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Thread: Androgen receptors

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2008

    Androgen receptors

    i have your androgen receptors become less receptive during/after a cycle - do they return to normal after a while?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Your GF's Hot Wet Snatch
    From what I understand they should...I cant provide the data though...this is just what I have heard...

    This is the reason that if you plan on using AAS for a prolonged period you slowly increase cycle by you dont burn out your receptors and screw up potential results that you may acheive from gradual increases in your usage.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Everything that I have read points to the fact that increased exposure to AAS increases androgen receptor expression by influx of satellite cell nuclei into skeletal muscle cells.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    well my logic behind it was that your receptors must return to normal otherwise your natural testosterone when your off cycle would be less effective thus lowering your genetic max after every cycle...

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Your GF's Hot Wet Snatch
    Quote Originally Posted by anabolictonic View Post
    well my logic behind it was that your receptors must return to normal otherwise your natural testosterone when your off cycle would be less effective thus lowering your genetic max after every cycle...
    sounds like a logical explanation....looks like you answered your own question...Im pretty sure your does sound logical

    So when you put deoderant on i'll bet it looks like that chick has a mad yeast infection...

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2008

    yer i was just seein if neone could verify my assumption

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    R.I.P. TMOS
    Dude is that seriously you?

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    The Center Ring
    Your body has specific enzymes the regulate when they are active or not. They are constantly recycling within your cells..

    Originally posted by Nandi12
    It took me a while to dig this out my hundreds (probably more like thousands) of files. It is an interesting article that looks at the dynamics of androgen receptor cycling:

    Basically, the AR, which resides in the cytoplasm, binds to the ligand and moves to the nucleus where transcription can proceed. This takes about 2 hours for all the bound receptors to enter the nucleus. They actually stay there for some time. What is interesting is that even within the nucleus, the receptors are releasing and rebinding ligand, in effect recycling the ligand without returning to the cytoplasm to pick up more ligand!

    I found that remarkable. Whats more, to quote from the study,

    "export of the receptor from the nuclear to the cytoplasmic compartment only became evident between 6 to 12 h after hormone withdrawal" Figure 4 shows the nuclear half life of a receptor to be about 12 hours.

    So we are looking at a period of between 8 to 14 hours between the time of initial ligand binding to the time the majority of receptors have returned to the cytoplasm to bind to new ligand.

    During this period of nuclear sequestration, the receptors are unable to bind fresh cytoplasmic ligand. So one wonders how important consistent, high levels of circulating ligand are. I would suspect the steroid hormones would diffuse in and out of the cell during this time, depending on extracellular v intracellular concentrations, with much of the extracellular ligand being metabolized and excreted.

    The picture starts to get complicated. Perhaps dosing on the order of every 8 to 14 hours would allow for maximizing receptor translocation back to the cytoplasm where fresh ligand could be bound. On the other hand if cost were not an issue, or toxicity, perhaps constant high blood levels would ensure that whenever a receptor translocated back to the cytoplasm, fresh ligand would be available. Obviously translocation is not an all or none thing.
    The graph in figure 4 shows that there are always some receptors moving back into the cytoplasm. It just takes about 12 hours for half of them to do so.

    The receptors are good for about 4 round trips of this nature.

    Also as we know, new receptors are being created to take the place of the ones that are degraded after their 4 or so round trips. This adds an extra degree of complication to the picture.

    Downregulation of AR after heavy lifting
    Numerous studies have shown that the androgen receptor is upregulated several hours after heavy resistance exercise. The abstract cited below showed a significant downregulation immediately after a workout, along with elevated testosterone and cortisol. The authors attribute the loss of AR to general protein catabolism caused by strenuous exercise.

    This argues strongly for a protocol involving ingestion of BCAA's, especially leucine prior to exercise, so that the leucine is oxidized instead of muscle and AR proteins, along with the use of a cortisol blocker (e.g. 7-keto DHEA or phosphatidylserine).

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Your GF's Hot Wet Snatch

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    LOL any way of paraphrasing all these articles you find?

    your receptors should come back in time, but probably not to the same levels. your point with natural test might be valid, but its also possible that they are much more acceptant that just normal levels. so say they are naturally able to deal with 1g of test per week, and only decline by a small % after every cycle, its still always well above natural levels, so your natural gains shouldn't be adversely affected. i'm just throwing out hypothetical numbers

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    humm... well , i dont really believe in that theory, i read somewhere on this board that steroids receptors kind of "refresh" every 30 days or something like that , and besides many people run cruise and blast which i am actually considering at the moment because i want to compete , and they still gain lots . so humm.... i am going to put this theory to the test if i go on the C&B and i will post the results here.

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