect the steoid cycle and how bad does alcohol mess with you when you are on a cycle?

    Thaks for the help!!

  2. #2
    if your taking your training & diet seriously enough to use gear then imo you shoudn't be going out and getting wasted

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    It wont matter to much, every1 likes a drink, try to get him to drink think like vodka and diet coke or sumthing. He's only doing a low course by the sounds of it

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    this is a common sense question. If he gets wasted and doesn't eat right and train hard when he is hungover, of course that is going to alter progress. In moderation, I see no problem with drinking. it all really comes down to what his goals are.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    The Center Ring
    worthless calories.. feel like crap the next day effects training..
    a beer here and there is fine.. but getting hammered every weekend is another story.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by user12345654321 View Post
    if your taking your training & diet seriously enough to use gear then imo you shoudn't be going out and getting wasted

    PS mate, whats the difference between a domain and an email address

  7. #7
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    Jul 2008
    If he's hardcore like me he'll train hard with a hangover any way..although I'm a light weight when it comes to drinking ;-)

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    The Center Ring
    guess a domain would be a web site..


  9. #9
    Join Date
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    He trains hard,, watches what he eats,, he thinks the beer will screw him up! I will let him know the comments,,, thaks for the help!

  10. #10
    [email protected] the bit after the @ is the domain. email is something that started before the internet we have today was around, the bit after the @ used to be a hostname rather than a fqdn. i work for a IT company and run a hosting setup (sendmail, bind, apache and many other apps)

  11. #11
    Is your friend aware that alcohol has been proven to lower test levels? Just throwin that out there.

  12. #12
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    Jul 2008
    Nothing wrong with this in moderation, of course. I drink on the weekends while on my current cycle. Still great results. Then again, I have no problems working out the next day, and, usually, end up having more of an appetite the next day.

    It is empty calories though. I usually drink vodka and club soda. Only calories are the vodka (50 or so a drink - not bad).

    As far as lower test levels... Not while on cycle as you are getting your test from external source.

    Probably better if you didn't drink, but I do not think it hurts results that bad. I just like to go out and have a good time on weekends...

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Haus of Hell View Post
    Is your friend aware that alcohol has been proven to lower test levels? Just throwin that out there.
    that doesn't matter when you inject the test.

    vodka is just as many calories as beer in a mixed drink. if you get pretty drunk you'll easily break 1000 calories from drinks

    after i drink (most weekends) i still go lift the next day, just in the afternoon

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    rum and diet coke is low calorie option

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    tell him to grab a hold of these drinks called Function Urban Detox... tell him to drink one before he goes to bed after he drinks, wake up with no hang over no hang over = train just as hard hehe

  16. #16
    Join Date
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    Baton Rouge
    If you want to drink then whats the point of taking steroids? your doing one thing to make your body better then another to make it like shit. The answer is simple, pick one or another. If he is an alcoholic then he needs to get help and go to AA or rehab

  17. #17
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    drinking every weekend is not an alcoholic.. if that were the case then about 50% of college kids would be raging alcoholics

  18. #18
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by T_Own View Post
    that doesn't matter when you inject the test.

    vodka is just as many calories as beer in a mixed drink. if you get pretty drunk you'll easily break 1000 calories from drinks

    after i drink (most weekends) i still go lift the next day, just in the afternoon

    vodka and rum have the least amount of calories at about 90 calories per 1.5 ounces, and it depends what beer you are drinking. if its mgd 64, you'll never get a buz as its 3.2 beer, but if its a full flaver beer its around 140-150....alcohols with water is your best option.....make sure to drink plenty of water when you drink and you will be fine, just don't make it an every weekend kinda of deal.

  19. #19
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    Jun 2008
    ^^ what was the point of that? i know all of this, it basically says exactly what you quoted.. 10 shots would be almost 1000 calories, and 10 beers would be about the same. i don't know why you would mix alcohol with water.. you would still need the same amount to get drunk and it probably wouldn't taste that great.

  20. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by Flex-Appeal View Post
    If you want to drink then whats the point of taking steroids? your doing one thing to make your body better then another to make it like shit. The answer is simple, pick one or another. If he is an alcoholic then he needs to get help and go to AA or rehab
    he said his friend drinks 2-4 times a month who mentioned alcoholic ??? that is by far no way near it !! there s diferent forms of alcoholism e.g. bingeing, or not knowing when to stop once you start, dependance, blackouts etc

    and a few beers here and there whether its 2-3 x pw or when ever as long as its not excessive and it doesnt take over or affect your life and you have 2-3 alcchol free days each week then i say raise your glasses and drink it up !!!!!!!!!!!! cheers !!!!!!!!!!

  21. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by T_Own View Post
    ^^ what was the point of that? i know all of this, it basically says exactly what you quoted.. 10 shots would be almost 1000 calories, and 10 beers would be about the same. i don't know why you would mix alcohol with water.. you would still need the same amount to get drunk and it probably wouldn't taste that great.
    i think he means like have a beer then a glass of water then beer then water etc , all this does is help with hydration and a little of slowing down the absorbtion rate of alcohol into the blood stream as it becomes some what diluted how ever once you drink a certain amount your still gonna get farked up !!!

  22. #22
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    well you might as well save your money.. 8 shots in the first 10 minutes then you don't end up buying beers the rest of the night cause you're already drunk

  23. #23
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    In the hills
    Quote Originally Posted by jayral24 View Post
    He trains hard,, watches what he eats,, he thinks the beer will screw him up! I will let him know the comments,,, thaks for the help!
    no need to tell him its ok to drink however, if he believes he shouldn't while on cycle then stick with that.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by MaThEw View Post
    It wont matter to much, every1 likes a drink, try to get him to drink think like vodka and diet coke or sumthing. He's only doing a low course by the sounds of it
    Mmmmm.... VODKA!!

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by MaThEw View Post
    It wont matter to much, every1 likes a drink, try to get him to drink think like vodka and diet coke or sumthing. He's only doing a low course by the sounds of it
    Vodka and diet coke? fk man just take my $6.75, punch me in the nuts and we'll call it even.

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by chuckt12345 View Post
    Vodka and diet coke? fk man just take my $6.75, punch me in the nuts and we'll call it even.
    wow must suck to be you here in la crosse, we got 2 dollar tall rail mixers, 1 dollars pabst and high life...i got to the bars sober with 30 bucks and come back home a reck!

  27. #27
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    i think the main problem with alcohol...or just beer, is the fact that you are putting something in your body that will dehyrate you, shave (or worsen) appetite, upset your sleep pattern, and possibly your workout time. IMO if your friend is really serious about getting where he wants on a body building scale, then tell him it's worth the wait.

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flex-Appeal View Post
    If you want to drink then whats the point of taking steroids? your doing one thing to make your body better then another to make it like shit. The answer is simple, pick one or another. If he is an alcoholic then he needs to get help and go to AA or rehab
    I don't get this mind set... If you have the discipline to train hard and eat right, there is nothing wrong with letting loose once or so a week (even on the meal front for me). I am not working towards competing, just love to train and love fitness. If roids help both of these, and help me look great, then what the hell are you talking about pick one or the other? The alcoholic statement cracks me up... Come on... Little extreme...

    Not encouraging someone to start drinking, but stating the facts from personal experience. Results will not drop much if you are on point in the other areas.

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by chitownhoker View Post
    wow must suck to be you here in la crosse, we got 2 dollar tall rail mixers, 1 dollars pabst and high life...i got to the bars sober with 30 bucks and come back home a reck!
    wish it was 2 bucks,,

  30. #30
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Tell him to quit drinking and use G. Far better for the liver and he will get swole.

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by GTOne View Post
    I don't get this mind set... If you have the discipline to train hard and eat right, there is nothing wrong with letting loose once or so a week (even on the meal front for me). I am not working towards competing, just love to train and love fitness. If roids help both of these, and help me look great, then what the hell are you talking about pick one or the other? The alcoholic statement cracks me up... Come on... Little extreme...

    Not encouraging someone to start drinking, but stating the facts from personal experience. Results will not drop much if you are on point in the other areas.
    I completely agree with you. It's like he's saying drinking will completely counter the progress you'd make with steroids.

  32. #32


    Quote Originally Posted by jayral24 View Post
    Well this question is actually for a friend due to the fact that I rarely drink so here it is. He is getting ready to do a cycle of Test Cyp for 10 weeks. He likes to drink beer and when he does he gets F@#^ up!! Now he may do this 2-4 times a month, will this affect the steoid cycle and how bad does alcohol mess with you when you are on a cycle?

    Thaks for the help!!
    He should quit for the period he is on cycle.

  33. #33
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    ^^^ i agree, drinking doesnt do sh1t for your body, so why do it? its a waste of time and money

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