I've tried searching for info on this but have struggled to get exact stuff - not sure if i am using the search funtion wrong but was trying a boolean search and it wasn't yielding results!!
What i wanted to know was with a bf hovering around 20% what are the increased dangers/side effects of running a 12 week 500ml test e cycle???
i know that the "sensible" answer is to drop the bf down to 12% before starting a cycle but a list of side effects and how increased they would be with higer bf would be very much appreciated.
From what i understand the AAS will have fat burning effects so as the bf drops during the cycle do the risks associated with high BF % become less.
Also with this cycle i have seen people advising Dbol to kick start but understand that bloats and have seen people using tren on a cutting diet but being a first cycle i would rather run test e alone but would it be alot better to run 4 weeks of tren to kickstart to get the most out of the first cycle?
By the way i am currently on a cutting diet with hydroxycut hardcore and increased HIIT so hope to have dropped to less than 15% before i start anyway just wanted to the info to increase my AAS knowledge