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Thread: up the mg,s or stay

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2008
    The F###ing Gym

    up the mg,s or stay

    just got off a cycle last month that was the same as the one before 40mg d-bol kicker 1-6 , test-e 500mg once a week 1-12 and 400mg deca once a week 1-12 my question is that i usually gain about 22-30 pounds durring the cycle and shed all but about 10 pounds that i can keep. is this considered a normal gain for the dosage Im taking?? would it be beneficial to up the mg,s ?? I was thinking of going to 650 test but keeping the rest the same ??? my diet is great im sure could use a little improvement and I work out about 1.5-2 hrs a day mon-fri should I upp the dose or am I pretty maxed out on my gains with these compounds???

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    I personally would not up it... i think your fine..

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    i have mixed understanding about this. ive heard some guys say on here they been on so long that they only gain 5-10 pounds per cycle and that 500 ew is penty of test. but then u read on here long enough youll find alot of guys that do way more 500 ew. i can tell u from experience that you can go up on the deca. ive did 600 ew 2 cycle before last and it was my favorite so far. i also use 50ed of dbol and like it much better than 25 but there my not be a big difference in 40 and 50

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    plenty of gear imo, what about upping the calories? or improving your pct . . . what pct did you run?

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    about a month of nolvadex 10-20 ed is all I have ever done and it got me back fine

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    ya use the nolva 20mgs 5 weeks.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    imo and i think everyone elses they just dont say it or lie because they dont want young inexperienced people using large amounts of gear when it is un needed and could hurt themselves. because i can asure you, someone that has cycled previously is not going to be happy on 500mgs of test and 400mgs of deca. once you cycle your not going to gain off cycle, you just maintain what you made on cycle. thats in my previous experience as well as all my buddys. i think that if your your usual bb, just someone who wants to get big and be reconized should use about 6-800mgs deca 500mgs test and 50mgs dbol max. through in a dht if you want. but if your a competitor and want to make a carreer over it then **** it go for it all or nothing. just no what your doing.
    Last edited by 200byjune; 11-14-2008 at 09:35 PM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    your pct was pretty bad but its not gonna help you keep much more muscle. you're using 3 bloating compounds, i think you should expect to bloat. you could run an AI on cycle to keep it down, and not fluctuate so much on the scale, but it doesn't really matter. you could up the doses a little, 600 each is fine, or try other compounds

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by THE TANK 81 View Post
    my question is that i usually gain about 22-30 pounds durring the cycle and shed all but about 10 pounds that i can keep. is this considered a normal gain for the dosage Im taking??
    I think that is a reasonable gain. There are a lot of variables, such as; how many cycles have you done, how far you are above your genetic threshold, your age, diet, etc. Few people are gaining above 10 lbs of lean mass on cycle if they've been doing this for any amount of time. Each year I compete, Im approx. 10 lbs heavier.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Thanks guys love the responses ya I hate asking questions on here some times because you get people that that think your 18 and have never done a cycle. Im not stupid Im not going to take something that I dont have a complete understanding about I want to get big not dead and some peope (begginers) just dont understand they need to do that.
    althoug I havent done a whole lot of cycles compared to alot of people on here ill be on my 7th soon I still try to research and take as many precautions as i can on and off my cycles anyway this last cycle took me to 230 and brought me back down to 210 im happy seems each cycle im keeping 10 lbs

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    oh and im 27

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Up the test and deca alittle and shoot that shit twice a week. Keep the test at a higher dosage than the deca. Why shoot it only once a week?
    Also, run the test for 2 weeks longer than the deca.

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    thanks stpete you know i wasnt sure if it would make a difference if i injected once a week or twice just because it will last a week in the system will that really help even though mg for mg its the same at the end of the week ??

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    You need to do some research my man. Trust me. I think you're talking half life of the compound. Research it. You'll find everything here on this site.
    But you need to shoot those twice a week.
    Use the search function.

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    no offence bro but ive done my research deca,s half life is 6 days where as test-e is about 7 there for ew injections of the compounds is the longest you want to go for effectiveness it is in no way abnormal

  16. #16
    Join Date
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    No offense taken. And i'm sorry that i can't explain it to you like i should be able to. I'm just dysfunctional like that. I just know that for best gains twice a week is needed. Maybe if you don't get many responses on this thread, open another or maybe pm some more experienced people. I'm sure they'll tell you the same.

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    thanks stpete for the input ill try it on my next cycle

  18. #18
    Join Date
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    Good luck man.

  19. #19
    Join Date
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    i do it once a week and have for years. i tried 2x a week and had no change, so im only doing once a week. doc told my bro that bb do injections once a week becauce there is a two week life on e and c. so if you do 500 at once u will peak at that in one week and then start going back down. so if you inject twice a week then ur peak will be lower. dont know if this makes sense but i suck at typing so its my best explaination.

  20. #20
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by rabidsquirrel View Post
    i do it once a week and have for years. i tried 2x a week and had no change, so im only doing once a week. doc told my bro that bb do injections once a week becauce there is a two week life on e and c. so if you do 500 at once u will peak at that in one week and then start going back down. so if you inject twice a week then ur peak will be lower. dont know if this makes sense but i suck at typing so its my best explaination.
    Interesting. First time that i've heard of this.

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    it doesn't make sense at all.. if you injected 250mg twice a week compared to 500 once a week, you're peak would be higher. a very simple way to look at it with the half lives would be you start with 250 and add another 250 during the week, so at the end of the week (just using 7 day half life) you would have ~325mg, but if you used 500 you would have 250. then after the next week the twice a week schedule would leave you with ~600 before your next injection, whereas once a week would be down to 375.

    even if the gains aren't another 5 pounds, it doesn't mean its not something small

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