I been training for a year and a half now, been faily over weight for quite some years, the first half of my training was training well but my diet lacked and I partied every weekend drinking and then eating take away hung over.
So while I was gettin bigger I was still fat, I then thought bout looking into roids to help loose weight so I found this site! Which I then realised hey maybe these guys are right, I should look into a diet so I did!
I did as much research and asked a couple of people and got a pretty good diet for myself and it did wonders
I still have a long way 2 go, u'll notice my pics all have a singlet on although I have lost a lot of weight still excess fat around my pecs which I'm pretty self concious about!
I work out 5 days a week and been playing Basketball everyday for cardio with mates
I started 110kg, now I'm 102kg wanna get down to 95kg
1st pic when I was bulking lol i.e lifting weights eating junk food and protein shakes
then the rest are up until now once I quit drinking and got a good diet