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Thread: What Can I Expect?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2006

    What Can I Expect?

    I'm a 20 year old male, I have used gear in the past. The last time I used was about a year and 8 months. I don't believe I've fully recovered from my last cycle, despite using Nolvadex and Clomid afterwards. I've recently went to the doc's and he is taking a blood test to check my test levels, which I'm sure will come back low. What I've experienced are, low libido, erections far less frequent and not quite as strong, unable to get a decent erection with a woman, low energy in the morning, and not as much confidence as I once had. I believe these all directly correlate with low test levels, and I'm hoping that when the test come back, my theory will be proven. I'm just curious as to what the next step would be for me. What kind of HRT do doctors usually offer (particularly military?). And how soon do you all think I'll be able to shoot back to my old self. If anyone can give me some info on their experiences, or know a lot about this subject, please let me know.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Well since no one has replied, hopefully I can get a reply now. I got my tests back and apparently my testosterone and prolactin are within current limits... So I have no idea wtf is wrong with me? Levitra didn't do much for me... I can get a hard on occasionally jerkin it but when I actually try to have sex Im as limp as shit... my sex drive is way down too... I mean wtf, I'm 20 years old, if everything in me is right, wtf?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    The Shire
    sounds like low test to me. im on hrt and trt. i take androgel at 4pumps a day. depending on your doc, there's 4 different test options.

    the pump, injection, gel packets, or gel patches. Ive used the patches and hate em, i would try to get the inject, second being the pump. There could also be other hormonal imbalances other then your test, i would presume your doc is going to test for those as well.

  4. #4
    What were your levels and what was the range?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    The Shire
    honestly couldnt tell ya. its been so long since i had the original tests done, i do know that i produce zero test and your symptoms that you say you have, i had. i havent had any problems with the androgel, very happy with it, but it'd be in your favor to get the inject if u intend to cycle down the road

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    The Shire
    if ur doc is unwilling, i would change, those are definite symptoms of low test. i would tell the doc ur symptoms and see what they say

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by jnewton86 View Post
    if ur doc is unwilling, i would change, those are definite symptoms of low test. i would tell the doc ur symptoms and see what they say
    Well I'm in the military on a very small base, so I think he's one of the only docs... and My test results apparently are within normal levels (test and prolactin) but I wasn't given any numbers personally. My only other thought is that maybe it's mental? And I have no idea why I used to be a freakin' stallion...

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    The Shire
    based on your symptoms i say low test, but if the military doc said you're good, i suppose it could be stress or anxiety. did they look for anything else besides test levels?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by jnewton86 View Post
    based on your symptoms i say low test, but if the military doc said you're good, i suppose it could be stress or anxiety. did they look for anything else besides test levels?
    They checked pretty much everything else in my body, liver, kidneys, blood pressure, etc. Everythings in excellent condition. I was on various ADHD medications growing up and antidepressants (altho I didnt think I was much depressed) but discontinued those products mid highschool, which was over 4 years ago, and I didn't start having problems till about a year and 8 months ago... Only major thing that I can think of was a serious relationship ended 2 months prior, but that's old news so I dont see howd that would affect me now.

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